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A knee moan


    A knee moan

    I am so sick of my knee hurting!
    I walk oddly to compensate for the pain, which flares up the sciatica I suffer from at times.
    As you may remember my long awaited appointment at the hospital was cancelled on that day. I had to wait a month for another one. That one is in another town, and messes up my childcare arrangements as it is a Friday.
    The Dr's surgery phoned me the other day saying the GP wanted to talk to me about my knee X ray results (the X ray was in August!!!) We decided on a phone appointment in the end. This is next Tuesday. As I go to the hospital on Friday I don't actually see the point of the Dr's thing, but never mind.

    I know I need to lose weight to help my knee. I had done well, lost 12 pounds some months ago which I have managed to keep off. Knee pain and stress over my mum etc is making me turn to food, so I will have to try hard. I have a lot more to lose so I don't want to regain that 12 pounds.

    We shall see what next week brings. I will report back.
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

    Several years ago I had a knee athroscopy ( I think that's what it was called) and that got rid of the pain Gem. Maybe something like that is what you need. Or something like the injection I've just had in my hip......why they couldn't have given me it when the pain started I'll never know. I feel as if I've got a new lease of life! Fingers crossed that something can be done to help you get pain free.
    Believe you can and you're halfway there.
    Theodore Roosevelt.


      Gem constant pain can get you down at the best of times but added to that the stress of your mum it’s no wonder you are sick of it hurting.
      Also knowing you have to loose weight doesn’t actually help your mood either ​​​​​​.

      I know it’s easier said than done but trying to be more positive in your out look could help to ease your pain .
      I am not belittling what you are going through by no means, I have days when I go to bed at night with my arthritis hurting like mad and when I wake in the morning, generally after a terrible nights sleep , it’s still hurting and I often think is this what I have to put up with for the rest of my life and to be honest I could sit and cry.
      I’m sure you have some days that are far easier than others so don’t let the bad ones get you down , concentrate on the good ones.

      Just a quick note, SIL had her two knees operated on just over a year ago, she is a new woman now but it wasn’t without days like you are experiencing.
      There is light at the end of the tunnel, just hang on and remember, on your horrible days you always have us. X
      Bring me sunshine in your smile.


        Oh Gem - life seems to be ganging up on you at the moment. Constant pain wears you out, doesn't it. Everything becomes so much harder and having to wait so long for medical help is doubly frustrating. At least talking to your GP gives you chance to think about what he's said before your hospital appointment on Friday.

        You've done so well losing that much weight - close to a stone, it's really good. All through the week-end in Birmingham I meant to say how well you looked, but I'm saying it now. xx If you need to comfort eat can you have just a very tiny portion of what does it for you?
        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

        (Marianne Williamson)


          I so sympathise as I have had knee trouble for years , done the physio had the injections , I must admit they did help .
          Im not allowed to kneel now as the bone is eroded and my knee cap is slipping out sideways ,

          I cope but some days are horrible and night time is always worse .

          Fingers crossed the Dr and Hospital can give you some hope for a pain free future xxx
          Im not fat just 6ft too small


            Thanks everyone.

            WG, maybe that arthroscopy is for me? I will know more after next week. I know a knee replacement is the last resort, after injections etc. I also know that my local health authority has a strict policy on non urgent operations on anyone who doesn't have the right BMI. I don't and I can't afford private as my friend has had this done recently had, so nothing like that will happen for a long time, if ever.
            Those I know who have had the full knee replacement are full of praise and encouragement for me, should I need one. Having spent a fair bit of time with friend who just just undergone one however, I have seen how bad the pain is in the first weeks. Right now she feels the pain and inconvenience of not being able to drive, get in and out of the bath unaided etc is not worth it. I can tell she wishes she had never had it done. I keep telling her she will feel differently in the end, like everyone else!

            Night is worse isn't it Oma? Especially if you have walked too much that day.
            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


              My knee used to freeze, Gem and I'd have to stand and wait until I could move it again! Felt a right fool at times! I think it's becoming very difficult to get knee replacements on NHS unless you're practically unable to move. Same with cataract operations. It's a dreadful state of affairs.
              Believe you can and you're halfway there.
              Theodore Roosevelt.


                Oh how I feel for you. Constant pain is truly horrible and the policy, it seems to me, is short termism as if you are walking crookedly, that will lead to further problems. My dear neighbour who is now 87 has had a new knee but she waited too long and her walking twisted has led to hip problems. It’s all very well saying you need to lose weight but it’s very hard indeed. As you know, I’m very small indeed and I don’t lose weight unless I eat less than 1000 calories a day. I need to lose half a stone because all my skirts are uncomfortably tight and it’s really very hard. Dr said the older you are the harder it is as your metabolism changes and hormones do too. But, how well you’ve done to lose 12 pounds. June, my neighbour, lost two stones but she said it relieved her hip pain a great deal. Do you have medication? Does it work? Have you got any premium bonds that might come up to pay to go private? That’s the only thing I can think of.


                  Sum - you take a huge amount of exercise with all your walking, so I'm really surprised you've gained even an ounce.

                  I'm finding it hard to lose weight too. I've recently lost a meagre 4 lbs, but it's difficult to maintain even that small loss.

                  "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                  (Marianne Williamson)


                    If only - exercise helps to keep you fit and the more you do the easier it gets. And it lifts your mood. But it doesn’t seem to remove the pounds


                      Although I have bits of metal in my wrist and leg I am grateful that I am not in pain. Gemini you have done very well to loose that weight, I am struggling to get back to the weight I was at the beginning of the summer.
                      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                        Exercise is so good for us both physically and mentally, but I agree with Sum1, it doesn't always shift the pounds.

                        My knee is far less painful today , presumably as I didn't walk much yesterday, only as far as feeding the neighbours cat 2 doors down!
                        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                          It's funny, you'd think exercise would burn calories and lead to weight loss. Oh well, that let's me off going to the gym (not that I ever have) but I do need to get fitter.

                          Gem - good to hear you're in less pain today, but unfortunately I know you can't rest it as much as you probably should.

                          Plant - those pesky pounds just seem to creep up on us, don't they!

                          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                          (Marianne Williamson)


                            I can hear all our bones creaking from here.😉😂
                            "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

                            (Doe Zantamata.)


                              I know - poor old ladies!
                              it's a good job we are all young at heart
                              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

