You're right, Gam! I hope the doctor gives you a good explanation when she phones today.
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A knee moan
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Gem, have you thought about getting one of those stretchy knee supports ? Not the most glamorous things, a bit like elastic stockings, but they do give you that extra bit of support. I got mine in the local chemist's, but I know you can get them in Boots. Hope GP comes up with a solution when you speak to her.Believe you can and you're halfway there.
Theodore Roosevelt.
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Thanks ladies,
I have my replacement hospital appointment for my knee on Friday, so I really cannot see the point of this Drs appointment. Box ticking maybe? OH thinks they must have forgotten me, as my Xray was in August and the man who did it told me the result should be with my GP in a month!!“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
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Time to update!
The GP phone call with the tardy results of my X ray showed 'moderate to severe osteoarthritis particularly on the medial side'. This fits with my symptoms. My GP had no idea I was to see the muscular skeletal team later that week, nor that my previous appointment had been cancelled!
Yesterday I had my appointment. I had a knee cap X ray, which I hadn't had before so now they had pictures of all the knee joint.
She said that if a perfect healthy knee was at 0, and a bone-on-bone knee requiring surgery was at 10, mine would be around a 6.
She showed me all the x rays and it is clear to see the cartilage loss on that side. There is some remaining, but its very thin. There are also bony spurs and a cyst, containing synovial fluid. None of this is life threatening, of course, but it is painful!
I am relieved that I am not at knee replacement stage. I confirmed with her that if I was I wouldn't be able to have it anyway due to my BMI. She confirmed that, whilst going to great lengths to say that most hospitals and practitioners don't agree with that, but that it is the health authority's decision.
I would be a candidate for the injection and I think that will be the route for me.
They like to start with physiotherapy first then if there is no improvement the injections will be the next step.
I'm happy with that for now, and in fact would prefer to have the injection in time to make my Florida holiday pain free!
I can have physiotherapy in the health centre in our village, so I opted for that. I have an appointment for an assessment later this month.
I presume after the assessment I will be given exercises to do at home. She said to try to walk even though it hurts, but obviously not overdo it. Start with shorter walks. So I will try to do some every day. Rest and ice when it is swollen plus painkillers, as I am already doing, is advised too.
Lizzie48 has been telling her experiences, and about Nordic walking poles, so I am going to look into that.
So, I will tell you how it goes!“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
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Gems I have been reading your update and so glad things have started to progress for you.The excercise with Nordic Walking Poles may be a way to try,when we lived abroad there was a large group of Norwegian ex-pats who had a walking group they went out a few times a week and they seemed to be so fit on their walks its worth while looking into after your physio appointment.
The pain I am left with after that dammed accident to my shoulder and arm over 4 yrs ago gives me pain every day and the surgeon says that giving me a new joint may not stop the discomfort to the upper joint at all,it causes constant pain and sleepless nights I can't carry a shopping bag/wash my hair myself/or be alone when showering as I can't raise my right arm above my waist its just a thing I have to live with from now on I think.
I hope you get your physio appt very soon and you get some relief.Keep Calm,You're Fabulous
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Gem - I'm so glad you don't need surgery on your knee. Hopefully the physio will do its job and ease the pain. As you say, you want it to be as good as possible for Florida. The BMI decisions seem to be a bit arbitrary - the cynic in me says perhaps it's a way of limiting the number of operations they have to do, but I'm sure it doesn't save money in the long run because of the other problems caused by ongoing joint pain.
Glamm - I'm so sorry you're suffering so much from that injury. It seems incredible that it's something you have to live with, and must be very restricting in so many ways, to say nothing of the pain. xx"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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Gem I hope the injection works for you , it did for me for quite a while , I have had several,
I usually know when its time for another but even those they give less and less these days.
The walking poles seem a good idea if it gives support and stops you twisting your hip .
Glamm B's brother is waiting for another op on his shoulder after shattering it in a motor bike accident , he cant use it at all if he falls asleep and ends up laying on it , the pain makes it too hard to raise , this will be his 3rd opIm not fat just 6ft too small
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At least you've now got a treatment plan in place Gem. Why the injection can't be given right away instead of fiddling around with physio, I don't know. I feel so much better after my injection and am almost back to normal with my walking/exercise etc. I'm sure it would save money for the NHS in the long run, because I'm sure at least 90% of patients will end up having the injections anyway.
At least you're getting face-to-face physio not this nonsense over the phone!
I do hope it all works out for you x
Glamm, I'm sorry to hear you're still having problems with your shoulder. Must get very downheartening being in pain and unable to do normal everyday things. Take care xLast edited by WeeGranny; 09-11-2019, 02:27 PM.Believe you can and you're halfway there.
Theodore Roosevelt.
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Good news Gem. Something's getting sorted at last for you. Glam I'm sorry to hear that you're in pain with your arm. Are you sure nothing can be done to help you? Oma, sorry to hear about M too. Hope he'll be ok. As I get older I realise that if you've got good health you have everything."Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."
(Doe Zantamata.)
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The update on this is that the physio I had not only didn't help it actually gave me such back pain that I was unable to walk the next day and OH had to go to Tesco to do my mums shopping!
I then had the injection, a year ago and it helped a bit, for all of 3 weeks.
Then came lockdown.
I have gained weight this year which only makes it all worse.
There is never a day I am not in pain in my knee, of varying degrees. It makes my back ache too, and causes sciatica. The GP thinks my knee makes me walk differently and that makes my back ache. I'm not sure if my scoliosis also has something to do with it though.
Reflexology helps and not being able to have that since December isn't helping. I have a treatment booked on April 12th the day she starts back!
It makes me so miserable. The 10 minute walk from GS's school to my car yesterday was hard and painful and I had trouble getting into the driving seat as the parking space was tight so I couldn't open the door far and having to get in with my bad knee first was almost impossible and took ages! I made joke of it for GS's sake, but it was no fun.
The hard thing is that even if my knee is bad enough for surgery now, I cant have it. Unless we move to another health authority or can find £12000.
York is very strict about BMI and surgery. The Dr I saw told me there is a York doctor who needs surgery and can't have it due to bmi.
That is my moan over for the day!!
I know I must lose weight, at least the weight I have gained this last year, and try some online exercises.
I will lose half a stone then get a phone appointment with the GP I think, and ask to be referred back to the musculoskeletal department. The injection is unlikely to help as it didn't the first time, but I would like to give it a go anyway.
“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
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It's a bit of a vicious circle Plant. Being stuck at home, not seeing friends etc, in rubbish weather, eating is one of the few pleasures. Being fed up and in pain it is hard to deny myself the pleasure of food!
OH does support me in any way she can.
As I have always said (Lizzie will know) weight loss is mostly about getting it right in your head and being in the right mode mentally to get on with it.“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
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