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Double Lung Transplant


    Have a lovely rest Sunshine at the spa. knowing your DS is getting stronger.
    What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


      What a good idea and well deserved ,as his mum there must have been some harrowing times , enjoy enjoy !!!!!!


        Originally posted by Sunshine View Post
        He is still doing well. Hooray!
        My DIL is taking my GS to visit him this weekend. They are staying in a premier inn, so they can visit and enjoy a little break too.
        Plant, they don’t know who the donor was. There are very strict rules about anonymity. They believe the donor was a man and he was a non smoker. My son will be able to write to the donors family, via the transplant co-ordinator. He is only able to thank the family. He is not allowed to give any details about himself. The rules are very rigid in this regard.
        Wee Granny, you are absolutely right. My son is a very determined young man, always has been. When he was a child I saw it as being stubborn, but that stubborn/determined trait has certainly proved beneficial to him.
        I am off to a health spa with a friend for a few days. I shall enjoy the relaxation knowing my son is doing so well. I think I need it!
        Sunshine I’m sure it will be a very heartfelt if somewhat difficult letter to write. I’m sure the family of the donor will treasure it immensely. What a fantastic and brave thing to do. I’m so,so glad your DS is doing so well. Have a wonderful relaxing break.x


          So glad to read your son is doing so well Sunshine. Enjoy your break, just what the doctor ordered!
          Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they are put in hot water.
          Eleanor Roosevelt.


            Well I had a lovely break at the health spa. I really was able to enjoy it knowing my son is on the mend. I came home on Wednesday with every intention of visiting DS at the hospital on Thursday. I spoke to him on Wednesday evening and he said he might be coming home the following day. I think he was going for the Guinness book of records to get out of hospital in record time after a double lung transplant. After much persuasion on his part, they released him on Thursday evening, with the agreement that he would go back again today for a blood test and again on Tuesday for another check up. He told them he wasn’t sleeping well in hospital and not enjoying the food and just wanted to get home to fully recover. He is still very tired, but very happy to be home. I am going over tomorrow to see him and will stay over for childcare while they are at the hospital on Tuesday. My DIL is wonder woman and superwoman all rolled into one, but she is immensely happy and relieved that everything has gone so well. She will never know quite how thankful I am for her care she has shown to my son. Onwards and upwards and everyone is happy.
            PS My son was in hospital just over two weeks after his operation. Some of the patients have been in there for two months and more. His determination has really worked in his favour. He is already talking about coaching GS’s football team when he is stronger. They say ‘Where there’s a will, there’s a way.’
            Always face the sunshine and the shadows fall behind you.


              What an amazing man your son is Sunshine. Upwards and onwards for him.
              It's lovely that you speak so highly of your lovely DIL too.

              Good to hear you had a relaxing break
              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                Sunshine - that is amazing! M is amazing, and so is your DIL. I'm sure his recovery will speed up even more at home where he can be with his family and get proper sleep. I'm sure you and GS will be delighted to see each other as well. His determination is just like Oma's OH when he had his bone marrow transplant.

                What a week your family has had!

                I'm so glad you enjoyed your spa break - you needed it after so much worry and anxiety.
                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                (Marianne Williamson)


                  Just found this. What an amazing man. So happy for all of you.


                    Sunshine what did you feed your son as a baby he has a massive constitution, but there is no place like home when your recuperating, I’m sure your wonderful dil knows how much you appreciate her, as you say onwards and upwards. Glad you had a lovely spa too well deserved


                      Sunshine your son is a Superman. I hope he’s not tempted to take on too much too soon,but I expect DIL will keep a firm eye on him. I bet your GS is so happy to have his Dad home.
                      Pleased you could relax and enjoy your well deserved spa break.


                        I hope that all goes well with your DS's recuperation at home Sunshine and that he's not tempted to take on TOO much before he's completely ready for it.

                        Glad you enjoyed your spa break.
                        Believe you can and you're halfway there.
                        Theodore Roosevelt.


                          Sunshine - how did your son's check up go at the hospital yesterday? I hope they were pleased with his progress. xx
                          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                          (Marianne Williamson)


                            Thanks for all the positive comments everyone. My son had a long day at the hospital on Tuesday. They are still pleased with how well he is doing but he does have a chest infection, which they are treating with high dose antibiotics. He also has fluid on his lungs which they will drain today (when he has ANOTHER appointment at Harefield, ) unless the fluid has reduced significantly. He is still extremely tired and VERY cold. I told him yesterday that I am worried and a bit concerned that he left hospital too soon. He reassured me that blips like these are almost guaranteed to happen. Hopefully his check up today will show some improvement. They are keeping a very close eye on him. He will be having regular check up appointments twice a week for some time, until they are confident things will settle down. After that the appointments will be once a week. It is going to be a strain on my DIL too. The journey from their home to Harefield Hospital is an hour and a half each way. It can be much longer if there are problems on the M25. She seems quite relaxed about the travelling. Fortunately she has never been fazed by driving, she actually enjoys driving. This is a real plus.
                            Always face the sunshine and the shadows fall behind you.


                              Sunshine - These blips leave you with your heart in your mouth don't they. I'm sure I remember Mr Oma having ups and downs after his bone marrow transplant, too. I hope the fluid has reduced, but they're keeping a very close eye on him which is great. Your DIL is a star and very strong and there is the consolation that it's summer with lots of daylight and no ice or snow to worry about.

                              Sending you all my love. xx
                              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                              (Marianne Williamson)


                                Of course you will worry Sunshine, you are his mum.
                                Blips are to be expected I'm sure, but that makes it no easier.
                                I hope today's checks went well.
                                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

