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    What a night ! I’ve been awake for most of it but when I did manage to drop off I had the strangest dream.

    I was in the kitchen rolling pastry on the floor, it was on a pastry board, I’m not that unhygienic, when into the kitchen came John Travolta on a horse which walked all over my pastry. It was then I woke up..... I challenge anyone to tell me the meaning of that
    Bring me sunshine in your smile.


      😂🤣😂🤣 at Mimi’s dream!

      Good Moaning Each.

      Re Daisy’s ham, I tell my girls if you make a dish and it doesn’t go to plan, just call it by another name.
      We also went to a tribute evening last night, Rod Stuart. It was brilliant. A similar thing to Qwerty.
      Jazz at Hyde Hall tonight. This is always a good evening too, it’s outside in beautiful surroundings so I’m glad it’s going to be a pleasant evening weatherwise.
      I must shift myself now and go and buy some picnic food before the shops get busy, then I’m going to spend the day on my new garden seat!
      Enjoy the weekend ladies.
      Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they are put in hot water.
      Eleanor Roosevelt.


        Good morning.Hope you have all got the lovely sunshine like we have.

        Mimi, that was some dream. I wish i knew what the meaning was.

        Going into town today. Not been for a couple of weeks.
        Will call in the supermarket on the way home.
        I won't have do to any cooking,we will eat out.
        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


          Morning ladies

          We may go to the beach as its Armed forces day down there today ,
          I was in bed for 9.30 and I slept till 7 I was absolutely shattered I didn't even wake to go to toilet as I usually do , I only woke at 7 as I was bursting for a pee

          Mimi what a wonderful dream , I have dreams like that , a few weeks ago I had a dream I was watching a elderly neighbour carrying a donkey around her neck down the road , couldn't understand why but then remembered I had seen a advert on TV where a old lady had a donkey on her back , not sure what advert was for maybe greek yoghurt ?

          Daisy I had Falafel on Hummus , im not a fan of Hummus but there's is lovely its lemony it came with a lovely mixed salad with a lemon dressing ,B had a lamb dish it was wrapped in flat bread and in a sauce that was delicious with a Mint Yoghurt dip , B hates Yoghurt but again its home made and has a distinct flavour doesn't taste like yoghurt at all , It came sliced in bite sized bits he cleared the plate .

          Mind you I love Baked ham so I would have preferred yours even if it came with two extra tooth pics hahaha

          GM enjoy tonight , its going to be a lovely warm evening or so they say xxx

          Nanto are you going for anything special or just a mooch around ?

          B pressure hosed the paths down both sides of the drive yesterday , hes now doing the paths down the sides of the shed and by the back gate they get very green in the shade and all the tree sap gets on them .
          I must get to the garden centre and renew the plants in the pots Storm killed by peeing on them might get some Cactus that will stop the B***er cocking his leg

          Have a good day ladies hope anyone under the weather feels better with the sun shinning xxxx

          Im not fat just 6ft too small


            Good Saturday morning everyone, on what I hope is a lovely sunny day for all of us.

            Oma - both your meals sound delicious. Isn't it funny how some things you're not keen on can taste so different in a restaurant. I confess to boiling the ham. If I've got time I usually boil it then bake it with honey and mustard, but I was short of time yesterday. The toothpicks are still missing! On Storm's recent performance eating the raisins, I don't think a cactus would stop him cocking his leg on them - he'd just end up with horrible big prickles in his leg!!

            GM - what a brilliant way to spend a summer evening. Don't forget your mozzie spray, you don't want to share that picnic, or become the picnic for the mozzies! When recipes go wrong I describe the meal instead of giving it a name - so my salmon yesterday was 'baked salmon with a crisp crust of garden herbs'!

            Nanto - enjoy your meal out today. Cooking's no fun when it's this hot.

            Mimi - I'm sure we will come up with a meaning for your dream!! What happened to the pastry?

            Have a good day everyone.
            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

            (Marianne Williamson)


              All that talk of food is making my mouth water. I like Falafel Oma, meal sounds just what I would like to eat. Love ham too Daisy, do you put anything in the water like peppercorns or bay leaves, I like ham boiled and sometimes then baked. My Mil used to put a little amount of vinegar in the water.

              No plans for today, not sure what the family are doing, I know DD and Sil are out tonight. The doctor, not mine, he is on paternity leave, said to leave off the tear drops as it will water down the antibiotic. Rock still there but please let there be some improvement today, it is so tiring. I am going on holiday to Yorkshire on the 15th with my NT group, there will be lots of trips arranged so I don't want to be a misery.
              What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                Been down the coast it was so lovely down there , not too sunny and a bit of a breeze made it very pleasant to walk along the prom , a shame we cant get the wheelchair onto the beach they could do with a broadwalk along for Prams and wheelchairs ,

                Watched all the Cadets from each forces and the veterans march along the road ,
                Im not fat just 6ft too small


                  Its a scorcher here today. A lot of people in town were saying its going to 10degrees cooler tomorrow.

                  Oma didn't go into town for anything special. Although we wanted a new picture for the downstairs loo.
                  Didn't see one that we really liked.
                  Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                    Afternoon ladies, I was up early this morning which is unusual for me. But meant all chores were done before 10am, I have some ironing to do but it's to hot right now B said to leave it until we get back 🤔 but as I explained then there will be a case full to add to it. We have had light cloud but that dreadful breeze has died away, does no favours to the hanging baskets makes them dry out even quicker.
                    Oma Shiloh killed some lobelia I had in a pot cocking his leg against it🤬,thankfully neither have peed on the artificial grass-yet. 😄.
                    Hope your eye soon feels better Plant,must be very irritating for you.
                    Mimi what a bizarre dream,had you eaten cheese before bed. My Mother used to say eating cheese late at night gave you bad dreams,or that might be an old wives tale.
                    We are not cooking tonight,neither of us feels like a hot meal, so ham and salad it is.
                    2 more sleeps before I am back on familiar ground. 🙃
                    "What doesn't kill us,makes us stronger."


                      Libra Storm pees on my artificial grass and DD's artificial grass all the time it does no harm to that just living things hahahaha
                      Im not fat just 6ft too small


                        Well its clouded over now.Still very warm,but not as intense as it was.
                        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                          Same here Nanto still have all the windows and doors open , there was a few spots of rain earlier but didn't amount to much ,
                          Going to be a stuffy night I think
                          Im not fat just 6ft too small


                            Plant - poor you, I do hope that rock soon melts away, it must be so tiresome. xx

                            Oma and LG - at least your doggies only kill the plants, Eva, being female, kills the lawn, stone dead! But then I'd rather have Eva than a beautiful lawn. Of course, Cooper and Bailey both do their best in the leg-cocking department!

                            Nanto - our local forecast said the same thing - about 10 degrees cooler tomorrow. I've just spent about an hour watering the garden and Eva! She loves the hosepipe but I don't let her actually drink the water as it can cause 'dry drowning'

                            Libra - we're having ham and salad tonight as well. In fact I'd better go and get it - I didn't realise it was so late.

                            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                            (Marianne Williamson)


                              Storm keeping cool storm keeping cool.jpg
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                              Last edited by Oma; 29-06-2019, 07:31 PM.
                              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                                Just had a few spots of rain,and a few rumbles of thunder.

                                Oma,love the photo of Storm in the pool.
                                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.

