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    Good to see you back posting again Qwerty. I saw Barry M in London when I was about 27yrs old or there about. I gave all my LPs etc to the charity shop as his music was my anchor during a heartbreaking time in my life. His music took me straight back to that time so I avoided playing it. If you've been a fan for that long I hope that you take a box of tissues cos you'll need them. Beautiful man & beautiful music. I really hope that you enjoy yourself.

    Everyone else sounds like busy bees. know what these ladies are like. Asking them to behave themselves...well
    "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

    (Doe Zantamata.)


      Good morning all. We have had some dreadful thunder storms here since we arrived.. At the moment I am ooking out through our hotel bedroom window on to a beautiful view of the river that runs along side of the Groves.
      Yesterday we had to walk through ankle deep flash floods, but we managed to laugh all the time we were doing it. Today the plan is to take a walk along the Roman wall so fingers crossed the rain will hold off.

      I see we have another spamer on here. It's getting more frequent now isn't it. Is it the same person? The random writing appears to have the same pattern about it.
      Bring me sunshine in your smile.


        Good morning. It was a bit foggy when I got up at 4.30, still is.

        Got rid of the spammer Mimi.

        Been thinking about Glamma, hope the wedding went well.
        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


          Hello all glad everyine is having fun. Posting a picture of Joe's birthday cake. His birthday was Tuesday but he was away on a school trip and we were not allowed to ring him. He wanted a. Rocket and rugby cake which gave me something to think about. I hope he likes it when we take it around later.
          Attached Files
          If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


            Zizi can't see it but did see it on FB I think you mean Cricket not Rocket (predictive text ) 😊Mimi glad you are laughing anyway 😁 . We off to Ikea and the Range this morning , need Handles for my new larder units and want new Curtains for living room washed mine and they just not hanging right now ,no matter what I try I have pressed them washed them again and let them drip dry on the line and the still have wavy edges , even put curtain weights in but no different so they are getting changed 😕
            Im not fat just 6ft too small


              Yes Oma CRICKET not rocket! Will try posting pictures again
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              This gallery has 1 photos.
              If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


                Good morning everyone, have a good Sunday

                Good cake Zizi.

                Qwerty a friend of mine went to see Barry Manilow last night. Facebook is full of her praise for him. I'm guessing you had a good night!
                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                  Morning ladies, well typical of it to rain but forecast is clear by 6pm. So toss up between maxi dress or top and leggings seems to have been made for me. We are prepared with our giant golf umbrella just in case. Cake looks yum ZIZI, sure there won't be much left by the end of the day. Saw eldest DD and girls yesterday, E is now only an inch shorter than me she's going to leave me behind soon. But I think N has inherited my genes, her feet at size 3 seem to have stopped growing and she's going to be a shorty by the look of it. M at 9 is taller than N so no more hand me downs from N to M. Cannot believe how quick they are growing, E told us all about her school trip to France and she had a locely adventure. She went to a snail farm, and had a go at eating escargot which she enjoyed, but not so much the snail pate. Sounds disgusting to me, but then my DD's like snails, squid, sushi etc. Not for me I'm afraid. M and T are coming to the proms, although I cannot see T sitting still for 3 hours.
                  "What doesn't kill us,makes us stronger."


                    Well IKEA isn't happening today the car won't start again , got RAC man out he said its a faulty cell in the battery following Brian down to garage now, so it will be B&Q and Sainsbury,s today we were going there tomorrow so just swap days over . Best laid plans and all that . Libra everything crossed it clears up it wet and cold hear xxx
                    Im not fat just 6ft too small


                      Drizzle here today, hope it clears for the street party in the Mall.

                      Received my postal vote form for the referendum as I shall be away on 23rd. Decision time now I feel if I am indecisive I shouldn't vote but feel I have to use my vote.
                      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                        Just been to deliver the cake and the presents and got a "wow" and a "cool" in one sentence. He is eleven so I reckon that is quite good! He liked the shirt I bought him (Jasper Conran) so much he put it straight on. He says I should become a baker! Sadie was very cute today as well. Went on to see Ben and was shocked to see dil's face. She had a fall in the shower last weekend and spent the day in hospital. She has an enormous left black eye, her face is all bruised and swollen. Why didn't they tell us? Dil didn't want anyone to see her, she showed us some pictures and it was horrendous poor girl. As she fell she hit her face on the cast iron bath side.
                        If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


                          Oh that sounds nasty ZIZI poor girl
                          well we got nowhere today we have a poorly car Brian took it to garage and RAC man brought him back home they can't deliver a courtesy car till tomorrow so I walked over to shopping centre myself to get fresh veg for tea , all our plans are being re arranged need to get to places to be able to finish off dining room and sitting room so frustrating , I also picked up a new key cupboard I ordered from eBay had it delivered to Argos should be white and it's a pale grey I'm not happy that's the trouble ordering on line you can't see the colour what I think is white and what they say is white do not match 😠
                          Im not fat just 6ft too small


                            Originally posted by Mimi View Post
                            I see we have another spamer on here. It's getting more frequent now isn't it. Is it the same person? The random writing appears to have the same pattern about it.
                            I'm away from GRU for 24 hours and then I'm struggling to catch up with what everyone is doing - or has already done in most cases.

                            Mimi - spammers seem to be like bananas - the come in bunches. If we get a run of them I check the ISPs to make sure they're not all the same person, but they all get a lifetime ban anyway. We're lucky to have such great Mods.

                            Zizi - poor DIL, that sounds painful.

                            I'm shattered. After not sleeping well at DS's on Friday night, I was up at 5.30 yesterday to go to the IWM for OH's Spitfire flight. It was a long day, and today I went to look after both GDs so their mummy and daddy could go hospital visiting together. I've still got a hacking cough which is annoying more than anything, and I'm very bored with it! Tomorrow is back to looking after the GDs, and we don't know yet how we will cope with their other Grandad being out of action for the foreseeable future - he usually looks after them one day a week.

                            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                            (Marianne Williamson)


                              Ooohh poor girl Zizi she must be in a lot of pain and shocked I would imagine .
                              Oma have you had problems before with this car ? I know what you mean abt colours I bought some new bedding to go on the spare bed in cerise pink ordered some cushions the ones with appliqué roses on them thought it was cerise in colour but it's more a shocking pink, clashes but I am told that's fashionable now 🙄
                              Went to see Baz last night , boy he was on form not some much dancing about but more singing which suited me he still has he sang just like he did 20 yrs ago when I last saw him, unfortunately it was spoiled but a young couple probably in their 30s so old enough to know better sat next to us, didn't turn up for the first half it was a well known saxophonist plays with Stevie Wonder and other big names but not my scene, still we had paid £150 for our tickets so watched it I can't understand people paying so much money and not seeing the first half needless to say they had been in the bar and were well oiled by the time they got to their seats. Well In between their talking and going to the bar then the loo they can't have seen but a quarter of the show, they talked incessantly loudly not about the show anything but that, we couldn't hear when Barry talked and when he sang she sang loudly along but didn't know the words I leaned over and gave her a loud ssshhhh made no difference, eventually OH said would they mind keeping their voice down but they got louder, he got up and pushed passed us to go to the loo no excuse me and trampled over my bag and jacket which I would have picked up if I had been given a chance, anyway decided to just ignore them and tried to enjoy the show.Why do they allow alcohol into the Arena they can't possibly check on who is consuming large amounts he was spilling his drinks in plastic squashy glasses all over the place whilst trying to get passed us all on the row and his girlfriend just laughed at him what' a twit I would like to replace the I in twit with an A but I am too much of a lady 😏


                                Oh Qwerty I would have bloody tripped him up , no need for ignorance is there hope they have the king of all hangovers today and iffy stomachs. Why pay to see something then not watch and listen , I feel angry for you , you were so looking forward to it too .xxx
                                Im not fat just 6ft too small

