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    Oma, what a pity you couldn't get a parking spot.

    Been a busy day here. Got inside jobs done.
    Then hubby's pal came, so made a cuppa for us all.
    Just sat down with it,then Bro in law called, so made him a cuppa.
    Just sat down again when DS2 arrived with his pal. They had been for a bike ride.
    So, yep you've guessed it,made them a cuppa.

    We were all sat in the garden in the lovely warm sunshine.

    After all visitors had gone,we had dinner.

    Grass has been cut,hubby tidied some plants/shrubs.

    I know this is nothing special, but i love this patch in the garden.
    Its where Lucy the cat is buried.

    20250309_101429lucy (1)lucy again.jpg

    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


      Aww, Nan2, that's beautiful. Lovely spring flowers to remember her by. I had a cat called Lucy once.

      Oma that's so annoying. Like when we went to Filey kite festival and there was literally nowhere at all to park.

      Plant, good for SIL doing the grass cutting.

      Lovely day here too.
      I sat in DD1's garden this morning so the cat could have a good play and wander (they don't have a cat door yet) OH did some tidying jobs in our garden.
      I have cancelled tomorrows aquafit, but hope to be there on Wednesday.
      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


        Just come back into my room, lots going on next door. All the GC here and just been fed, also Sil’s sister, she is gong to Normandy with them tomorrow for the week plus another sister and her OH. The children have had a lovely time in the garden, H should sleep well.
        What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


          Hallo, it has been a warm day, again, I went on the bike to DS1 this afternoon, GD1 was home, she gave me the present she brought for me from Portugal. She was telling me how much they had all enjoyed themselves, only the drunken Irish men in the evening put them off!

          I have taken the dining chairs down to the garage and brought my original ones back up here, I have just joined the free sales site for the village and will get them put on there in the morning. If I have the time, the filling in of the tax forms starts tomorrow evening and Tuesday mornings, that for 2 months so I will be busy with coffee etc.

          I was telling DS1 and DIL about my plans for if I ever get alzeimers, they agree with me so I hope to get it all sorted soon. I just hope that it is never needed!

          DS was saying that he and DIL went to Scheveningen yesterday afternoon, it was packed, I saw that in the news. Parking is very expensive, but, they enjoyed it and had their meal in a very good fish restaurant on the harbour.

          Gem, are you not feeling any better yet?


            Hi Lizzie,its been lovely and warm here today. I heard its going to turn cold from tomorrow.
            Glad GD enjoyed Portugal.
            Being busy with the coffee's will keep you occupied.

            Plant, a busy day next door then.
            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.



              ​​​​​​SO pleased to hear your GD had a good time despite the drunken Irish men.
              Are you selling the chairs because you don't like them or to make room?

              A lot for your DD to sort out feeding everyone when she's going away ,
              I bet the little ones had a great day, is the baby walking now ?

              Best to cancel give yourself another few days to recover xx
              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                Lizzie, I'm glad your GD enjoyed Portugal.
                I am feeling a bit better I think, but feel ropey if I do much so I'm trying to take it a bit easier for a few days.
                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                  Lizzie, your GD's week in Portugal has flown by, but I'm sure she had lots to tell you. I think you're going to busy on the coffees for the next couple of months. Hopefully you'll never need the plans, but I agree it's better to be prepared.

                  Goodness me, Nanto. That was more like an invasion than visitors. Are you sure there isn't a sign outside your front door saying "Open All Hours"? What a beautiful spot in your garden. I hope it brings back happy memories of your Lucy. xx

                  Gem, I'm sure DD1's cat enjoyed the sunshine. I hope S got everything done in the garden that she wanted to. You're sensible cancelling Aqua for tomorrow - it's time to give yourself a rest and get properly better. I keep saying this to OH but he hasn't taken much notice the last few days.

                  Plant, what a busy day next door. I don't know about H sleeping well, but I think you will as well.

                  We've had a busy day as well. I put a load of washing in this morning, and - great joy - dried it outside. The first time this year. OH had promised to sharpen some wood turning tools for a friend so he disappeared into the shed after breakfast.

