Hate to admit it but I've given up on that photo! 
Yesterday I was ready to rehome Eva!! While GD2 was having her nap, I took Eva and GD1 up to the paddock - there's a swing to keep GD1 amused, and Eva needed a run. We usually either go round to the right or straight on, but the swing is round to the left. So we went that way and Eva was pulling and being a real pain. I left GD on the swing and took her further down the field and let her off - she ran round barking and then tried to round me and GD up - she didn't like us being separated and totally ignored me when I called her. So back on the lead while GD played. When she'd lost interest in the swing I said we might as well go home, because Eva was so unsettled. But by then there were about a dozen young bullocks around the gate and blocking access to my car. (If this wounds odd, it's perfectly normal for the New Forest where animals roam free!) They were quite excitable, some were moo-ing and trying to reach over the fence to the hedge. Eva totally ignored them, but we were trapped. On my own I'd have gone and shoo'ed them away, but GD1 was frightened, so we waited, and waited until they wandered off! Not one of our best days out.
Today there was a new dog in training - a black 6 month old cockerpoo who had no idea about walking on a lead. Eva was really startled by him, but after about five minutes she settled down and worked really well. So she's staying!
Next week will be the big challenge in training - the other most recent dog wasn't there today, but she will be next week.

Yesterday I was ready to rehome Eva!! While GD2 was having her nap, I took Eva and GD1 up to the paddock - there's a swing to keep GD1 amused, and Eva needed a run. We usually either go round to the right or straight on, but the swing is round to the left. So we went that way and Eva was pulling and being a real pain. I left GD on the swing and took her further down the field and let her off - she ran round barking and then tried to round me and GD up - she didn't like us being separated and totally ignored me when I called her. So back on the lead while GD played. When she'd lost interest in the swing I said we might as well go home, because Eva was so unsettled. But by then there were about a dozen young bullocks around the gate and blocking access to my car. (If this wounds odd, it's perfectly normal for the New Forest where animals roam free!) They were quite excitable, some were moo-ing and trying to reach over the fence to the hedge. Eva totally ignored them, but we were trapped. On my own I'd have gone and shoo'ed them away, but GD1 was frightened, so we waited, and waited until they wandered off! Not one of our best days out.
Today there was a new dog in training - a black 6 month old cockerpoo who had no idea about walking on a lead. Eva was really startled by him, but after about five minutes she settled down and worked really well. So she's staying!
