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    That is sad Clover, very considerate of you to keep a low profile today.

    After months and months of waiting two men turned up today to at last connect us to the upgrade broadband which has been installed in the road they just have to bring it up the track. They were supposed to be here days ago after Sil chased them again and again. The men were on the phone to find out what they should be doing and when I got back from my flu jab they had gone. My Sil has given up with them. I managed to get down the road when I got back, no pouring of cement started. After my flu jab I spent a pleasant hour with a coffee from the cafe on the green and feeding the ducks. Families enjoying the sunshine playing on the green and feeding the ducks.

    Gemini, pleased your school run went okay, apart from the sat nav directions.

    Daisy, your patio saga frustration is the same as ours with Open Reach and BT, totally disorganised, in our case they don’t talk to each other.

    WG, So sorry your OH had to wait so long for his discharge from hospital, I hope he still feels happy with the respite care. Take care, keep the wine and gin flowing.

    I hope Oma and B have enjoyed their break, I wonder if Oma just stayed in the bath.
    What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


      Good afternoon ladies ,
      We are back ,
      Yes Plant I spent quite a lot of time in deep bubble baths

      WG glad OH is settled and he wanted something to eat , I hope tomorrow you find him brighter

      Clover sad about your neighbour , I can understand not wanting friends around for a few days xx

      Plant what a carry on getting it all connected , you would think it would be straight forward wouldn't you

      Daisy a repair never goes to plan does it. I would be sacking the Patio man he is taking advantage of your good nature

      We spent 1 night and day in Coombe abbey it was amazing but so expensive having said that we would go back for a special occasion ,
      Then yesterday we moved onto Burton on Trent , Just to a Premier inn but we were out most of the day and only went back after dinner ,
      This morning the Breakfast was served in the Beef eater next door , Will put on another thread what happened there
      Im not fat just 6ft too small


        A few photos of the room
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        Im not fat just 6ft too small


          Clover, sad news about your neighbour.

          Oma, room looks lovely.

          Plant, hope you get connected soon.
          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


            Good afternoon.

            Ooh posh and lovely looking room Oma!

            We have enjoyed our free day
            Our friend didn't stay for coffee this morning as she was on her way home from a Samaritans stint, but did have a little chat with us.
            We were in the garden having breakfast as it was so nice.
            We then went to locks at the other side of town. It's lovely there, and we spent a lot of time by the water chatting, and walking around, then had lunch at the cafe. We sat outside again.
            Then to Primark where OH got two pairs of joggers. She likes to wear those at home, unless its warm enough for shorts, and a lot of hers have seen better days. Then we went to mum's bungalow to check on things. We came home and had a cuppa and game of Scrabble in the garden. Plenty of fresh air today!
            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


              I called in at DS1 today and GD2 had a story to tell me. She was at a friends house, not far from where they live, the parents where out for a meal but the elder sister and her friends were there to keep an eye on everything. GD2 had promised to be home at 9pm, DIL said 9pm came and went but no daughter arriving home, she tried to phone them but either they were not answering of the phones were not charged,

              What happened was, they have a dog and as GD2 was going to get her bike one of the older girls accidently opened the gate and the dog escaped! The older ones and the friend all panicked and went looking for him, got in touch with other friends before their phone’s died on them, GD2 hadn’t a phone with her, she stayed to look after the house in case it was burgled, what she thought to do on her own no-one knows. She managed to find a phone and phone home and tell them what was going on. Luckily there were sightings of the dog through the village and he was found and returned home, at 11-30pm. By this time the parents had returned home, GD2 said the mother was really annoyed with the girls for letting it happen.

              The elder friends then took GD2 home, it was midnight by they time she arrived home with her story to tell.


                Oma, the room looks very nice.

                Clover, sorry to read about your neighbour.

                Gem, I saw the photo on FB, it looks nice there.

                I have had a lazy afternoon, blame John Grisham for that!


                  Good lord Lizzie, I'm glad GD2 got safely home in the end!
                  “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                    Your comment about Oma made me chuckle Plant! I've visions of her looking like a prune after all her baths!!! Sorry Oma.

                    Beautiful sunny day here, but rain forecast tomorrow sadly. Was up at sparrow's f*** and got through so many jobs I need to sit down and catch up with myself!

                    Going to see OH tomorrow. Thought we'd let him get settled in before we visited. I'm sure he had some tea last night and probably some breakfast too....they offer full English as well as other choices. One resident who, according to his family, only ate cheese, tomatoes, avocadoes and crackers, seemingly has a full English everyday!!!