                  I decided to make the most of the warmth and sunshine and did a few jobs round the garden. I tried to hoe the weeds off but the top layer of soil had formed a hard crust and needed more ooomph than I could give it. It seems incredible after all those months of rain. I don't think I've ever gardened on such awful soil. I cut back a Spirea and a clump of Phlox, despite help from Eva. In the end I gave up and sat in the garden with her for a mammoth cuddle! I managed a bit more tidying up before cooking dinner for lunch time. It was such a glorious day that we ate out in the garden. I know it's going to go cold again, but how lovely to have a taste of summer!

                  After lunch I trimmed round the lawn and then mowed it. It doesn't look much better, but I only took a little bit off because it's going to go colder again. It was good to have that 'newly cut grass' smell as well!

                  When I look at what I've done, it doesn't seem much - time to get a bit fitter.
                  "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                  (Marianne Williamson)


                    Oma, I am putting them on the free site, I do like them, but, I prefer the ones I have now, plus the fact I have more space in the garage!


                      A bit of frost this morning.

                      Daisy, we had the mower on a higher cut for its first cut of the year.
                      So glad it got done.
                      I think we must have had a sign on the house yesterday saying cafe open.

                      DS2 and DIL coming today. They are having some work done on the house.
                      I'm doing a roast beef dinner, it's an easy dinner when visitors are coming.
                      Going to take a lemon meringue pie out of the freezer for pudding.

                      Lizzie, hope the chairs go.
                      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                        Good morning everyone.

                        I'm sure your visitors will love that dinner Nan2.

                        Well done getting those tasks done Daisy. Our grass hasn't been cut yet, but it doesn't look bad.

                        As I mentioned previously I decided to cancel today's aqua class, and hope to go to Wednesday's.
                        I have plans to meet my two school friends for lunch today and I am not cancelling that. My appetite has been intact throughout Where we meet is a short drive for me with a car park outside, so very easy.
                        DD is taking little E for his follow up appointment at the eye department of the hospital this morning. She will drive here, park on our driveway then get the bus in.

                        I hope today is the start of a good week for everyone.
                        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                          Morning ladies

                          You were busy yesterday but Eva cuddles are more important,
                          You wouldn't believe the ground would be so hard , as you say the rain we have had it should be a mud bath.

                          Hopefully the chairs will go quickly ,
                          My DD has some in her Garage but SIL hung them on the wall out of the way,
                          She only keeps them for Christmas when everyone visits.

                          Hope it's good news for E's eyes
                          Enjoy your lunch.
                          Would you believe B got up with a sore throat and runny nose again this morning.

                          I bet that roast goes down well,
                          I like lemon meringue keep me a slice 😁

                          Just popping down to the charity shop with some stuff this morning then to the post office.

                          I have Physio at 1 pm , and we are hoping the men are coming for the shed today ,
                          They had to cancel Friday because of the rain.
                          Im not fat just 6ft too small


                            Good Monday morning, everyone.

                            Nanto, roast dinner and lemon meringue pie - yumm. Do DS2 and DIL live nearby. I'm sure they will be glad to escape the work being done on their house. No matter how small the job, it seems to disrupt the whole house!

                            Gem, enjoy your lunch with your school friends. I hope E's eye appointment goes well. I'm sure he will take it all in his stride - he seems a confident but chilled little boy.

                            Oma, poor B! I hope that doesn't develop into a full-blown cold. It will be good to get the shed collected. Once you've decided it has to go, you just want it out of the way, don't you. I'm sure the physio will make you feel like a spring lamb. xx

                            No particular plans for us today. It's hazy sun, but rain is forecast for later, so I might try and do a bit more gardening before it gets wet. OH is out tonight, so I'll cook dinner for lunch time.
                            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                            (Marianne Williamson)


                              It I have a doctors appt at 11.30, need to have a check about my breathlessness, more tablets I suppose. GD dropping me off when she picks up H from nursery.
                              What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                                Plant, how did you get on at the doctors? I hope everything is ok. xx
                                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                                (Marianne Williamson)

