

have a good weekend everyone

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    We have sun now after a miserable start. Work this morning ,plus a walk. Sorting clothes out this afternoon and general housework. I then pottered in the garden for a bit.

    Enfys I hope P’s scan went well.

    Oma I’ve read about your hospital trip and commented.

    Daisy drifting sounds like an occupation for the brave Hope OH enjoys it anyway.

    I’ve just realised I can’t see inside my oven when it’s on so I’ve ordered a new bulb.Replacing an oven light will be another first for me.(if I can do it! )

    I must also get someone to push a piece of guttering back as with all the rain the water has been cascading down. However I’ll have to leave it until the nesting seagulls have left otherwise anyone going near the roof is likely to be attacked


      Sun has been out this afternoon and OH has made a start tidying up things in garden. I went shopping in Ely and it was gridlocked. One of the main streets was closed and traffic was going through all the little back streets and then trying to get back on tho the main ones. Nightmare! G&T called for this evening I think!

      Believe you can and you're halfway there.
      Theodore Roosevelt.


        Enfys,just read your post on your birthday thread.
        Hope GS is ok now. I can imagine how scary it must have been for you.
        As you say,one birthday you won't forget.
        Hope OH gets good results from the scan.

        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


          Had a good day hope the sun shone for everyone. It did here after an early deluge. My poor peony has taken a real bashing with all the rain going to catch up on all the news now.
          "What doesn't kill us,makes us stronger."


            Evening ladies back on again, looks like the rain has been getting a few people down, hope it drys up for you soon it’s zJune for goodness sake !!
            I will catch up with some threads shortly but Enfys hope P gets some decent results .
            We have a hot tub in the garden perhaps a few of you would like to join me to keep you warm by the sound of things


              Gemini looks like I missed your birthday , sorry but sending belated greetings to all those I may have missed 😢


                The sun is shining.

                Qwerty,it would be good if you sent us some of your Spanish weather.

                Supermarket shopping today and hubby needs some DIY stuff.

                Presents to deliver for a birthday tomorrow and Fathers day present to deliver.

                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                  Good morning ladies

                  Sun and no rain???? Have I stumbled into some parallel universe?! Windy too, so washing is on.

                  Hello Qwerty, I will be heading for that sun in just over a week

                  Our lovely catsitter is coming to lunch today. Originally planned to teach her all she needed to know to look after our poorly cat. Now she is not with us there's not much to show her as she has stayed here several times before, and I do write everything down for her. She can't get the hang of the floor steamer though so we can show her how that works.
                  Tonight is my birthday meal out with friends, which I am looking forward to.

                  Have a good day everyone.
                  “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                    We had a lovely day yesterday, sat in the sun lounge and the sun is shining this morning, hope it lasts. GS1 is gradually moving stuff in, plants arrived yesterday. I think we are all going out to lunch today. Their furniture is going into store on Monday. Although we have a large front drive, we shall have 6 cars to manoeuvre around.

                    I am sure you are looking forward to your holiday Gemini, I can't remember where you are going.
                    What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                      Plant, Majorca next Sunday.
                      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                        Pouring with rain again.......and very chilly. Just getting ready to go out to lunch with our friends as we couldn’t go yesterday. After yesterday’s adventure I’m pleased to,get out and relax. DD and SIL had to work today so I popped over to check on GS just now. He’s feeling OK but he bit his tongue during the fit so it’s very sore.

                        We are are going to try and get away for a few days, I feel like escaping at the moment. Hope you all stay dry and warm ☔️
                        "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


                          You really should get away for a break if you can Enfys xx
                          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                            Afternoon ladies ,
                            Been a busy morning ,
                            Went to MIL's first then on to Morrisons
                            Came home had lunch then up to Aldi and B&M .
                            Didn't have time over past few days to shop , im not a fan of weekend shopping ,

                            Came home with a Guest to stay this morning ,
                            FIL's ashes , MIL wanted us to keep him as B's two sisters and Martin don't talk and she was worried if anything happens to her the sisters will scatter them and not involve the brothers ,
                            So to avoid any trouble she has put it in her will that we are to organise the scattering of both FIL & her and to involve all of them but we are to have control of his Ashes in the meantime .

                            We are happy to have him he's safely in the top of our spare room wardrobe now and will stay there till she goes
                            Im not fat just 6ft too small


                              My dad's ashes are safely in my therapy room Oma 😊
                              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                                Had a dry if cool morning. just had a couple of heavy showers.

                                Gem,hope you enjoy your meal out.
                                Not long to your holiday now.

                                Plant, you will be playing musical cars.

                                Enfys,pleased to hear GS is feeling better,even with a sore tongue.
                                A few days away would hopefully do you both good.
                                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.

