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My sister.

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    My sister.

    I doubt if this is in the right place, but, will give it a try. My sister was ill in March had to be rushed to the hospital and they drained a lot of fluid from behind her lungs, after that she keeps saying she is fine, I phone her often and can hear when she speaks that she isn't. She had a scan in June, the consultant phoned and asked her a lot of questions, one was " have you even been in touch with asbestos", no she hadn't, he said we will leave it at that and have another scan done in September.
    At the moment she is having trouble breathing, phoned the doctor for an inhaler, the doctor said I have seen the results of your scan and I want you to go for an X ray, that is today.

    I phoned her on Thursday and had an argument with her. Well, I was annoyed, I phoned to ask how she was and she went on about something else. I sent her a message that I was going to phone and ask how she was but didn't want to argue over the other problem, that is my younger brother, I haven't spoken to him for almost 11 years. I phoned later, Friday, and she was in tears from the pain and said she would phone me later, she did phone, she said the pain is in her left ribs and she can hardly breath, I told her to get herself to the hospital again, she doesn't like doctors!!!

    DS1 phoned me yesterday and I was telling him I was worried about her, he asked why either her husband or son don't take her to the hospital? That is what I am wondering as well. The consultant had told her if it happens again she had to go straight back to the hospital. It does worry me, I can't do much from here and I can't travel, no-way do I want to travel on a boat, or plane, with a lot of people, plus the fact I would have to quarantine for 14 days so wouldn't be much help to anyone.

    This is a long posting for me, usually short and straight to the point!

    Such a worry Lizzie , does she have scarring on the lungs that can be painful as well as Pluresy .

    Im surprised her Husband or son hasn’t insisted she go to hospital , do you think she’s being stubborn out of fear and won’t go .

    Nothing you can do at your end is there as you say it’s not a time to be travelling
    all you can do is keep in touch and try and persuade her to go , I don’t suppose it would be easy to talk alone to her husband if she’s there but might be worth trying to talk to your nephew xxx
    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      Yes Oma, stubborn! It isn't scarring, they said pluresy in March. She never admits to anything though, she is always fine. I could get in touch with the nephew, will see how it goes today with the Xray.


        She could be too frightened to go to hospital.
        Hope she turns up for the Xray.
        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


          I agree Nanto, she is frightened, she needs a reassuring hand and it appears she isn't getting it. I hope the xray results are not too worrying for her.
          What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


            Her husband will be going with her today, he did go with her for her scan, she will be frightened, I know I would be. She said yesterday that she doesn't like doctors! They are there for a reason. I will keep you all in touch when I know more.


              Lizzie, what a worry for you. Does she live in the UK? If so, I can reassure her that the two hospitals I’ve visited in the last couple of weeks we’re well-organ ised and felt safe. They were also much quieter than usual.

              She he really does need medical help quickly if she’s struggling to breathe, so I hope her husband or son can persuade her to seek help. 😨

              Edit: I’ve moved your thread to Family Matters, Lizzie. I hope you don’t mind.
              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

              (Marianne Williamson)


                Thanks Daisy, I wasn't sure where to place it. All being well she is now having her X ray. Yes, she lives in the UK, Hessle, near Hull. I will be hearing more later.


                  Thank goodness she’s getting an X-Ray. I hope she will agree to whatever treatment she needs.
                  "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                  (Marianne Williamson)


                    Pluresy can be so painful and can take quite a while to ease off,poor woman must be in agony I hope they find the cause quickly and put her mind at rest,please send her my best regards for a speedy recovery x
                    Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


                      Thanks everyone, she has been for the X ray and should get the results in 2 or 3 days.


                        I hope your sister gets the results soon and she can get some relief from the pain.


                          I hope you feel easier now your sister has been X-rayed Lizzie. As you say, not a lot you can do from your end just now except worry!
                          Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they are put in hot water.
                          Eleanor Roosevelt.


                            I hope she soon gets the results so they can treat whatever is causing the pain.


                              Lizzie, it’s awful when you’re waiting for news like that. Sending hugs. xxx
                              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                              (Marianne Williamson)

