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A knee moan


    Gem - I do sympathise. It really is a viscous circle. I totally agree about weight loss being a mental battle, and if exercise isn't a viable option it's even worse. You can't even go swimming, which would be the least damaging for your knee and back.

    I've been looking at various online exercise options, but don't know if I've got the will power to stick to a programme, but I do need to improve my fitness levels.

    It's not a very attractive option, but I've found the only way to resist 'naughty' foods is not to have them in the house. I'm just about to do the Sainsbury's order and I know I'll end up in "Bakery"!!!

    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

    (Marianne Williamson)


      Gem, it is a problem and a worry. Pain in the knee is so bad and yes, you do walk different to ease the pain thus getting back ache. I am walking really bad at the moment, what with a bad knee and those bl#### tights that fall down all the time, luckily I am not the only one with the problem, I got measured on Friday and they are ordering different ones this time, so, I hope I can at least walk right again. This has been 2 years now, looking back 2 years I would pick GD2 up from school, go early and have a 3o minute walk, no poles to help me so I was walking fine then.

      My eldest nephews wife in Alnwick, she is 57 I think, she has already had 2 new knees and a shoulder fitted.

      As for the food, I agree with Daisy, but, I find there is always something I can find to snack on. I do go on the bike as often as I can and if I feel up to it I follow exercises on the TV.


        Gem, your not alone in having put weight on, i know mee and hubby have.
        Chocolate is my downfall. Whenever i am watching tv,out comes the chocolate.
        Just been watching tv for an hour,and i managed to resist the chocolate.
        If we didn't have any in the house,i would be off to the shop to buy some.
        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


          So hard for you. My neighbour who is 87 has had two new knees and had to lose weight before it was done. Her hip is in a bad way too. She was very upset two years ago when she was waiting for to see the consultant and I went with her as she says rightly, that it’s very hard to remember everything. The consultant showed me the X-rays and explained how the surgery wouldn’t work for two reasons until she lost weight. One was the pressure on the joints from carrying the extra pounds and the other showed where the la h of exercise had meant there was almost no muscle left between the bones. She said June must lose weight and faithfully do the exercises to build up the muscle so that any surgery would be successful.
          Poor lady was in tears, but we worked out a meal plan (a but tricky because she doesn’t like vegetables and lives her meat!) and I said I’d do the exercises with her. It was hard going but she lost a stone and built up a bit of muscle and had the surgery. It’s given her a new lease of life although she’s still overweight.


            Gem there isn't many who hasn't put weight on in the lockdown ,

            Tomorrow I go for my Diabetic bloods , I will get results next week when the nurse rings and I just know it wont be good
            Between Christmas and lockdown I haven't been good , I wont lie some days I have ate Rubbish no use denying it
            Im not fat just 6ft too small


              Lizzie - how frustrating that those tights don't stay up. I hope the new ones are much better and perhaps you will be able to walk more naturally.

              Sun1 - it seems one problem exacerbates another. Your neighbour was so lucky she had you to help her lose enough weight to have the surgery. Did she manage to keep the weight off?

              Oma - my cousin (who was Type 1) used to get diabetic chocolate - I don't know what the difference was though, or if it's still available!

              I hesitate to say I haven't put on any weight during lockdown, but it's not because I'm a goody two-shoes. I find these days that too many sweet or fatty things give me indigestion, and I'm trying to avoid that. I've read that eating lots of dark and colourful vegetables is good for OH's macular degeneration, so I do loads of vegetables and I try to do to 10 portions a day. We've also cut down on portion sizes a bit - not every day, but I think it helps.

              That's not to say I'm fit and slender. I could do with losing 1-2 stones and getting more exercise.

              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

              (Marianne Williamson)


                I have had a bag of leaflets, CD's etc delivered by Village Care mainly about looking after yourself and exercises. Different societies have added something to the bag On the outside of the cloth bag are the names of the organisations, they are Leap, Buckinghamshire Council, The National Lottery, and Sport for England. I should play the CD's to see what I can do. There is even advice on diet. I presume our Council have organised it to keep us fit.

                Daisy that is good, I had noticed you eat a lot of veg. I have to confess that I have put on over half a stone but could do with loosing a stone. I will report back to WW as soon as they open their doors again. Getting back to Aqua and Bowls will help too, plus some gardening.
                What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare

