have you worn your new blouses ? How did they wash . My hairdresser today said she bought one and it's washed beautifully and didn't need ironing .
Nan2 I am having a real problem with knowing what day it is at the moment! Every day is a weekend. My normal week has so many regular things that this period of having none is confusing
Tesco delivery this afternoon and I want to go to the library this morning. OH will drive me and we will go to the cafe. I had originally suggested we had lunch there but think just coffee would be better. Sitting on a chair for long with knee bent isn't comfortable at this stage.
DD2 may call in after work to pick up GD's birthday present.
“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Good morning, we are in a difficult situation about the renovation, well, I am. I have joined the helping group and there was a meeting last night, very interesting, now the facts are given the people spreading the cowboy stories will be put to shame! It will be a lot of work, we end up with pipes going along the ceiling of the bedrooms to the heating, we get our own installation, much smaller than what the others are saying. I could go on and on, it will really improve the standard of living, especially here up on the top floor, the only downside as I see it is the work involved, plus the shed and garage have to be emptied, I don't know if they will have to be completely empty as I look in the ones they are doing at the moment and the storage boxes are stacked along the walls. There is a meeting for everyone on Monday evening, I do hope everyone goes then they can make their own decisions.
Gem, take it easy with knee, I will ask my friend in the UK how she is doing, she had hers done a fortnight ago, her second one.
It is a lovely day here after rain yesterday. I managed to get caught in a shower on the way to the meeting.
I am going to the circuit now then see what I do this afternoon, I want to go to CandA (as it is called now) to find a pair of jeans that fit right.
I think your right , those chairs are not the most comfortable ones to sit in for long , I don’t know about you but after a while the back of my legs hurt , so it will be much worse for you,
How are you sleeping ?
Rumours can grow like weeds , get the facts right and it doesn’t sound as bad ,
I think it’s the idea of all the upheaval for some and usually it turns out not as bad as they think.
Im sure those who don’t have family to help will find good neighbours who will.
I think we all get days where we not sure what day it is .
Talking about braising steak ,
we were in M & S on Monday and we looked at the tins of braising steak ,
We used to buy these to make steak pies, not now it’s over £4 a tin now 🙄
I remember when I worked for M&S many years ago we would get the dented tins for 50-99p depending on the dent 😁 staff perks .
Its overcast here but warm ,
B just cleared the leaves while I was in the shower,
Storm lay by the bathroom door grumbling because I wouldn’t let him in all the time I was in then as soon as I opened the bathroom door he went downstairs , silly dog 🐕
It would have been my Dads 102nd Birthday today.
Didnt sleep well up and down for a few hours during night then tossed and turned , went in spare bed and eventually got about 2 hours so I’m sluggish today.
Oma, last night wasn't a good one and I watched 3 back to back episodes of One Foot in the Grave in the early hours! I wake a lot in pain, nights are the worst. I do sleep though, and sometimes for few hours at a stretch. I'm always up early now, not me at all!
You try to get some sleep today if you can!
Lizzie I hope things go as you wish with the renovations. Yes, I am always interested to hear how others are doing on the knee replacement journey. A friend's sister is 4 or 5 weeks ahead of me.
“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
A man quite near to us has died after a dog attack believed to be a XLBully ,
It was shot dead on the scene , witnesses said the man had severe throat injuries ,
The owner has been arrested on suspicion of Murder ,
Rumours are he set the dog on this man , but that is all it is at this point a rumour.
If it is the case then he should be done for murder,
These attacks are setting back the fight and argument that these does in the right hands are good dogs .
So sad this man was only 54 his poor family.
What is the solution to this problem with these dogs I’m not sure.
There are many good owners who are fearful their beloved pet is going to be snatched and destroyed even if they have shown no aggression in their lives .
Maybe not allowing breading and let the bread die out but what happens till then ?
Hello everybody. I'm sorry I didn't make it as far as the Chat space yesterday, and today is also pretty busy, so forgive me for not commenting, although I have ready all your posts.
We enjoyed out lunch out yesterday. Unusual for me, I had sausage and mash. It made me remember how good the sausages are from the butcher in the next village, who supply the pub we went to. I shall have to go shopping over there!
Today BIL and his wife have gone to a 'stately' home. It's more of a grand country house, but very nice. I'm off to dog training in a minute or two and OH and one of his car buddies are working on the kit car.
I'll try and get back later tonight, social life permitting!! xx
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
Oma, that is tragic about the man dying.
Many years ago, I used to buy John West tinned stew steak, one tin was enough for one pie.When I started making several pies for the freezer I began buying fresh meat and cooking it in the slow cooker.
Hubby been busy outside all morning, so I've changed the bedding and cleaned upstairs.
Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.
Its cheaper to cook your own isn’t it , plus you know what’s going into it ,
Dog is asleep , I’ve done the ironing and now having 5 minutes to myself ,
B busy making fish pies for our tea and MIL ,
Love them but the house stinks of fish so my wax melt is on to cover the smell 🤢