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    Good morning ladies.
    The sun is shining and it isn't raining

    It is a still a bit windy here Daisy, I hope OH's hospital day isn't too long.
    Enjoy aqua Plant.
    I hope the new girlfriend is nice Nan2!
    Busy day for you and B Plant.
    I hope Qwerty is happy with the long awaited new chair!

    Usual Thursday for me. Mum's shopping then visiting her.

    Have a good one everyone .
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


      Good morning all . Will this wind ever cease ? I have gardening to get on with for goodness sake !

      Enfys its good to hear that OH's feet and hands are feeling better. I hope his next round of treatment is kinder to him this time round.

      Oma sometimes you have to chase Specsavers up when it comes to glasses and hearing aids. They are always very busy when I have to go there with staff rushing from one custome to another .

      Qwerty how is the new chair

      Have a good day everyone
      Bring me sunshine in your smile.


        Message on snap chat this morning told me that a relief instructor was not going to make it but if we liked to go and just have fun and swim to do so. I already had my costume on so I went and had a lovely swim. I go through the lanes and after a cloud burst they were very flooded.

        Hope the hospital visits go okay and the treatment doesn't give too much after pain. My visit to hospital this afternoon is just to take a reading from a very small device I have in my chest to record my heart beats so that they can see when my heart goes into fibrulation, only takes about five minutes.

        I hope G had his lunch Clover and your trip was a success.

        How is B getting on with his aids?

        What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


          Afternoon ladies.

          Hairdresser trip went well apart from the weather on the outward journey.OH was okay and had had lunch but not the coffee I’d left out also.I’d lined up his pills ready to take and he’d had them all but two.When I asked why he hadn’t had them all he looked confused and then said because he didn’t want them. Somewhat exasperating

          A lot of hospital goings on today so I hope all went well.

          Just having a sit down now as my poor legs are aching.I haven’t walked that far and round the shops for ages. I think a lazy frozen pizza for tea tonight then the cream apple turnovers I bought as a treat.

          Have a good rest of the day.


            Clover,glad OH was ok while you were out.
            Cream apple turnovers soung a perfect treat.
            Met our youngest sons new girlfriend.
            She was quite chatty and we both liked her.

            Hope everyones appointments went well.
            Gem, hope your Mum was in good form today.

            Oma,thank you for the PM.
            Last edited by Nanto2girls; 14-03-2019, 04:17 PM.
            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


              Clover I bet you enjoy your Apple turnovers Pleased G was ok apart from his tablets

              Plant Did your Hospital appointment go well ?

              Nanto she souds a jolly girl pleased you liked her ,

              B's hearing aids are tiny , you cant see them at first glance they have to be pointed out , the bit at the back of the ear are so small and sit in the crease of his ear so it looks like the ends of his Glasses arms , Came with 4 years free batteries so when he runs out just has to pop in shop for them , hes very pleased with them but said everything sounds extra loud at the minute till he gets used to them

              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                Good evening ladies.

                Clover I'm glad G was OK. I like apple turnovers!
                I'm glad your son's GF seems a nice person Nan2.
                My aunties hearing aids are quite difficult to see as well Oma. OH said everything was loud with hers when she first got them, she told me off for rattling a crisp packet too loudly!

                A exasperating afternoon with mum when conversation went round in circles, she ends up arguing with herself!! Add to that me having to shout at the top of my voice for over 2 hours, makes an exhausting time!
                OH's turn to cook though so it's feet up now for me
                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                  Gem, how nice to put your feet up while OH does the cooking.
                  Sorry your afternoon was a bit exasperating.
                  Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                    Gem - Poor you - no wonder you need some 'feet up' time.

                    Oma - B's hearing aids sounds very sophisticated. I hope he soon gets used to them. My OH has had his for quite a while but sudden loud (to him) noises still make him jump.

                    Clover - I bet those apple turnovers were delicious. Well done to G for getting his lunch.

                    Plant - it was probably quite nice having a swim this morning instead of Aqua.

                    Nanto - your youngest DS's new girlfriend sounds very nice. I'm sure you were both glad she was relaxed and chatty.

                    Enfys - how did your OH get on at the hospital today?

                    We had a long stint at the hospital, and didn't get home until nearly 6 pm - I'll write about it on the OH's Health thread. How can sitting around be so tiring!!

