That is sad Clover, very considerate of you to keep a low profile today.
After months and months of waiting two men turned up today to at last connect us to the upgrade broadband which has been installed in the road they just have to bring it up the track. They were supposed to be here days ago after Sil chased them again and again. The men were on the phone to find out what they should be doing and when I got back from my flu jab they had gone. My Sil has given up with them. I managed to get down the road when I got back, no pouring of cement started. After my flu jab I spent a pleasant hour with a coffee from the cafe on the green and feeding the ducks. Families enjoying the sunshine playing on the green and feeding the ducks.
Gemini, pleased your school run went okay, apart from the sat nav directions.
Daisy, your patio saga frustration is the same as ours with Open Reach and BT, totally disorganised, in our case they don’t talk to each other.
WG, So sorry your OH had to wait so long for his discharge from hospital, I hope he still feels happy with the respite care. Take care, keep the wine and gin flowing.
I hope Oma and B have enjoyed their break, I wonder if Oma just stayed in the bath.
After months and months of waiting two men turned up today to at last connect us to the upgrade broadband which has been installed in the road they just have to bring it up the track. They were supposed to be here days ago after Sil chased them again and again. The men were on the phone to find out what they should be doing and when I got back from my flu jab they had gone. My Sil has given up with them. I managed to get down the road when I got back, no pouring of cement started. After my flu jab I spent a pleasant hour with a coffee from the cafe on the green and feeding the ducks. Families enjoying the sunshine playing on the green and feeding the ducks.
Gemini, pleased your school run went okay, apart from the sat nav directions.
Daisy, your patio saga frustration is the same as ours with Open Reach and BT, totally disorganised, in our case they don’t talk to each other.
WG, So sorry your OH had to wait so long for his discharge from hospital, I hope he still feels happy with the respite care. Take care, keep the wine and gin flowing.
I hope Oma and B have enjoyed their break, I wonder if Oma just stayed in the bath.