I wonder if Enfys has arrived at her holiday destination yet? It's sunshine and light showers here, so hopefully no worse down in the West Country.
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Afternoon all, I do hope Enfys and OH and family for that matter have arrived safely a much needed break for them both .
Oma did you like the new house? I bet it upset you to leave g/d there in a state, how do we get to such a place as falling out with the ones they should love the most .
Still poorly folk about hope it’s not too long before your all fit again , but good to hear the WG family are doing ok now 👍🏻
Pick up of twins yesterday and had my hair done but of late I am so flipping tired must give myself a good shake up .
Went out with Dd today clothes shopping she bought nothing and I bought 2 tops whether I needed them or not ! Just had a nana nap I’m so flipping tired lately
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Qwerty - thanks. Pleased to hear Enfys has arrived ok. Hot tub sounds like bliss.
Qwerty - I'm not surprised you're tired - you never stop. You've also been making lots of decisions about your future as well and that is exhausting. Do you think you ought to have a bit of a check up just to make sure you're not anaemic. Are you sleeping ok?
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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I don’t believe it !
First the handle on the freezer breaks now the tumble dryer that is only 4 months old isn’t working, I have arranged for an engineer to come and look at it on Wednesday. Good job it’s still under guarantee.
Pleased to here that Enfys has arrived safelyBring me sunshine in your smile.
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I'm not surprised you are tired either Qwerty.
I was thinking today if DD3 has children I don't think I can do it all again!
I take my hat off to you and Daisy who are both older than me and cope, I really do ( mind you if I had GC but not my mum to see to I would have more time and energy I suppose)
Lovely to hear Enfys is settling into holiday mode“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
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Gem - I don't know how you DO cope so well with all your commitments - your GCs, your mum, and no doubt decisions and paperwork etc for your sister has become your responsibility as well. I only cope by letting other things slip - some 'me' time, a house and garden that runs away from my tidying clutches, and almost certainly we are going to give up the allotment.
I don't do anywhere near as much child care as I used to. Both GSs are old enough to leave during school holidays, but when they were younger they'd come for a week several times a year. Both GDs are at school, so no more picking from play group - they are at schools on adjacent sites and finish at roughly the same time and tend to have the same Inset days etc. They are also growing more independent and need less 'caring for' and I find it gets easier as they get older and less dependent for physical needs. I think this may be my 'golden age' with our grandchildren - before they have to start looking after me!!
Nanto - the study is getting there. The new stacking beds arrive on Wednesday and then I can re-arrange the room a bit. I've got to clear out a couple of cupboards tomorrow before Roundy Roundy (dog training) at lunch time, and clean the windows. I've been putting this off because we've had all the windows wide open for days and are getting so much Sahara sand - every surface is covered in a fine layer to yellow grit. It might make for spectacular sunsets, but it's a nuisance in the house."Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
Good morning Nan2, the cheerful little fairy, and the rest of our ladies.
Daisy, you do far too much to my mind, I would like you to have a caravan break soon!!
Drizzly morning where I am.
We are going to friends for a meal and catch up tonight, which I am looking forward to. I could do with some light relief!
Over the weekend I have some online stuff to do, plus ironing. OH does at least 80% of this, but with an arm in plaster, I must do it now!!
I will probably give OH some reflexology too, I have been promising to for ages.
Have a good day everyone, with poorly and sad people feeling better, and holidaymakers enjoying themselves!
My cat Henry posed for this.
“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Good morning Nanto, Gem and everyone who arrives later.
It's blowing hard here, and I'm wondering whether I dare take Eva to Roundy Roundy - she doesn't like the wind.
Nanto - enjoy your shopping - I'd quite like a shopping fairy!!
Gem, it sounds as though you need some light relief at the moment. I'm sure you're doing lots of extra chores in addition to the ironing while S is half out of action. I'm sure some Reflexology would help the healing process though. Relax and enjoy tonight. xx
Like Gem, I hope all the sad and poorly people are feeling better. Holiday makers - have a good time.
Catch up again later.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
Good morning.
We have been in the teeth of a gale all night and this morning.The wind was so strong it knocked over a ceramic pot( luckily unbroken ) and carried it several feet
I hope Enfys hasn’t been blown away in Devon.
Daisy I don’t blame Eva for being unsettled in the wind.It won’t be much fun walking an unhappy dog around.
A charity bag has come and will accept books so I must sort a lot out .
Gem I’m glad you’re going to have a nice evening
We will have our usual walk if the wind dies down a bit otherwise we’ll be like Mary Poppins but without the umbrella
If anyone is worried or not feeling 100% for any reason I hope you feel better soon.
Have a lovely weekend.
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Clover - I think we had the gale overnight as well, (we slept through it) but I put a lot of plants/pots in the greenhouse (for once, I was organised). I'm glad your pot didn't get broken, apart from anything else clearing up the mess isn't easy. It's still blowing hard, and I've just had a chat with Pam, our dog trainer, and Eva is staying home today. We both think it would be counter-productive to take her in this weather.
When we get those charity bags through the door it always makes me get sorting out. I'm gradually passing on all sorts of books and it feels good to have a bit of a clear out.
I hope you get your walk later on.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
Very windy here but I don't think we had a gale, or I slept through it. Going into family this evening for a meal GD1 is coming with boyfriend for weekend. GD hasn't actually moved out but spending more time at BF's home. with GD2 moving last weekend, she is feeling a bit sad but there is always a visit from GGS to cheer her up. No other plans, I have a basket of ironing that needs tackling.
You were in my dream last night Oma, we just seemed to be wandering around, buying plants, you walked into some newly laid tarmac. Where did that come from?
Sounds like a good idea Daisy not to take Eva to the class if she is upset by the wind. We don't seem to have the Sahara dust, I have a bit of yellow stuff on the car but I thought that was pollen from the beech trees or the Rape in the fields. Your study sounds as if it is nearly there.
I hope you get your walk in Clover, blow the cobwebs away. Take care.
Love your fairy Nanto, enjoy your shopping.What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare
Good morning everyone ,
Gem you need to laugh a little you have had so much to cope with these past few weeks , how is Puss ?
Poor S must feel a tad useless at the moment and everything has fallen on you , big hugs im sending some extra energy your wayxx
Nant to are you out shopping for anything nice ?
Clover the wind must have been strong , if you go for your walk stay away from cliffs , people will be saying" ooo theres Marry Poppins and Bert the chimney sweep
", we will be saying " no its just Mr & Mrs Clover on their walk " hahaha
Daisy poor Eva wont like the wind on bit , best not to take her as you say ,
Its dull and cold hear , rained hard last evening but its dry now
Have a good day ladies xxx
Plant sounds like something I would do actually hahahhaIm not fat just 6ft too small
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