Got Date for transplant today . Goes next Tuesday for medical Admitted on the 25th then Transplant starts 1st April . feel a bit sick and nervous now . He was shaking when they phoned but he will be fine
This is really good news Oma. Sooner done, sooner recovery can happen. You're never far from my thoughts. Sorry I'm late coming into this, but I've not had chance to get on here for ages.
"Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."
Had a very busy Theoday yesterday youngest DS and DIL came over to spend the day with us and their nephew... it was lovely. The sun is shining today and this afternoon we are going over to elder DS and DIL to start moving some things into their new house using hubby's little van. DS has to work this morning and tomorrow morning so the moving has to be spread over a few afternoons - it is a good thing they didn't 'complete' on the sale and purchase on the same day. His friend is coming with a larger van tomorrow. We are in for a busy few days so may not be around here much.
Grandmothers are just antique little girls - author unknown
I've been so busy these past few days and am finding it hard to get on here every day,by the time I have arrived home I am flat out on sofa with feet up I have been helping with a
food kitchen for under 21s teaching them to make basic meals for when they move into their own flats etc,some of them didn't even know how to boil an egg but they are all nice kids and at the end of next week we are going to hold a party with them doing all the food from recipes they have been given,it was arranged very quickly as part of the new community centre so will in the future the lessons will be available every fortnight to new members.
Also been spending a few hours on ebay trying to find some sun dresses for holiday in May I only need 2 at the most and have settled on 2 longer length kaftan type dresses which can be used at home for daily use during the summer,also just this week noticed my passport runs out 10th March so that has been renewed and should be back in 3 weeks its a good job I checked I would have been stood at checkin with a red face
Oma, I hope hubby is better soon!
Glamma, my passport runs out in May and I travel in June, so I must get on with renewing mine also!!
I went to the Dr this morning and got antibiotics, so maybe my cough and wheezing will improve
“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
We renewed our passports in November because we're going to America and you have to have had your current one for several months before you travel. It used to be just needing about 6 months left on it, but that new regulation nearly caught us out.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
Hope hubby feels better soon Oma.
We had planned a day shopping, but I think it will be just a quick trip to the supermarket, hubby is longing to get some gardening done.
Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.