                    Glad your cystitis is clearing Lizzie.

                    Sad news about your neighbour Clover. I think I'd be like you and leave outside jobs for a day or two and coffee with friends can wait a bit longer too.

                    Gem I think children always look so grown up when they start senior school in their new uniforms. The afternoon reception intake was going to school yesterday and they look so little, all in their uniforms running and skipping along the road.

                    Enjoy the rest of the day ladies x
                    Believe you can and you're halfway there.
                    Theodore Roosevelt.


                      WG, I'm sure the care home will do their best to tempt your OH.
                      You may or may not remember, but my mum went into the care home 18 months ago on End Of Life care, as we had been able to get her to eat nothing and drink minimally for days, she wouldn't get out of bed and she had stopped outputting urine.
                      She had a cup of tea and a bun, or at least part of one , in a chair on the day she arrived, and had eaten fine ever since!
                      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                        WG, hope OH is eating something/anything.

                        Lizzie, GD2 certainly had a tale to tell. Pleased got home ok.

                        Been a good day here. Weather has been lovely and warm.
                        After shopping at the supermarket,hubby helped DS1 with a job.
                        We all had dinner together.When DS left,i decided to cut the grass.
                        All i wanted to do after,was get in the shower. It was so relaxing.
                        Rain is forecast for tomorrow,so i'm glad we got the gardening done.
                        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                          It's been a beautiful day here, and I've done loads of washing and even better, most of it doesn't need ironing. Drying washing is about all we can do in the garden until the patio is finished and I despair of the lawn!

                          Clover - I'm sorry to hear about your neighbour. It sounds as though you will miss her cheery personality, and it's considerate of you to put off your coffee morning and the outdoor jobs for a few days.

                          Gem - I'm glad the school run went ok, despite the sat nav's best efforts to send you to the wrong place. It sounds as though GD is happy in her new school. You've had a lovely day by the sounds of it.

                          Lizzie - it must have been quite a worry when GD2 didn't turn up as planned. I'm glad they found the dog, though, and your GD was brave to stay and guard the house.

                          Plant - glad you were able to get in and out of your road today. At least you've got cabling for your broadband to the house and I hope the last bit can be connected up soon. We're still waiting for BT and OpenReach to cable from the cabinet round out road. No sign of action yet! I wonder why they didn't pour the concrete for your neighbour today. It's sounds as though it was marginally more relaxing for you today.

                          Nanto - we're forecast rain for tomorrow as well - good job you got the lawn cut.

                          Oma - the room looks very posh!

                          We've spent most of the day pondering what to do about the patio problems and in OH's case, fixing the leak under the sink. Then we went round to some friends for a drink and our friend mentioned they'd got a leak in their sink. Her OH isn't at al practical so my OH went to have a look and thinks it's their Quooker (sp?) not the plumbing itself. It must be the season for leaks. But it was a lovely evening and we sat in the garden for a couple of hours - lovely.

                          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                          (Marianne Williamson)


                            Daisy, the men from Open Reach spent some time on the phone and then said someone should have marked where they had to dig, so they left. GS1 and his wife and family came for a BBQ today, GD 1 and baby H came too, so a houseful for DD and Sil. Lovely day so Sil cooked a BBQ. GGS has loads of energy and had the family chasing balls, he organises everyone. He said as I was old and couldn’t run, I could throw the ball. Had my flu jab this morning and then fed the ducks
                            What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                              It's dry just now,but rain has been forecast.

                              Plant, GGS was being considerate about you not being able to run. Bless him.

                              Hubby has asked me to make some apple pies, so thats one job for today.
                              Going to clean the toaster out and descale the kettle.
                              Then clean the fridge,before it gets too warm.
                              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                                God Sunday morning, everyone. Same here, Nanto - it's not raining yet but it looks as though we're in for it later.

                                Ohh, apple pies, yummy, with lovely thick custard, please. What kind of pastry do you use?

                                We're expecting patio man at 9 o'clock, so I'd better go and get my shower etc. We need to talk to him! Funnily enough we saw him last night as we were going out and he said he'd be here as promised - we'll see. We didn't say anything about the problems then as he was obviously heading for a night out in the village.

                                I keep trying to catch up with some much needed cleaning but with one thing and another I don't seem to get round to it. I'll have another go today!

                                I hope everyone's ok. WeeGranny - I'll be thinking of yu this afternoon when you go to visit OH. I hope he's feeling happier and more settled. xx

                                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                                (Marianne Williamson)

