May I join you Gem, oooh it is cosy in here, cannot beat a real fire. I will have a baileys with ice please.
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The Granny's Rest
I'm retiring for the night ladies. This cold is making me tired, plus I have woken very early the last few mornings.
Hot honey and lemon please barperson. I hate whiskey, but they say it's good for a cold, so put a shot in there please.
Night all!“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
I have come to see the last of Christmas Eve in the Rest, then it's good night from me!
Mulled wine just before bed will give me indigestion, so a small Ameretto for me tonight.
Merry Christmas everyone, I hope you all have lovely days tomorrow.
(The staff here will be having a day off tomorrow, but feel free to come in and pour yourselves a drink)
“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown