Lovely day here , I had DD2 for the weekend and she made me "proper " coffee , so made some today and enjoying it , but the machine needs a good clean . It is just the single cup machine from Lakeland , I do it proper strong and dilute it so we both get a cup .
Querty , this is a new kitchen !! albeit a temporary one till we get planning and start building
Just to prove how you all influence me - yesterday I bought Fever Tree tonics, as Zizi and Plant had been talking about them. Now I am drinking coffee because Aggie was talking about it.I usually drink tea in the afternoons.
Windy and rainy here. Off to my client when I finish my coffee.
“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
I have just realised that it is ages since I wrote anything on this thread. Been so busy with one thing and another! Today I learned that my silver tongue has persuaded someone in a different part of the company that they should give some work experience to three general maintenance apprentices from Lambeth college. Working on getting some placements on one of our construction sites as well.
Got notification of husband's pension entitlement today so that will go in the second account. Second surveyor coming for kitchen on Thursday as the first one said he couldn't do it as we are too far away! My favourite nude court shoes have split and I ordered some more from Debenhams but when they came they were way too tight so I ordered some new ones from Marisota. They are supposed to be here today but not so far. It is chucking it down outside.
So, not that I am a nosy neighbour, but it looks like neighbour at the end of the cul de sac opposite us is renting out his drive way to people travelling from the airport. I have noticed a lot of different cars and people and saw some people yesterday with luggage opening a box on the wall and getting keys out! I wonder how much he charges?
If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together
Oh dear. So you are definitely moving then? It's a big decision. But I can see why. I really think that when you see the house that's meant for you, you will just know. It's like choosing a school or a cat!
Afternoon ladies never stopped today so unable to come on hear , well sitting room painted and emulsion,d got bits to do like put door handles back on curtains to iron etc will get them done tomorrow I can honestly say I'm getting old I'm so tired and ache everywhere , The stairs hall and landing won't be getting done till Sunday I need a break and have other stuff to do like hospitals shopping etc , once upon a time I could have plodded on and got it all done in a few days but age is catching up with me now 😕😊
YUK Jane .I bet you couldn't wait to get out of that house.
I'm bragging now, but we have had a wonderful,warm,sunny day here in S.Wales. It's not often we have the best of the weather!
My DD posted a picture of one extremely wet puppy after being out for a walk. That's dog owning for you-out in all weathers! I note she didn't post a picture of herself or GC.
When we were looking to move fifteen and a half years ago we went into one house, we called it "the flowery house" due to the dreadful big flowery wallpaper everywhere and it stank of cats. At that point we had three cats ourselves so I knew that it was not necessary for the place to smell like that. Another one we went to had a dog. I am not awfully fond of dogs to be honest, scared of them, but I was shocked when the dog squatted to do a poo in the sitting room and the owners quickly put a newspaper under him. Some people have no idea how their life styles fail to sell a property.
Every property we went to had a name according to how we felt about it. There was quite a nice "chalet type" house but it was nicknamed the sad house because the man who was selling it spent the whole time pointing out the bad bits and telling us the story of his divorce from his wife who had left him for another man. He was almost in tears and obviously did not want to move. The "hidden house" was where it was supposed to be three bedrooms but we could only find two, when we asked about the third bedroom it was what I can only describe as a wardrobe with a built in bed with and wardrobes/drawers above it, very claustrophobic, no light or ventilation source, only one exit which was into the double bedroom and very damp smelling. I could write a book about the places we saw. At that point prices in this area were beginning to rise and there were a few porkies being told.
When we moved here it was not really my choice except that it meant husband could walk to work without a lot of problems. I admit that I cried a lot in the early days as I missed my beautiful house and my friends being around me but soon after we moved so did everyone else and many quite far away. But we have done a lot to the place, it isn't perfect but once the kitchen goes in and we have got over that disruption it should be lovely. Regarding decorating, husband said we can do it, meaning he can, I am not a decorating person. I say we can afford to pay someone so let's just do it. Once the kitchen is done and the bedrooms are redesigned the whole place will need redecorating and I know the perfect project manager to oversee all of this...... YEP ME!
If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together
[QUOTE=ZIZI;n44944]When we were looking to move fifteen and a half years ago we went into one house, we called it "the flowery house" due to the dreadful big flowery wallpaper everywhere and it stank of cats. At that point we had three cats ourselves so I knew that it was not necessary for the place to smell like that. Another one we went to had a dog. I am not awfully fond of dogs to be honest, scared of them, but I was shocked when the dog squatted to do a poo in the sitting room and the owners quickly put a newspaper under him. Some people have no idea how their life styles fail to sell a property.
ZIZI, that's disgusting with the dog.
Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.
I know we were both quite shocked and I just said to husband that I had seen enough. The owners protested that we hadn't given the house a proper viewing but I just wanted out of there. We went to see a downstairs flat one time, it was in a lovely little cul de sac and the house next door had rubbish by the gate so we assumed it was rubbish day. We liked the flat which had an enormous garden and a double garage (which was falling down to be honest). I could see in husbands face that he was thinking conservatory building, then I saw an overgrown lane at the side and a sort of wood right down the end of the garden. I asked what it was and was told it was the garden for the upstairs flat. Well they wouldn't have been able to use it the owner said they have five children under ten and they all play in the street, they are a pain. Whoops you very nearly had a sale there!
If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together