Good morning everyone.
It's one of those mornings when the phone is red hot - OH had a list of calls to make, and it seems everyone we don't want to speak to has remembered they absolutely must speak to us! We had two scam calls from the very same person two minutes apart. It's the one about your BT phone bill this time! She got very short shrift from me the second time!
At least the dogs are asleep - for now!
Oma -I've asked OH if there is treatment stuff you can get to stop resin coming out of knots. He's suggesting trying knotting sealant before undercoating or Zinsser Bulls Eye 1-2-3 Primer-Sealer - a couple of coats, and your favourite shop stocks it:
Enfys - well-stocked pots and hanging baskets really make a summer garden, don't they - and you certainly got some bargains.
Grauntie - your bags are selling like hot cakes! No wonder your machines needed a bit of a rest.
Gem - yes, GD1 has found some friendships a bit of a problem! I'll write about it elsewhere.
Nanto - enjoy your quiet day - you don't get many of them!
It's one of those mornings when the phone is red hot - OH had a list of calls to make, and it seems everyone we don't want to speak to has remembered they absolutely must speak to us! We had two scam calls from the very same person two minutes apart. It's the one about your BT phone bill this time! She got very short shrift from me the second time!
At least the dogs are asleep - for now!
Oma -I've asked OH if there is treatment stuff you can get to stop resin coming out of knots. He's suggesting trying knotting sealant before undercoating or Zinsser Bulls Eye 1-2-3 Primer-Sealer - a couple of coats, and your favourite shop stocks it:
Enfys - well-stocked pots and hanging baskets really make a summer garden, don't they - and you certainly got some bargains.
Grauntie - your bags are selling like hot cakes! No wonder your machines needed a bit of a rest.

Gem - yes, GD1 has found some friendships a bit of a problem! I'll write about it elsewhere.
Nanto - enjoy your quiet day - you don't get many of them!