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Time to Chat Day by Day

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    Plant, we had some of these large wasps n the garden yesterday.
    We googled them,and apparantely they are Asian Hornets,not wasps.

    A beekeeper's business in Kent has nearly been destroyed by Asian hornets. But what are they and why are they dangerous to insects in the UK?
    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


      Nanto, thank you for that link. I know the Asian hornets are a problem, but I didn't know how to tell them apart from local hornets. I'm not kindly disposed to either species - their stings are incredibly painful and they always seem bad-tempered, unlike most bees and wasps who won't hurt you if you don't scare them.
      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

      (Marianne Williamson)


        Well my plans didn't come to fruition this morning.
        We went to hubby's sisters and had a lovely couple of hours with them.
        Came home and had something to eat,then sat in the garden most of the afternoon.
        Turned quite cool about 5ish. Cloudy now.
        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


          GS just gone home , called in after dropping Lucie at work and stayed a couple of hours ,
          Its still quite nice here but forecast rain overnight again .
          Im not fat just 6ft too small


            Nan2, that sounds a good day.
            I hope those Asian hornets stay away.

            I hope your DIL enjoyed her birthday Daisy.

            Even a pound off is worth having Oma.

            Plant I felt a lot less tired after Aquafit! The Monday class is fun and starts the week well.

            We went into the small town where Auntie G lives for lunch. We intended to drive down but she insisted she could walk with her walker. I think she felt quiet proud as she hadn't done that walk since before the pandemic. We had a good lunch and chat, and fresh air and sunshine on our walk of course. We stayed with her for a cuppa when we took her home. She will probably sleep well tonight

            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


              Nanto, what a lovely day you've had.

              Oma, nice to have GS1 home again.

              Gem, your Auntie G is amazing, and a very determined lady. Good for her for walking into town - no wonder she felt proud of herself. I bet she will go to bed happy and sleep well.

              I didn't keep to my plans for the day. DIL was having a busy day, so I didn't go into the shop. We'll probably both go after work tomorrow. OH got back about tea time. I've spent much of the day doing housework, and took Eva out just before it went dark. It's been raining quite hard most of the day, and is quite cold again.
              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

              (Marianne Williamson)


                I think we are due that sort of weather tomorrow Daisy.
                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                  Raining this morning, and feeling cooler than it has been.

                  Gem, well done to Auntie for doing that walking.

                  Oma, a pound off is better than a pound increase.

                  Not sure what I'm doing this morning while hubby is out. Probably polish the furniture in the conservatory and wash floor.

                  Dinner is chicken and bacon lattice pie (hubby's request) mash, veg and gravy.
                  Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                    Good morning, it is very (too) warm here, I went to aqua yesterday afternoon, we had a few drops of rain on the way home so were lucky, dry again after that. I told the young man about my shoulder and what I can't do, he certainly kept an eye on me! All the exercises we did with our arms, he showed the one arm version as well. I don't know if I mentioned he was working there through an agency, he is so good and popular, we have said a few times he should stay, when I wanted to change my days, I was talking to the manger and told him that he was the best one we have had in the 10 years I have been going, he must have listened, he is now working full time with a contract. He is 26 or 27, originally from Croatia, married with a 2 year old daughter, twins expected any day now. A good thing he got the fast contract.

                    I had a lovely lunch for Mothers day, cooked by GD1, a delicious club sandwich, filled me for the day.

                    I took the trousers for her to try on, all being well they are finished, only the hem to do when she tries them on again, she has an 37 inch inside leg!

                    Gem, your auntie does so well, there is a new young girl at the office where I do coffee, she is for the elderly, she was saying yesterday how there is so much that the elderly (starts at 55 years old) can do to stay active.

                    I had one of those Asian hornets on the balcony last year.

                    I am actually feeling better, it has taken almost a fortnight. I still haven't the energy but that will return.


                      Good morning everyone.

                      Nan2, here too it's cooler with rain forecast most of the day. Where did those few lovely summer days go???!

                      I'm glad you are on the mend Lizzie. Did you do a covid test? It could be that as it took so long. Friends of OH who have avoided it this whole time now have it.
                      Auntie is very aware of the importance of keeping active. During the lockdowns she walked all the corridors when they couldn't get outside .

                      There is a committee meeting of the library Friends group this morning. It is also my library volunteer morning but I can't be in two places at once I will do an hour or so volunteering after the meeting. GS 1 from school this afternoon. It is his SATS week.
                      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                        Morning everyone
                        Nanto, I love the graphic 😁
                        Housework never ends does it,

                        Hope GS isn’t nervous about his SATS,
                        Your Aunty G does really well how is she in herself? I bet she slept soundly after all that 😁

                        Some plans never work out do they, was it raining when you took Eva out? Hope you didn’t get too wet

                        Pleased to hear your feeling better , that young man sounds really good , how nice to get a full contract especially when he has a young family to provide for.
                        My goodness what I would give for a inside leg of 37😱😁

                        We off to post some parcels soon , They have to go to the courier shop a few villages away ,
                        one is quite a long parcel and there is the only place we can take it too,

                        Its overcast but so stuffy ,
                        Washed the floors earlier they dried instantly
                        I have some ironing to do after lunch but only a few things so I’m in no hurry.
                        Im not fat just 6ft too small


                          I did do a covid test Gem, but, the allergy.


