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Time to Chat Day by Day

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    Good morning everyone.

    Nan2, I'm glad the dress looks good. It's raining here too, started during the night.

    Aquafit this morning. I am aiming for two classes a week whenever I can now. I think we will be staying for coffee.
    No other plans - as far as I am aware!
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


      Good morning, I am going to circuit training anytime.

      Rain is forecast for later today, but, I have my new raincoat so I can see how it works!

      I actually got the skirt for my friend altered yesterday afternoon, I kept putting it off, strange really as it all went well and looks good. I hope it fits though!


        I hope the raincoat does the job Lizzie!

        On Monday I wore a thick overjumper to the pool, no coat as it was warm enough. I intended to wear the same this morning but will have to wear a less thick jumper with raincoat over!
        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


          Good Wednesday morning, everyone. It's dark and raining cats and dogs here. It feels like November all over again.

          It's the usual Last of the Summer Wine gang here today. I'm not taking Eva to dog training as she's still not well, but the hairdresser's coming at 9.30. I've been meaning to get my hair cut since before Christmas, but what with one thing and another the time has slipped by. I think major rehash is needed today, but I'd better get on and get it washed. I'll pop back later.
          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

          (Marianne Williamson)


            Back from WI, very interesting talk. My cleaner has arrived, Yipee, I hope we are now back on track. It was lovely to sleep in my own warm bed last night.

            How are the two poorly dogs?

            Gemini, how nice that S can get on the golf course again.

            Oma, that food sounds good, I have salmon tonight.

            Daisy, have a large airing cupboard with a hot water tank in my bathroom, I leave the airing cupboard doors slightly open and it is lovely and warm in there.

            The above was written yesterday but not posted, had lots of interruptions.

            Daisy sorry to hear Eva is still not too well. Will you change your hairstyle?

            Gemini, Sounds like a quiet day for you, Aqua twice a week, very jealous.

            At last I have had my house cleaned, I hope we are back on track now. Dil popped in last evening to return my toothpaste and brush I left at their house and then left her coat here.

            Lizzie, I hope your new mac keeps you nice and dry on your bike.
            What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


              Morning everyone

              Same here weather wise , never stopped since last night rain rain and more rain.

              Why do they have to spoil everything with Garlic,
              I used to like the steam veg bags with pease green beans and Broccoli but now they have garlic butter on them Yuk

              Poor Eva , Storm is a little better with the Antibiotics and sickness jabs ,
              Vet was saying to DD all the wet weather and fungus growing when dogs drink out of puddles there could be fungus in the water ,
              Shes usually very careful not to let him drink out of puddles after he had Giardia as a pup due to a dirty puddle
              But sometimes they do it without you seeing
              Hope she’s feeling better soonxx

              Enjoy Aqua, although with this rain you could stand in the back garden and exercise to get the same effect 😂😂

              Hope the new raincoat does its job ,
              Sometimes we put off jobs we think will be a pain and then they turn out to be straight forward don’t they😀

              Been to Aldi this morning , didn’t need much so there and back quickly.
              Just sitting with a hot chocolate and going to browse on here for a bit before I decide to do anything else .

              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                What did you have done to your hair in the end Daisy?
                Best to give Eva break from her class if she's not on form. I hope she is much better soon, and Storm, Oma.

                Plant I feel sorry for you missing aqua. Is it possible to go if you can somehow cover the affected areas of skin?

                Golf course is closed again today! OH enjoyed her game yesterday at least.

                My back and shoulders are aching after the class so I have my lovely warm wheat bag and am doing nothing this afternoon! Not my turn to cook either so a proper rest
                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                  Afternoon all

                  Oma I love garlic, give me mac and cheese with garlic bread and I am one very happy woman

                  Just been in touch with our local gardener/ handy man as OH wants to change the garden lay out. He wants paving slabs put down on the part and he lawn where to grass refuses to thrive because of tree roots from the trees at the tennis club on the other side of the fence.
                  Years ago OH would have done that sort of thing himself but as you know , old age doesn't come alone.
                  Our youngest DS would do it but we hate putting on him too much and the gardener is his mate so he always gives us a fair quote.

