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Double Lung Transplant


    Sunshine, I know you must be relieved that your son is doing so well - he'll be siting up and chatting in no time at all. Your DIL is an absolute star, and I'm sure her being by his side will help his recovery. Poor little GS, he must be missing his mummy and daddy, and he's waited so long for this to happen he probably can't quite believe it. But he will have had a lovely time with you (and I don't suppose you've spoilt him at all!! ). I'm sure you will be exhausted by the time you get home. Take care of yourself. xxx
    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

    (Marianne Williamson)


      Sunshine - I hope M's had a good night and is making progress. xxx
      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

      (Marianne Williamson)


        Thanks for the update Sunshine and don’t forget to look after your own peace of mind, it must be a huge worry for you , you have a lovely family there Hun onwards and upwards
        Last edited by Qwerty; 26-04-2019, 03:59 PM. Reason: sp mistakes several


          That's good to hear Sunshine. Onwards & upwards. What would they do without us Grannies.
          "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

          (Doe Zantamata.)


            Sunshine - how is your son today? Are you at home for the week-end? Sending hugs. xx
            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

            (Marianne Williamson)


              Glad all went well Sunshine. Here’s to new lungs! (raising my tea mug)
              Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they are put in hot water.
              Eleanor Roosevelt.


                Thinking of you and your DS Sunshine x


                  Thinking of you Sunshine and your family,your son will be back to brillient health soon how marvelous is our heath service the best in the world.Sending you and yours all my best wishes xx Make sure you look after yourself xx
                  Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


                    Yesterday I went with my daughter to visit my son at the hospital. It was so lovely to see him. Unfortunately he was in a lot of pain because they removed the epidural and had to wait for some time until a doctor could come and fit a morphine pump, which he can administer himself. They gave him some paracetamol to tide him over but it wasn’t terribly effective. However, once the morphine pump was operational, he began to feel much brighter. I have been at home for the weekend but I’m going back to take over the child care duties. Between myself and my daughter in laws parents, childcare is pretty much covered, which relieves a lot of the pressure from my DIL. We all know we are going to be in this for the long haul, but everyone is working to support each other. Onwards and upwards. One day at a time.
                    Always face the sunshine and the shadows fall behind you.


                      Sunshine I bet you were so happy to see your DS even though he was in pain.You and your counterpart child carers are doing a stirling job and helping DIL enormously.I know you’d bend over backwards to do anything you can.I’m so pleased your DS is progressing well. Best wishes to you all.x


                        Sunshine - I despair that our amazing NHS can perform what to me are miracle operations like a lung transplant, but can't co-ordinate the exchange of one form of pain relief for another. I'm glad the morphine pump was set up eventually, but ..... <sigh> . I'm sure he was delighted to see both you and his sister though, and I hpe it reassured you to spend some time with him.

                        How is your little GS? I'm sure he's having a wonderful time with you and his other grandparents, but he's waiting for the day when Daddy is home again.

                        It's great you're all working together. Don't forget to look after yourself as well. xx
                        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                        (Marianne Williamson)


                          Sounds like once they sorted it out he was more comfortable , good to hear he's still on track ,
                          Little one will be pleased when Daddy is well enough to come home xxx
                          Im not fat just 6ft too small


                            Sunshine once DIL's mum had her morphine pump she felt a lot better, paracetamol is hardly going to take the edge of that sort of pain is it .
                            Its good to hear that he is progressing well
                            Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                              Poor DS Sunshine, pain is hard to take even when you know it is for the good in the long run. I hope the morphine pump is effective.
                              Each day is a day further forward in his recovery xx
                              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                                DS is comfortable and very glad of the morphine. He is still very tired and sleeps quite a bit. Yesterday he had a bit of a hiccup, when his heart was racing. There are cardiologists all over the place and they sorted it out for him. Panic over! Today they had him out of bed and walked him round the room. Still making progress. I am hoping to visit him again on Thursday. I will be very glad to see him and it means DIL can have a day off. I can’t believe it is only a week since he had the transplant. It seems so much has happened in that short time. GS is coping well and seems to have accepted his daddy’s absence. Mummy has been coming home every evening and takes GS to school before returning to the hospital. Life seems a little bit normal!
                                Always face the sunshine and the shadows fall behind you.

