Sorry to hear Qwerty is still under the weather. We'll have to make sure she doesn't sing so much ( and loudly!) on our next meet!!!
Oma, glad that Brian is feeling better.....hope you are too!
Off for an overnighter with GS tomorrow. DD has won tickets to the rugby in Cardiff between Australia and Fiji! Made an apple crumble to take with us, don't know what else we're going to eat though!
Believe you can and you're halfway there.
Theodore Roosevelt.
GS didn't want to go out today, so we stayed in. He seemed a little below par after lunch so I gave him Calpol at 2 and he watched C Beebies under a blanket on the sofa. He ate a good tea though, so he can't be too poorly!
“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Just popping in to say "morning".....going to have a quick runaround with the hoover, my sis is calling in for a visit this morning with her only GC who is 2 for a cuppa and a catch up, so will be nice to see my Great Neice too..
Gem hope little fella is feeling better, I think there's something going around T was off school Monday with tummy ache and he would never stay off if it can be helped, he loves school.
Good morning all.
Sunny and windy here , time to get the washing on!
Apart from GD from school, nothing much planned today.
I hope poor Qwerty soon feels well enough to join us again!
“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Afternoon - have been working at home this morning, hung a white wash and have a coloured wash on, it chucked it down all day yesterday so I want to get everything dry so I can call my Fairy to come and collect the ironing.
Ben is at home today, he is usually kept home after a day at the hospital. We are having Joe and Sadie for a sleepover on Saturday so we have decided to take them to Windsor and go on the Duck Ride - I know there has been some controversy over these rides as a couple have caught fire etc. but they are the ones which are the old WW2 vehicles. The Windsor ones are purpose built new vehicles. Hopefully Ben will be allowed to join us. Not sure about a sleepover though. If there is going to be a sleepover I will have to go to my work storage unit and get one of the fold up beds out, last time he stayed he got scared in the bunk bed which was odd as he never was before. I just know that if that happens again I cannot sleep in a double bed with him and Paul what with one snoring for England and the other like a wriggly worm!
Husband is on a training course today so won't be in until late, meatballs and veg for dinner. I made a casserole yesterday and a chilli on Monday - what a lovely wife I am! It is usually him who does the cooking but the training courses drain him so I thought I would be kind...................
If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together
Hope everyone has had a good day so far. Late in today, will have to catch up later.
our eldest has been having a clear out,so we did a car boot sale for him this morning. Couldn't do it himself, had to go to work. Anyway, made him £175, so I'm sure he will be pleased with that.
We came home had a cuppa, got showered, then went to the pub for a meal.
All in all it has been a good day.
Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.
Feeling very sorry for myself, just had a brandy as you subscribe Zizi and am now tucked up in bed with the blanket on. Hope to feel better tomorrow Night night.
What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare