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    Libra Storm does the same , he has a dance around them then tries to catch them , im always running outside to stop him , maybe he's learned his lesson now but I doubt it
    I bet your counting the days down to your visit

    Enfys its the house alarms around us that go of in a power failure

    Nice to hear P feeling more himself but the fatigue takes a long time to get over , Hospital told us it could take more than 2 years after treatment to feel back to normal , B still gets very tired some days with no energy at all and can fall asleep at the drop of a hat ,

    Tell P to be patient not to push himself too much it doesn't help and I always think they have a right to feel tired all they have put up with without complaint xxxx
    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      I'm glad to hear P is feeling more his old self Enfys.
      I hate saying goodbye to my cars Libra, I hope this one gives you just as good service. Nice to have your few days in Poole to look forward to

      What wet old day!
      We went to the Pride parade. So nice to be there, but it was pouring down. So sad to see everyone getting so wet. I was glad we had already decided not to go the the racecourse, it would have been terribly muddy.
      I had a text from friends who were also there, asking if we were in town. By the time I saw the text the parade had gone and we had retired to a nice dry cafe. They came and joined us for lunch, so that was nice.
      I went to mum's this afternoon and did a few things she wanted doing. Lots more to do but I will do it bit by bit.
      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


        Good evening ladies

        Enfys I’m so pleased P is feeling more himself.

        Gem what a shame it was so wet for the parade. I wish I could have sent you some of our sunshine.We’ve had a lovely,If a bit windy ,day. How nice to meet up with your friends.

        Libra I hope you soon feel at home in your new car. I bet you can’t wait for your visit back to Poole

        I’ve felt quite tired today so not a lot got done in the Clover household. I did rub up a batch of scones.I also got G to try on a few pairs of lighter trousers that I suspected wouldn’t fit so well this year! I was right so a few more items for the charity shop.Just been on- line to order him a new pair of grey ones.

        Hope your day has been a good one so far. Enjoy the rest of it


          Enfys, good to hear P is feeling so much better.

          Gem, such a pity it rained for the parade. Had quite a bit of rain here,although its brightened up a bit.

          Went to hospital to bring mam home. They still say its muscle pain,caused by the curvature of her spine.
          Came home after she was settled in front of the tv, but we are going round tomorrow.
          Got dads trousers done,while i was watching tv.
          Need to do the ironing in the morning,so will press his trousers then.
          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


            It's been like the hokey cokey in the Daisy homestead today! In-out-in-out-shake it all about! The washing that is. I put it out. It rained, I took it in. The sun shone. I put it out. It rained, etc, etc!

            Enfys - I don't blame you for not wanting to drive in that rain. I drove to and from DS2's in it yesterday and there were floods all over the roads. Not pleasant. I'm so glad P is feeling more like himself. I hope he takes Oma's advice and doesn't overdo things though.

            Libra - I'm sure you'll grow to love your new car just like your faithful Bessie. Are you counting the days to your holiday in Poole?

            Clover I have days like that when I just feel to tired to do anything I don't have to. All you can do is go with the flow and hope tomorrow is better.

            Nanto - I'm glad mum is home, and I'm sure she is as well. Curvature of the spine can be very painful, can't it. Well done on getting dad's trousers done.

            Plant - you must have needed that lie in. xx

            Gem - what a pity the weather was so bad for today, but a nice bonus meeting up with friends over lunch. I hope your mum was pleased with what you did today. xx

            Oma - there's not much you can do if a dog is hell-bent on trying to snack on bees or wasps. Unfortunately they will get stung eventually. Eva doesn't seem too bothered thank goodness, as trying to medicate her in any way at all is not for the faint-hearted.

            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

            (Marianne Williamson)


              Good morning.Beautiful start to the day.

              Hubby just gone to a big car boot sale in Wakefield with his brother.

              Think i'm going to have an early breakfast,then tackle the ironing.

              Off to see mam later.
              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                Good morning Nan2 and everyone else.

                I hope MIL is ok now she is home Nan2. How old is she? She's in her 90's isn't she?
                Daisy, I have curvature of the spine and it makes my neck ache a lot. Mum was very pleased with what I did yesterday. Things get to her, and if I can help a bit it is better for her, and me!

                Today we are going out with 2 of our friends, and luckily, the sun is shining
                We are going to Yorkshire Wildlife Park , down the road from Nana I believe - I wonder if I will see her there!
                The friends we are going with have never been there. They have no car so it will be nice for them to be able to today.

                Have a good Sunday whatever you do.
                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                  Morning ladies ,
                  Nanto pleased MIL is home saves you the trip up and down to Hospital ,

                  Gem enjoy your day hope it stays fine xx

                  Daisy it never stopped raining hear yesterday and it was cold .

                  Not a nice day yet its overcast but dry so far ,
                  Had a Headache all night so feel drained and fuzzy headed today ,
                  Stood under the hot shower for ages just letting the heat sooth my neck and shoulders they feel very tense

                  Pop to Morrisons for fresh bread and we may go up the coast today there is a food festival on see what its like ,
                  Have a good day ladies and all that pop in later xx
                  Im not fat just 6ft too small


                    Good morning, everyone. We've got patchy sunshine, but everywhere's very wet underfoot after all that rain. Fingers crossed it dries up a bit before the gardens open in our neighbouring village. OH has already gone to help with the rest of the setting up for the wood turning demonstrations.

                    Oma - does the weather affect your headaches? I was just wondering if the low pressure for the last few days has caused it. A few hours at the coast might be just what you need.

                    Nanto - I hope MIL has had a good night. I wonder what your OH will come home with?

                    Gem - constant pain like that is horrible. Do you have any treatment for it? Enjoy your day out at the YWP with your friends. How funny if you also bump into Nana. I hope the sun shines for you all. xx

                    I've got a few jobs to do and later on I'll go and see how things are at the paddock. I'm still undecided about whether to take Eva - but she's much more lively this morning and obviously recovered from her busy social week. I'll probably park further away and walk her there so the routine of parking right outside and immediately being able to gallop round is different.

                    Have a good day evryone.

                    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                    (Marianne Williamson)


                      Sunny here atm, hope it lasts and the wind has dropped, it was gale force yesterday. GD and her boyfriend are settling into the cabin, went to Ikea yesterday to get a small table. GGS stayed next door overnight, his parents went out with friends, no problem with his parents leaving him, he loves to come here. Apparently they are completing on their house Monday week and moving in here, we shall be quite a commune, DD and Sil are working out the logistics of it. Hope they find and complete on something before their next baby arrives in September. They looked at one yesterday they are quite keen on so fingers crossed.

                      I am sure your mum gets bothered with things that she can't do herself any more Gemini. Have fun with your friends, hope the weather is kind to you.

                      Daisy, it is a lovely morning here so it looks as if it will be fine for the village event. I wonder what Eva will make of it.

                      Hope the sea air will blow your headache away Oma.

                      Nanto, hope you find your Mil in good spirits, what sort of things does your OH buy at the Car Boot sales?
                      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                        Good morning all. Very cool and damp this morning. Some idiot nearby was setting off fireworks last night at 11.00! Went on for ages and set off all the neighbourhood dogs, I really don’t agree with fireworks being sold until nearer November 5th....grumpy old woman here, but I’m so tired!

                        Feeling exhausted, not just because of last night, but I think everything’s catching up with me, and now that P is feeling better I’m relaxing and just have no energy for anything. He is still taking it easy, still gets tired but at least he feels better in himself. I just want to crawl into bed and stay there.

                        No jobs to do today thank goodness, so we are just going to potter and have a quiet is Sunday isn’t it, I lose all track of time 🤓🧐🤔

                        "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


                          Oh Enfys, if the weather is nice just relax in the garden with a good book. Pleased that P is feeling better but taking things easy. I agree fireworks shouldn't be sold before bonfire night.
                          What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                            MIL is fine thank you.Complaining about this,that and t'other, so we know sh's back to normal.

                            Plant,hubby tends to buy a lot of DIY stuff. You know, stuff that he needs.
                            He will buy gardening stuff as well,but i think he enjoys looking around.
                            Neither him or his brother bought anything today though.

                            Thought it was going to rain earlier,sky was very dark,but the sun is out now.
                            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                              Beunos tardes senoras I wont bore you with my escapade so if you want to read about it its in my journal suffice to say all is well here !!
                              I don't have a brilliant connection but to be honest I havnt had much need of it present company accepted, I do get on Ft now and again ', I read that some of you have had mil problems hope all is better now and that P is on the mend.
                              The weather seems a little unkind to you and I know its no compensation but its blooming hot here more than it should be for the time of year. OH Is thinking of taking up golf as its just over the hedge from us, told him to slow down a{ not sure I want to be a golf widow and b { are we staying ?
                              Hope our hanging baskets and tubs are not drowning DS is keeping his eye on things.
                              I cant reply to many posts gone by just too much to take in ,will try and catch up again shortly I hope , but we are well and enjoying life


                                Good to hear from you Qwerty , enjoy the heat its raining a lot here , good to hear J is relaxed and enjoying life xxxx
                                Im not fat just 6ft too small

