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Time to Chat Day by Day

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    Sending love Daisy. An early night is a good idea xx
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


      Daisy, hope you managed to get some sleep.

      I woke up thinking the shopping would be coming this morning, then remembered it's coming tomorrow.

      No plans for today I've only got some little jobs to do.

      Dinner is braising steak, onions and mushrooms in the slow cooker, will have with mashed potatoes.
      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


        Good morning everyone.

        Lovely flowers Nan2.

        Daisy, thinking of your DS and family and hoping he is home.

        Aquafit this morning and a back massage this afternoon. Hopefully my back will be thankful!
        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


          Good Wednesday morning, everyone.

          I'll update my YEO thread in a minute.

          Gem, you'll be super fit with all your aquafit and massages - I'm sure your back will be thankful.

          Nanto, what lovely flowers. I do love tulips. Braising steak sounds delicious - I might just pop round! x

          It's dog training for me and Eva today. OH and the Last of the Summer Wine team have a list of small jobs to do on the kit car today, and, fingers crossed, it will be ready to go to the upholsterers on Friday.
          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

          (Marianne Williamson)


            Morning everyone

            B loves braising steak in the slow cooker but likes finely sliced potatoes on top 😁

            Enjoy your Massage , hopefully it helps xxx

            Be kind to yourself today you need a rest ,
            I love the vision of the Last of the summer wine boys tinkering in Wesley’s garage do you put newspaper on the floor when j comes in the house 🤣🤣🤣

            Been to Aldi , didn’t spend much it was mostly veg and perishables I needed,
            Window cleaner on his rounds .
            We have clear skies for a change hopefully it doesn’t rain as itvusually does when he’s been .

            Bs sister rang last night her partner has Prostrate Cancer ,
            They waiting to see what his treatment will be ,
            He had MRI and other scans and although it’s aggressive it hasn’t spread to his bones but a few lymph nodes looks dodgy.

            They have only been together a couple of years.
            They were Engaged when SIL was 18 but he had an affair and they split up
            both married and then divorced ,
            They met up again after all these years and bought a house together just last summer.

            We are hoping it can be treated successfully, hospital seem to think so but you never know do you .
            Im not fat just 6ft too small


              Oh dear lots of worrying news today. I went to the doctors yesterday afternoon, a new lady doctor. DD came with me and I was pleased to have her there. Another blood test ordered and she listened to my heart. Blood pressure high as usual. These are all tests I had when I was in hospital for 12hours. Dr advised me to buy a blood pressure machine, I do actually have one but can’t manage the cuff so she advised a wrist one. Board games this afternoon.

              Daisy how exciting for the kit car men to get to the upholstery time. What are they going to do when this kit car is on the road? Can we share the braising steak.

              Nanto, lovely tulips. I haven’t had red meat for ages, must look for some braising steak

              Gemini, have a lovely day, enjoy your aquafit.

              Oma, hope the rain holds off if for your clean windows. How is the leg?

              What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                Pretty much the same but it’s early days I suppose. Got to give tablets a chance to work.

                Those arm cuffs are awkward when you are doing it yourself ,
                I have one and it’s a pain .
                I haven’t seen the wrist ones I will look out for one,

                Did she say anything about your shortage of breath ?
                Im not fat just 6ft too small


                  No she is just having tests done Oma. I have had so many tests done but I suppose she wants some fresh ones.
                  What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                    Oma, how sad for B's sister and her partner. I don't think the medics would say it was treatable if it wasn't - they always seem to paint the blackest picture not the most optimistic. I do hope it's all ok for both their sakes'.

                    Plant, your new GP sounds very thorough, but don't they seem to do a lot of tests these days. Any symptom you mention and it's off for a battery of tests. Did you enjoy the board games this afternoon? What do you play?

                    Oma, did it rain on your nice clean windows? I hope not. Having a BP machine is useful. We don't use our very often - usually just before we've got a doctor's appointment, and that's not very often, thank goodness.

                    Dog training went well, and Eva had lots of fun. The two newish dogs have settled down well now (the 3rd new one wasn't there) and we were all more relaxed, including the dogs.

                    There was champagne on offer when I got home - the kit car is finally ready for the upholstery, and the Last of the Summer Wine team were celebrating!

                    Oma, no, no newspaper on the floor, but I do hoover up as soon as they've gone - hall, kitchen and cloakroom! The team is moving to one of the other team member's garages. He's got a collection of about 12 'interesting' cars, so it will be like playground in paradise for them.

                    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                    (Marianne Williamson)


                      So sad about B's sister's OH Oma. I hope treatment works for him.

                      I didn't know there was a wrist BP monitor Plant. I hate the cuff ones.

                      Successful dog training AND champagne Daisy!

                      Aquafit, coffee with my friends, then aqua this afternoon, my day was quite full. My massage lady thinks I am looking straighter standing so that's good. I wish I could afford her every week. Once she starts to work on me I really realise how much my back needs it.

                      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                        Good morning, I didn't get into aqua, I will go on Monday to my usual class and see if they can fit me in on a Wednesday, otherwise, just miss it a few weeks!

                        Gem, good news about your back.

                        I went to do coffee last night, a lady came with a huge cream cake as a thank you! She has been a few times, one of the men had helped her and got everything sorted out for her, she really appreciated it and was dealing out compliments last night! Only the man that helped her has had the flu so he wasn't there, the others enjoyed their cake, I delivered the other half+ to the man on my way home. I must say they really do help the clients.

                        I have had a headache a few days, I hope it soon clears, so many ill with flu etc.

                        Daisy, I love " the last of the summer wine" title!


                          Good morning, sounds windy.

                          Oma, sad news about your SIL's partner. Hope all goes well for him.

                          Shopping coming between 9 and 10.

                          First job, cleaning fridge.

                          Yesterday I tidied the drawers in the new freezer. Took out some pigs in blankets that were from Christmas.
                          Having them for dinner with baby potatoes done in the air fryer. Probably do carrots and cabbage for veg.
                          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                            Good Leap Day morning, everyone. I always like to think about those people born on Leap Day being able to celebrate their birthdays on the actual day. It must feel quite special.

                            Nanto, that coffee looks wonderful! You've reminded me, we've got some pigs in blankets in the freezer! Knowing me, they'll probably still be there next Christmas, though.

                            Lizzie, your coffee activities sound like a wonderful community support. How kind of the lady to bring in cake, and of you taking it to the man who had done the work for her.

                            It's raining here again. I think OH is going to tidy things up in the garage - it's too wet to go and work on DS2's greenhouse. I am going out today. I'm picking up a friend from college days and then going on to a local garden centre to meet up with another friend. We haven't seen each other since the Autumn, so a lot to catch up on. I might manage a bit of retail therapy while I'm there - we'll see how the time goes, but there will be lots of chat and laughter.
                            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                            (Marianne Williamson)


                              image.png​A photo of the cake!


                                Lizzie - that looks sumptuous! Is the lady a professional baker?
                                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                                (Marianne Williamson)

