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    Daisy, the lattice pie was lovely. Its the only pie i buy.

    Glad Eva had a good time at dog training.

    Also pleased OH and his pals had a good day as well.

    By heck, its turned cold here. It was very dark earlier, darker than it usually is at 7pm.
    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


      Nanto, it's cold here as well.
      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

      (Marianne Williamson)


        Hospital visit was very trying tonight .
        MIL very confused.
        She kept saying whose this man sitting on my bed he shouldn’t be there,
        I said it’s not a man it’s your pillow , no she said he has a hoodie on, she said it over and over
        I had to lift the pillow up to show her in the end ,
        She then said who’s that sitting opposite with the striped headscarf on ,
        It was a empty bed and chair , she got annoyed when we said there was no one there , she said yes they have jeans on and they are showing their backside 🙄
        She then accused me of sitting with my back to her .
        We spoke to the sister and she said they had become aware of it this afternoon so she was going to do a water test , classic signs of water infection .
        Came out with a headache and concerned.

        It feels like she’s two step forward one back each day.
        Im not fat just 6ft too small


          Lizzie, all good wishes for your poor friend.

          I love the garage door Oma ( and B of course )

          Daisy I love the Hairy McClary book and know it by heart

          We arrived, checked in and had a late lunch as we were hungry after a very early start and delays. Then we unpacked, had a cuppa and both promptly fell asleep. We are not suited to these early starts!
          We have had dinner, sat on the balcony a bit and now just relaxing in the room and ready for an early night. We must be getting old!!
          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


            Good morning.

            Gem, glad you arrived safely, hope you had a good sleep and raring to go this morning. 😊

            So glad we got the garden done yesterday, the heavens opened last night.

            Oma, if it is a water infection, I hope the antibiotics kick in quickly.

            DS2 and DIL are on their way to Tenerife, they celebrate 🍾 their 1st anniversary on the 9th.

            I'm hoping to get some mash made for the freezer. If I've got time I'd like to make some plain mash and some potato, carrot and swede mash.

            Dinner today will involve bacon I think.
            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


              Morning Nanto / everyone.
              Such a wet miserable cold day so far.

              I think early starts when your not used to it knocks your body clock doesn’t it.
              You will be all rested for today ❤️

              Only way I can eat cooked carrots is mashed with swede

              my back still sore but no where near how it was ,
              B going to pop to Aldi for me only need a few bits we well stocked up .
              Nothing else planned just see how the day pans out.
              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                Good morning everyone

                I will post again later.
                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                  DS picking me up about 11am to take me for a blood test, nothing to do with back. Had a not so good night, not much sleep.

                  Oma, so sorry your mil was confused last evening. Sounds like a water infection. I hope your back is feeling better today. Like the door colour.

                  After the delays, I hope you feel rested now and can enjoy your holiday

                  What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                    Good Thursday morning, everyone. As forecast, it's wet, wet, wet here. The tumble dryer will be kept busy today!

                    Oma, I'm so sorry to hear your MIL isn't well. It does sound like a water infection, and she's also possibly dehydrated. I don't think patients are generally encouraged to drink water regularly enough. Would she eat those "sweets" that help with hydration. They just look like luscious jelly baby type sweeties, but have electrloytes and vitamins in them. Thank goodness your back is a bit better - but don't overdo it.


                    Nanto, I hope DS2 and DIL have a lovely time in Tenerife. It doesn't seem a whole year since the wedding, does it. Let's hope the weather is better there than here. What a good idea to have mash, especially different sorts, in the freezer ready to put meals together with. Enjoy your bacon.

                    Plant, you must be so fed up with this pain. I hope somebody can do something to help soon. Hope the blood test is ok, and you don't have to wait around sitting on uncomfortable chairs.

                    Gem, have a wonderful relaxing day in the sun. Not jealous - not one tiny, teeny bit. xx

                    Today is my day for trying to get everything ready for our holidays. But, so far, the phone hasn't stopped ringing and my mobile connection is still playing up. So a quick hello - I'll pop back later.
                    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                    (Marianne Williamson)


                      B rang this morning she’s much better , they now think it was her oxygen levels.
                      Shes been on oxygen for 5 weeks they took her off for 24 hours to see how she did so possible it is a combination of the two.
                      Those drops look good , she is drinking sips of water but in my opinion not enough .

                      So sorry to hear you had a bad night ,
                      pain during the day you can sort of cope with but during the night when you can’t sleep with it is another thing isn’t it xx

                      Im not fat just 6ft too small


                        Oma, pleased to hear your MIL is so much better, but she might enjoy the sweets and they do help. Are you both visiting tonight?
                        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                        (Marianne Williamson)


                          Oh dear Plant, I and everybody wish you were getting better.

                          Oma, glad MIL is a bit better.
                          Glad your back is a bit better.

                          Miserable day here, so it was a good time to get the mash done.
                          Done both kinds of mash, all in the freezer now.
                          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                            no our DD is going in so she will no doubt be asking questions 😁

                            Its belting down here windy and cold , B has decided to make broth as it’s so cold and we have veg to use up.
                            Its like winter already.
                            Im not fat just 6ft too small


                              Oma, its like winter here. DS2 messaged and said its 28 degrees in Tenerife.
                              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                                Oh dear I'm sorry it's so cold back home!!

                                Glad to hear MIL is much better Oma.

                                Not long until your holiday Daisy ​​​​​

                                Plant I'm sorry to hear you had a poor night.

                                We have had a good swim in the sea and now ( 4pm) are back in the room for showers, tea and a game or two of Skip Bo. We are half board so only have to go up in the lift for our dinner later.
                                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

