As most of you know, I take Eva to training classes every week. She still learns new things (and so do I) and enjoys all the games etc we play. The number of dogs in class varies from week to week, but there's a "hard core" of 5 of us. All 5 dogs are 'characters' but very different, and we get to know them well.
So I was very sad today to hear that one of the "Famous Five" has died. He wasn't very old and a beautiful dog with a great personality. He was always happy, bouncy, and did little tappy dances with his front paws when he was excited. Along with Eva and another dog, he always knew when the toys were coming out and the three of them would stare fixedly at where the toys are kept. His favourite was a little pink pig, and he wasn't ever up for sharing that, he loved it so much.
I know some people say "it's only a dog", and this one wasn't even mine, but I will miss him and I know his family are devastated.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
Clover, I'm not sure what happened. He was in class, and his normal, happy, bouncy, waggy-tailed self the week before, but not last Wednesday. But sometimes they don't make it because of his mum's work commitments, so I didn't think it was strange. His family are heart-broken - they've had him from a puppy and their children, now teenagers, have grown up with him.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
We found out what happened to him at class today. He had had a check up, including blood sample, and the vet said he needed some teeth extracted. He had quite a lot taken out. Then they found that he had a huge tumour which couldn't be treated. This should have been picked up on the first blood test but wasn't, so the poor dog had a GA, teeth taken out and then had to be PTS. As you can imagine his family are devastated, sad and furious that he was put through having teeth removed because the surgery hadn't picked up on the tumour. I felt like crying for him.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "