Qwerty, I'm so very sorry to read your account of the concert. The same thing happened to my daughter & I when we went to see Lionel R last year in Manchester arena. It was a girl & her bloke from Liverpool, also in their thirties. Too long a story to tell again but it makes you so angry doesn't it. I mean why spend all that much money, get legless & not behave in an appropriate way? I don't begrudge anyone enjoying themselves but to spoil it for others ....grrrr, it makes me so angry. 
We're going to see Lionel R again at the end of this month in Sheffield. My OH laughed his head off when I said I was going to take pepper spray for any trouble makers! I did so envy you going to see Barry M. Good for you for being able to rise above it.

We're going to see Lionel R again at the end of this month in Sheffield. My OH laughed his head off when I said I was going to take pepper spray for any trouble makers! I did so envy you going to see Barry M. Good for you for being able to rise above it.