                            Lots of early posts, I woke at 6.30, turned over and went back to sleep. I have to go to our local M&S Food Hall this morning and then I have an Ex. Brownie Guiders meeting this afternoon.

                            Gemini, well done Auntie, my walking isn’t very good. Auntie must look forward to your visits very much.

                            Daisy, you must have been pleased to see that trailer come back nearly empty, well done OH. I must watch out for those hornets. Need to pop to our local M&S food hall this morning, ex Guiders meeting this afternoon. I am having a right royal battle with young squirrels, the birds are not having a look in with food from the feeder so I bought a squirrel proof one. They then ate the food I put out for my friendly robins, their nest is in a tree in the woods you would think there would be enough food for them there. They keep looking into a hole in an old apple tree where some blue tits are raising a family, do squirrels attack baby birds? The magpies are showing interest in the nest too. Just one young fox last evening.

                            Lizzie, how nice to have a good Aqua instructor, he would be pleased to have a permanent job.

                            Oma, I do quite a lot of on-line shopping now and am frequently returning parcels, fortunately the shop for returning parcels isn’t far away. Mine are mainly clothing returns.
                            What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                              We posted the parcels then went to Lidl and Farm foods , it’s coming over dark so we expect rain soon.
                              Got a bit of a breeze whipping up so think it’s going to be stormy.

                              GS rang he has his old job back in Foot Asylum for the summer full time, mainly 6 am starts so afternoons free.
                              He starts in two weeks I think.
                              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                                Good Tuesday morning, everyone.

                                Nanto, with the cooler weather returning we'll need our cuddly throws like your cute friend's. Bacon and chicken lattice pie always sounds tasty.

                                Lizzie, I'm so pleased you are feeling better. Don't over do things, though - you are such a busy lady. How sweet of GD1 to make a Mother's Day lunch for you. It's a good job you are an expert needlewoman - she would find it hard to get her leg length size in most shops. The young man doing the aqua classes must be over the moon to get a permanent contract, especially with two babies on the way. I love it when people get rewarded for doing a good job - well done to you for putting in a good word for him. When are the twins due?

                                Gem, your Auntie G is a very sensible lady. It really is a case of 'use it or lose it' as you get older, and even gentle walking is so good for you. Typical you have the meeting at the same time as your usual volunteering session. It sounds as though the new library is a big success - you always seem to be busy. I hope GS1 isn't anxious about the SATS tests. The junior school our GD2 attends makes light of them as far as the children are concerned. The head is brilliant and says he doesn't want them getting stressed over 'exams' at that age. When GD1 was there, she wasn't even aware they'd done them - it just seemed like part of the normal school day.

                                Plant, I sympathise over your battle with the squirrels. We had the same problem, and I invested in Roamwild "PestOff" feeders. They're not cheap but they are built to last and really do work. I got them directly from Roamwild - just the ordinary dark green ones. They're also easy to fill and not too bad to clean.

                                Discover Roamwild: Clever, high-quality products designed to solve everyday problems. From squirrel proof bird feeders to ergonomic tools, we create practical solutions that make life easier.

                                I don't know if squirrels take live chicks out of a nest, but they certain take eggs. Magpies will take chicks though - and much bigger ones than blue tits. We've seen some very brave parent blackbirds trying to fight of magpies.

                                Oma, yes, I got soaked last night - so did Eva. On the way back I rang OH to ask him to meet us at the back door with a big dog towel to dry her. He did that, then offered me the towel! It's much easier to return parcels these day, isn't it. At one time we only had our local Post Office, then there were a few corner shops who accepted them - but not in our village, or anywhere near, but now Tesco Express accept them as well. I try not to use TE because they moved in and started to compete with our lovely local shops such as the veg shop, the newsagents and the florists. If we don't use these shops they will close and our village will lose some of its charm and appeal. But, faced with a 10-16-mile round trip or TE, I've accepted it's the best way to return parcels. I bet Foot Asylum were delighted to welcome your GS1 back for the summer. How does he feel about the early starts? Is it a shoe shop - I've never heard of them.

                                The weather can't make up its mind this morning. It's dry at the moment, but not warm. I need to get a bit of gardening done if possible, and will go over to see DIL2 after work.

                                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                                (Marianne Williamson)

