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Time to Chat Day by Day

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    Morning ladies,

    Good to know you had a good night , I agree go see your Dr as soon as possible ,xx

    Have a lovely day with GS , I miss duck feeding with little people 😁

    What a lovely graphic, made me smile 😊

    Been to MILs , she was quite pleasant today
    We then popped to Morrisons for just a few essentials while we were passing and then onto the farm shop to pick up Bs lamb rack we ordered yesterday.

    Storm coming to stay tonight DD SIL GS Lucie all off early tomorrow morning .
    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      Oma, our posts crossed.

      You have been a busy lady this morning. Dare we hope MIL has made a New Year resolution to be pleasant to her family? I'm sure you're busy preparing feasts for Storm. Does he settle ok overnight?
      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

      (Marianne Williamson)


        He's fine Daisy , we take him back home twice a day when we go to see to cats do he has a play in his garden and time with the cats .
        Doubt MIL is changing just a good day 🀣 plus we took 4 lovely meals plus puds for her 🀣
        Im not fat just 6ft too small


          Plant, glad you had a good nights sleep.

          We didn't get to the pub.

          I want a new freezer for the outhouse. A tall upright one.
          Hubby decided he wanted to make some alterations before we get the freezer.
          He's taken one cupboard down and that is destined for the tip.
          The other cupboard is being moved to another wall. The other cupboards on the floor are staying where they are.
          We have a load of stuff piled up in the conservatory. Hopefully when we have had a good sort out we won't need another cupboard.

          Gem, hope you are having a lovely day with GS.
          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


            We did have a lovely day thank you Nan2

            Outing to the ducks, followed by lunch, a play and nap for baby. Late afternoon he had a splashy bath ( more ducks!)
            Your OH has been busy!

            ​​​​​​Good that MIL was being pleasant Oma.

            ​​​​​​Did you get done the things you wanted to do Daisy?
            β€œA grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


              Spoke to the practice Pharmacist today, he advised to stay on Apixaban. I have an appt with the Practice. Nurse tomorrow to check my bloods before I have an injection for my bones. The Paramedics said I was a bit breathless, family have mentioned that too. I think I am coming apart at the seams.
              What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                Hopefully the nurse can advise better ,
                It must be confusing the Hospital say stop but Pharmacist said stay on them ,

                Has the breathless problem just started was it like that in the Hospital? Did Drs not mention it ?
                Hope your feeling a little better tomorrow , maybe it’s due to the blood loss xxx
                Im not fat just 6ft too small


                  Plant, hopefully the practice nurse will also check your heart rate and your blood pressure tomorrow and report it all to the GP. Is Apixaban one of those drugs you can't just stop taking? Your family are, I'm sure, super-observant and just trying to take care of you. xx

                  Gem, how lovely to have such a great day with GS3, especially at this time of year. I bet he loved the ducks. Hopefully he'll sleep well tonight after all that excitement and fresh air.

                  Nanto, it sounds as though it's all change at your house (or shed). We're really pleased with out new upright freezer. It's no frost and has lovely deep drawers - one deep enough to stand a 2 pint plastic bottle of milk upright with ease. I'm amazed how much it holds!

                  Oma, you never know with your MIL, maybe one good day will lead to another! I hope Storm's fast asleep but not snoring his head off!

                  I got done most of what I wanted to do, plus a few other odd jobs, and caught up on letters and emails. The weather was horrendous - more rain than I can ever remember seeing before. I had to take Eva out for a walk late tonight - she wouldn't go for a paddle in the garden even though she walks through puddles. The rain had stopped but there was flooding in places I've never seen it before.

                  Tomorrow morning we've got to take OH's car in for a new cambelt, but the garage is in the next village and I'm not at all sure if we'll be able to get through the floods. The route we'd normally use has 3 ft of water under a railway bridge. I've just read that the river level will continue to get worse until about 2 pm tomorrow! We've also got to take Eva to the vets for a check up tomorrow afternoon.
                  "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                  (Marianne Williamson)


                    Good morning, if our forecast is right we have the last rain day today for a while, they forecast keen frosts next week. There are floods in places here and the rivers are very high, we seem to have had rain for months!

                    Plant, I hope you are soon feeling better.

                    Gem, you would enjoy the day with GS3, I don't think we are allowed to feed ducks at all here, I never see anyone doing it. The girls used to enjoy throwing bread from the balcony and the ducks would arrive, that is certainly not allowed!

                    I got the jacket lined yesterday, just the buttons to do today then that is another piece of material used!

                    I phoned DS2 yesterday, he was with visitors so phoned me last night, all is back to normal and he apologised for letting me down on boxing Day, he said DIL is still not well, had penicillin etc but still so tired and coughing all the time.

                    Canto, you will soon be busy cooking and baking to fill your new freezer.