                  Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                    Old age stops us doing lots of things doesn’t it ,
                    Our SIL will say just ring but he works damn hard the last thing we want is to be asking him to do stuff when he’s been working all week.
                    Although he is going to paint the kitchen ceiling for us at some point but no hurry for it.
                    Paving slabs are heavy work ,

                    What was the talk about?
                    Always nice to come home to your own bed isn’t it .

                    You indulge yourself get a good rest 😀

                    I decided to polish the wet room towel rail , that led on to the towel holder on the back of the door coming down and polished then the extractor fan , my god the muck in there Im ashamed of myself 😱

                    I then took the drain in the floor out and gave it a good clean and bleach then I thought well I’m up here I may as well give the bedroom door handles a polish ,
                    So what started as a 5 minute dust of the towel rail led to lots of other little things .

                    im feeling very virtuous now the extractor is clean though 😇
                    Im not fat just 6ft too small


                      We have the rain now, as forecasted. I have been to do the circuit training, the young friend that has Parkinson seems to be getting worse, well, he is, he told me he has been very depressed about it all this last week, I can understand that.


                        Oma, the talk was about the life and death of Amelia Earhart, aviation pioneer and Leslie Howard, the English actor who was also killed in a plane accident, reputedly killed by the Germans during the war.
                        Very good speaker.

                        What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                          I'm not sure where today's gone, but it has disappeared without me having much to show for it. Our newly warm bathroom is fantastic. No more shivering in the shower!

                          I ended up having about 3" cut off my hair - it's just about shoulder length now and feels much better!

                          Eva is still not completely better. She's stopped being sick (thank goodness) but things aren't quite normal in the toilet department yet. I'm hoping that will right itself when she gets back onto normal food. She's on tripe and turkey at the moment, but hopefully by tomorrow night she can have something different.

                          Plant, things are settling down again in Plant City. The talk sounds very interesting.

                          Gem, at least S got a game of golf in yesterday, before the course closed again. You're doing well getting to two Aquafit classes a week, but I'm sure it all helps with building strength and flexibility in your new knee.

                          Lizzie, how sad to see someone so young suffering with such an awful disease. How was your new raincoat?

                          Oma, what are you like! I'm sure none of it was that bad, although I noticed our shower room fan needs a good scrub. Poor Storm, he sounds a lot more poorly than Eva has been. I hope he's soon back to his normal food-loving self.

                          Mimi, I love garlic as well! But I've got a friend who is actually allergic to it! I'm sure the new garden layout will be better, although I suppose the tree roots could lift the paving slabs in time. All these jobs get harder as we get older, don't they!
                          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                          (Marianne Williamson)


                            Good morning. Raining again.

                            Yesterday's dinner wasn't too bad, the garlic wasn't too strong. I won't be buying them again. There was too many potatoes for me. I prefer the plain ones from Iceland, but they didn't have any last time I was in.

                            Hairdresser coming this morning.

                            Oma, sometimes one job turns into twenty.
                            Not much for me to do today, got quite a bit done yesterday.

                            Dinner today chips, pork chops and garden peas.
                            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                              Good morning,

                              I love garlic as well.

                              We had heavy wind and rain late yesterday and yes Daisy, my new raincoat kept me dry!!!

                              Oma, we have a central ventilation system and I have to clean the fans regularly. The system needs replacing so will see when that is going to happen.

                              The man with parkinson disease is 62, he was telling me there is a young man in the boxing group he goes to, only 47!

                              Gem, my friend in Scotland was out playing golf yesterday so their course must be dry.


                                Good Thursday morning, everyone. It's dark, dreary and pouring with rain again, here.

                                Lizzie, you chose well with your new raincoat, and the way the weather is at the moment it will come in very useful.

                                Nanto, although, I think 6.10 is a bit early for cocks to be crowing in our house! Have you tried your dress on yet? I hope it's ok. Perhaps the filled Yorkshire Puds should be relabelled Potato and Garlic with a bit of Chicken!

                                I'd planned to go to the garden centre today, and OH said he'd come with me, but he has to go sick visiting now, so I might go on my own. I'll see what the roads are like - if there's a lot of flooding I won't bother.

                                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                                (Marianne Williamson)

