So pleased to hear your news Sunshine, I have wondered how he was progressing.
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Double Lung Transplant
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Sunshine, I'm so happy to hear M is making good progress. I bet it felt like a huge step forward (no pun intended) getting up for a little while. It will do you both good to spend the day together on Thursday, and as you say, it will give your DIL a chance to have a day off.
Well done to GS for coping so well as well.
Love to you all. xxx"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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Thanks for update Sunshine, he was bound to be in a lot of pain when you think what he has had done, and paracetamol ain’t gonna do much, glad he’s on morphine much better for him to manage his pain himself, they do get them moving quickly these days for fear of clots and such forming , sounds like your family has everything covered which is great , sending my love
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I visited DS in hospital again yesterday. He is doing really well. He had done 10 mins on the exercise cycle, all be it very slowly. A huge achievement! He has three out of his four drains removed already and hopefully the last one will be removed today. The doctors are very pleased with how well he is doing. He is hoping to have a shower and a shave today, which will make him feel even better. I am so very proud of him. He is such a strong character and determined to get better as quickly as possible. He is aiming to leave hospital next week! We’ll see what the doctor says about that!Always face the sunshine and the shadows fall behind you.
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He is still doing well. Hooray!
My DIL is taking my GS to visit him this weekend. They are staying in a premier inn, so they can visit and enjoy a little break too.
Plant, they don’t know who the donor was. There are very strict rules about anonymity. They believe the donor was a man and he was a non smoker. My son will be able to write to the donors family, via the transplant co-ordinator. He is only able to thank the family. He is not allowed to give any details about himself. The rules are very rigid in this regard.
Wee Granny, you are absolutely right. My son is a very determined young man, always has been. When he was a child I saw it as being stubborn, but that stubborn/determined trait has certainly proved beneficial to him.
I am off to a health spa with a friend for a few days. I shall enjoy the relaxation knowing my son is doing so well. I think I need it!Always face the sunshine and the shadows fall behind you.
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Sunshine - I remember that determination. As you say, it's a blessing, and he is doing amazingly well. I'm sure he will love seeing his sister and nephew.
Enjoy your short break - you certainly need it, and it's great knowing he is being so well cared for and making steady progress. xx
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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