                    Daisy, is it wise going out when there are so many floods about?

                    Oma, how long have you got Storm for?


                      Good morning. I think our weather today is supposed to be like yesterday, and it very pleasant yesterday.

                      Hubby out for a couple of hours this morning, but he will be working in the outhouse when he gets back. He loves it when he has a project on.

                      Plant its good you are seeing the nurse today.

                      Lizzie, good to hear things are back to normal with DS2.

                      Jacket potatoes for dinner with cheese and beans.
                      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                        Good morning ladies.

                        Plant, I think Oma could be right about the blood loss causing breathless.

                        Daisy, around here there are so many roads closed due to flooding too. Let's hope the rains stop and the water goes.

                        Lizzie, I'm pleased that things are OK with your son.

                        Nan2, it sounds as though your OH will be busy all day. Mine likes a project too.

                        ​​​​​​GS2 is coming today. They don't go back to school until Monday.
                        We should start taking the decorations down today but I hate doing it.

                        We are going to friends tonight. They are going away for 3 weeks so we want to catch up before they go. Takeaway night as I think we have all done plenty of cooking over Christmas and New Year!
                        β€œA grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                          Morning ladies

                          pleased all is well with your DS now and your back on good terms ,
                          Storm is staying till Tuesday morning , he’s a pleasure to have ,
                          SILs parents are picking him up today to take him to the beach .

                          Im not sure when the children are back here , not having little ones around you lose track,
                          enjoy your catch up and take away xx

                          How are you today , I hope you slept well xx

                          Is there another route you can take for the car and Eva’s Vets appointment , how is her wound healing ?

                          Men like a project and it keeps them out of the way 😁

                          I have done my usual housework storm is asleep again , must be the laziest Husky on the planet ,
                          He lay on his bed just after 10 last night , I got up during night he didn’t even open his eyes and was still asleep at 7 am,
                          Only moved when he knew I was doing him toast 😁

                          Need to Sew one of his Christmas toys together today ,
                          I paid Β£9 for it as it was supposed to be dog proof , it took him less than 20 seconds to have its head off and squeaker out πŸ™„
                          Im not fat just 6ft too small


                            I have a nurses appt at 11am, nothing to do with the bleeding. It is for my bones, I have an injection twice a year for my bones but my blood has to be right, hence the blood test before the injection. I am getting so muddled about what is what now, must write things down.

                            Will pop back later

                            What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                              Good Friday morning, everyone. The rain has stopped and the sun is shining.

                              Lizzie, glad everything's ok with you DS. Poor DIL though - there are some horrible bugs about at the moment. Are you pleased with your new jacket. As always, I'd love to see a photo, please. x

                              Plant, it's a good idea to write anything medical down. I know a couple of people who keep a little notebook for such things to help keep track of dates and who said what. I hope all goes well today.

                              Gem, enjoy your day with GS2. Have you got anything planned, apart from taking the decorations down? Enjoy your takeaway with your friends tonight. Are they going anywhere exotic? Mind you, I think any getaway would feel exotic at the moment.

                              Nanto, your OH is Action Man. He loves being busy, doesn't he. Mine's much the same, but often one project will overtake another!

                              Oma, I love how chilled Storm is. I read somewhere that dogs routinely sleep for 18 hours a day if they can! Some dog toys are no challenge for our dogs, are they! When Cooper visits we have to hide a lot of Eva's toys, but there are some which are a match for him.

                              This morning has been annoying, to say the least. It's bin day, so OH went and put ours and next door's out first thing. There was a route out through the floods, but it would take longer. Then Eva wouldn't eat her breakfast. Of course, I'd put all her medication in her meal. So I carefully fished out the antibiotics and hid them in treats. Couldn't get out the painkillers and anti-inflammatories as they are liquid! OH took his car to the garage and I followed him a few minutes later. In the meantime, breakdown trucks arrived at one of the flood sites to remove abandoned vehicles, and closed the road. So I had to go back and find a different route to go and collect OH who was waiting for me. I couldn't find him - he'd gone back to the garage because he was cold. As we finally got home I remembered that bins aren't being collected until tomorrow this week!! Grrr .... I hope it stays dry so we can get to the vets this afternoon, and then back to pick OH's car up!

                              Thanks for asking, Oma. I think her wound is healing ok, and it would be great if the staples could come out today. It means that she could go to Cooper's while DS1 is in hospital, and OH and I can both go up to look after GSs etc on Sunday.
                              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                              (Marianne Williamson)


                                I am reading your posts but for some reason my head feels fuzzy, I think I am anaemic. The blood test today was something that was activated before the hospital stay but perhaps they will check it for anaemia. They check my bloods before I have a twice yearly injection for my bones. I think my drugs are in a complete muddle.
                                What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare

