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    Good morning. We have had heavy rain,but its eased off now.
    We had planned to go to Wakefield shopping and then to Sainsburys.
    But, after yesterdays power cut,we need a new battery for the house alarm.
    Hubby likes to go to one particular shop for the battery,so we are going into town instead.
    It will give me a chance to go to my favourite butcher and get stocked up.
    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


      Good morning All - Nan what a lovely pic. Pouring here and gloomy. Not doing much today after running around with the big fairy yesterday. Got all my daughters soft toys down from the loft and big fairy helped me sort and wash some of them. She was delighted to take home some of her Mummy’s precious toys from her childhood. Hope you all have a peaceful and happy day. X


        Good morning Nan2, FQ and all who follow.
        Flipping wet and gloomy here!
        Wakefield will have to be another time Nan2.
        I can just picture that FQ, I remember doing something similar

        Later today we are going over to our friends for OH to help them empty their hot tub. It's one of those inflatable ones and this is the first year they have had it (lockdown purchase!) They have asked us to stay for a takeaway.
        No other plans as such, but OH will be packing for tomorrow's two day golf trip.

        Happy Saturday everyone. I'm on my way to the Tea Rooms!
        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


          Wet and gloomy here as well, it looks like it is here for the whole week.

          Enjoy the takeaway Gem.


            Morning ladies
            Ive had a busy morning
            Washed dried and ironed a load of Darks and Lights ,
            Stripped the bed that lots in the washer and ive just ironed the fresh bedding its hanging on the bedroom door to go on later ,
            Dusted and hoovered through and cleaned all my door handles ,
            My sister rang we had a chat then i had a shower

            Just my Glass tables in sitting room to clean but my arm is really painful now so i will leave them till later .

            Its dark and wet here its never stopped lashing down since about 5pm yesterday i have the lamps on it so dark ,
            Gem hope its dryer getting the hot tub empty

            FQ i hope they are happy in their new home and not in your loft im sure the fairys will love having them xx

            Nanto a battery for alarm is more important and anyway you get to stock up at butchers so win win

            Lizzie we are in for a bad week too i think .

            how are we all today ?

            Clover i hope the men can get started with preparations for roof ,and its not to wet for them

            Going to have a cup of tea by then Bedding should be ready to put in tumble dryer .

            Im not fat just 6ft too small


              STOP Oma, you are making me feel tired and very lazy.

              Grey and wet here, no plans for today. I saw a cobweb when I drew the curtains so will shake the fluffy thing on a stick at it. At least these dull days don't show the dust.

              It is a shame we are not a sentimental family, no toys in our loft to pass on to the GGC. My DD didn't have teddies, just an elephant which fell to bits, she did have tiny tears and barbie dolls.

              Will pop back later, must get dressed.
              What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                Plant, she makes me feel tired and lazy too!!!!

                The hot tub is now not being emptied today as it is so wet. LOL. We are still going over to our friends house this evening for a takeaway though.
                DD and SIL3 are coming round for coffee at some point today, as they are picking up their car from a local garage.
                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                  Too late to say good morning, so "hello, everyone"

                  It's been a busy morning with one thing and another so I've only just come online. But I have tidied the chest freezer and stacked the dog food order neatly in there. Stripped the bed and washed all the bedding. Some of it's in the dryer and I need to do a couple of other loads of washing.

                  Had a chat with DIL1 - I think they've had even more rain than us. Parts of our garden are flooded, and Eva is refusing to go out and paddle. She'll have to be brave sooner or later!!! We only had the gutters cleaned out a couple of weeks ago and they're overflowing again. I think the soak away may be blocked with tree roots (not even our trees).

                  Enfys, I'm so sorry you have been feeling so awful this week. You are doing amazingly well, but P has left such an enormous hole in your life, it must be hard to take it all on board. As everyone else is saying, be kind to yourself. Sending hugs.

                  Clover - it sounds as though you are continuing to look after your ladies. Well done - I'm sure they are very grateful, and it gets you out of the house for a while as well. I do hope the roofers can get on with their job on Monday. I guess at this time of the year they have to work round bad weather, and perhaps high winds are worse than rain.

                  Oma - it sounds as though your nephew in law need a reality check! I'm sure you gave him one, and I hope he listened.

                  Gem - how lovely for s to have a couple of days of golf - she missed a lot last year with her broken arm, then lockdown this year. I'm sure it will do her good. How is your mum? Is her hip ok? It will be nice to see DD3 and her OH after their special week.

                  Nanto - that sounds like a good change of plans.

                  FQ - it sounds as though you and your big fairy had a lovely day, and I bet she was thrilled to take some of her own mummy's toys back home. I'm sure you need a feet-up day today, though.

                  Time to get some lunch, and I think I'm ready to put my feet up and read for a while afterwards.
                  "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                  (Marianne Williamson)


                    Its still raining
                    Watching the birds having a wash in the rain , they really enjoying the puddles , almost upside down getting their feathers washed .

                    I have cleaned my tables nothing to do but laze around , i have a couple of good books on my Kindle so with them my Puzzle book and internet im finding plenty to do just sitting around
                    Im not fat just 6ft too small


                      Enfys, understandable you sometimes have bad days. Still early days.

                      Raining here as well, and i think it will be a bad week for us weatherwise.

                      Gem,enjoy your takeaway.
                      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                        It has rained here all day.
                        We had a lovely chat with DD and SIL 3 and looked at lots of wedding photos.
                        We have stayed inside today. GS1 needs a bigger scooter, so this afternoon I ordered one for his birthday,
                        Off to our friends for a takeaway tonight and deliver a birthday card at the same time.
                        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                          I think its rained most of the night,but eased off a bit now.
                          Probably get some more today.

                          Going for my shower now and then i want to sort my meat for the freezer.

                          Oh, good morning.
                          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                            Good morning Nan2 and everyone else.

                            The rain has stopped and the sun is out.

                            This morning OH goes for 2 days of golf so fingers crossed the weather stays OK for them.Nine of them are going for 2 days golf and a night in the hotel there. They missed their trip to Portugal and other away events, so the small group of them arranged this. I'm happy for them, but envious as I would love to be meeting my forum friends!
                            I am busy tomorrow but no plans today.
                            My intentions are to go M&S for something nice for my tea tonight, and watch at least one of the Harry Potter films (I think I have 3 more to see) read, maybe do some painting, whatever takes my fancy. I would visit mum if that were allowed, but of course it's not at the moment.

                            Have a good day everyone.
                            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                              Gem, i see you have changed your avatar,to a Halloween one.

                              Hope the weather is decent for your OH and friends.
                              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                                Good morning ladies , it finally stopped raining about 4.30 this morning and sun is out but more forecast for after lunch ,

                                Gem treat yourself push the boat out and have a cake too
                                Hope weather stays fine for them but it is said to be getting worse over next few days '

                                Nanto we sorted our big freezer out yesterday need to sort the small one out ,
                                Did you get all the meat you wanted ? did hubby get the battery ?

                                Pop to Lidl for it opening at 10 for fresh baked bread but that's it today ,
                                Pushed my arm/ shoulder to the limit yesterday im paying for it today , my own fault

                                Spoke to Libra Gran the other day she is visiting her family in Poole for a few days , she's fine just anxious that there have been a few Covid 19 in her village this week

                                Been in shower and i couldnt dry my back B couldnt hear me calling so i solved the problem by blowing it dry with my hairdryer

                                will pop back later to see how everyone is , have a nice Sunday ladies xxx
                                Im not fat just 6ft too small