                    We got home to find a message from the fence man saying he couldn't repair our fence tomorrow as he's still ill (he was hoping to be ok) so it will be next Thursday now. I hope we don't have any high winds between now and then that make it even worse!

                    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                    (Marianne Williamson)


                      Good morning,very windy again. Apparantly it's going to windy all weekend in our region.

                      Off to in laws later.
                      No cooking today. Fish shop is open,now they are back from holiday.

                      Daisy, what a long afternoon at the hospital.
                      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                        Good morning everyone,

                        Lovely graphic this morning Nan2.
                        I really fancy fish and chips! I think our meal is planned for tonight though.

                        Golf competition for OH today, she said it was very tiring playing in the wind yesterday, and it seems just as windy today.
                        GS2 today, but arriving later than usual as he is getting some new shoes first. DD will work from home today so will pick up GD from school and bring her here for her tea. This fits in well with my pantomime ticket booking! OH won't be here to look after GS so I can't go in person (it opens at 9am today) and I would miss the 3pm online opening if I was doing the school run. Madness to book your end of December tickets in March, but there you are!

                        Have a good Friday, don't get blown away!
                        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                          Good morning all. Still blustery here but doesn’t seem so cold.

                          Shame about your fence Daisy, hope the winds aren’t too bad. Clover, good to hear that G was OK whilst you were out and I expect he enjoyed the apple turnovers.

                          A long day for you yesterday Daisy. Hope all went well. We also go on OK at the hospital, DH is back on chemo but a slightly reduced dose as his hands and feet are still sore. We were seen on time in pathology, had to wait an hour and a half as usual, before seeing the oncologist to give them time to get the bloods fast tracked. A good chat with her, everything sorted out then another wait for the prescription to be ready. We always go and have some lunch then and usually the meds are ready after lunch, However, yesterday there was some hold up with the blood tests and we were waiting for an hour and a half so didn’t get home until nearly 3. I felt shattered when we got home even though I hadn’t done much, so slept very well last night.

                          Out to lunch with friends today, so no rushing around thank goodness. P back on chemo schedule so up early this morning to get breakfast sorted.

                          Have a good day, hope it’s not too windy for you all. 💨
                          "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


                            Hospital visit went okay yesterday except for the parking, I went around the car parks twice and eventually I got a space, good job I left plenty of time, even with that hold up I arrived bang on time. they took a recording from the device in my chest and said nothing had changed, it recorded a couple of fibrulation episodes but nothing to worry about. I presume someone reads these charts.
                            What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                              Morning ladies
                              Windy again , Stripped beds , Ironed fresh bedding and rest of ironing from yesterdays wash ,
                              Put washed bedding on the line but its wrapping around with the wind I might have to put them in the dryer .
                              Did housework and fed Dog then had a shower , now the days mine ,

                              Enfys I hope P does better on this Chemo although his hand and feet might flare up again , you just don't know with these drugs do you

                              Plant did Hospital say if you needed to go back soon to check again ? I hate looking for parking in Hospitals there is never enough spaces .

                              Gem hope you get your tickets and where you want them

                              Daisy did you sleep well ? it was a long day , hope fence has survived the night .

                              Nanto Fish and Chips day mmmm

                              B just dashed outside and brought bedding in its gone Black and raining now
                              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                                Good morning one and all. Nanto - the pretty graphic cheered up another blustery day.

                                Enfys - it's incredible how tiring sitting around in hospitals can be. I hope the reduced dose of chemo reduced the side effects for P. My OH is still exhausted from yesterday. I've given him breakfast in bed, and am just off to collect Cooper as DS2 has hurt his back and is also in bed.

                                Gem - this wind must make playing golf very hard! Good for S for persevering. Enjoy your GS day. I hope you get your favourite seats for the panto.

                                I really fancy fish and chips, Nanto!!! Yummmy.

                                Plant - hospital parking can be a nightmare. So far, we've found it not too bad at Southampton. The main car park gets full very quickly, but the Eye Department is round the side of the main building and there are usually spaces there. We keep finding new 'hidden' corners. The main problem is often getting out! The barrier seems to be broken most of the time and queues soon build up!

                                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                                (Marianne Williamson)

