My youngest DGS goes into his GCSE year this year so where have the years gone I ask,her ladyship DGD has decided after much encouragement from me and her mum has decided to sign back up for 6th form she has had to sign a contract with the Head so lets see what happens.She is obviously not ready to leave school as yet and needs much more support lets hope she gets over the problems she has had.
No announcement yet.
The New School Year is here
Daisy yes my GD can wear what she likes in the sixth form ,within reason of course, no bare tummies etc.I’m sure they will be well monitored as the school is strict on uniform.
Glam I hope your DGD settles down into sixth form. Perhaps having a bit more independence and responsibility for her own study will be what she needs.
We we certainly have a range of GC between us,from little ones just starting reception to those who regard themselves as adultsThe very best of luck to them all.
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Glamm - I do hope your GD settles down in Sixth form and keeps up her attendance and hands in work on time.
Clover - at college obviously we had no uniform, but it was always a delicate balance between letting students express their fashion preferences and reining in the most extreme interpretations. At one point there seemed to be a fashion for jeans with very little left to the imagination in the derrière region, and that was promptly banned. But mostly I loved seeing how the students had fun with fashion, hairstyles and make-up."Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
I hope all returners and new starters had a good first week.
Both my granddaughter and older grandson had good weeks, and seem to have settled back well into their new classes and new teachers.
I hope all our children and young people have a good term“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
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Well GS1 started a new class & GS3 3 days a week at Nursery last week. GS2 has his first day at schhol tomoro.... 9-1 this week then full time from the week after. GD goes back to full time Nursery tomoro. I must admit that I'll be glad to hear how GS2 got on with his 1st school day. Clucking hen."Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."
(Doe Zantamata.)
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Full time for my two this week , getting to know what they had done last week was like getting blood out of a stone all they could remember was what they had for lunch and that was like drawing teeth lol , good luck to all starting this week whatever year they are going into from reception to 6 th form and university, I have lost two grandchildren to the school this week a big gap 😢
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Its an emotional time for all GP when the babies go off to school ,
Qwerty your lucky they remembered what they had for lunch , our two would always say I cant remember I would go through things like did you have peas ? or Potatoes ? etc till we got to a yes answer
Luckily GS2's school started to put a daily menu on line each night for the following day then I just asked what option he hadIm not fat just 6ft too small
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GD2 has just gone off for her first half-day. It’s three half days then full time from Thursday. She’s been quite quiet all morning, just asking every so often “is it time yet?” On the way to collect mummy from work she said “it’s like a dream, Grandma, I can’t believe it”. Oh dear my eyes were all leaky! Apparently mummy had to call her back for a kiss!
She also asked this morning if this was a taster session,and I said no, it was the real thing, and her eyes lit up.
Qwerty and Oma, I read somewhere that asking them what was the best bit of the day will probably encourage them to spill the beans on what happened during the day."Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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GD2's comment on her first half day at school - it's AWESOME! She had a wonderful time, but was quite tired by the time we got home. Our connection is too slow to post a photo at the moment, but I'll try tomorrow if I get a minute.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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GS2's first half day done & dusted. No tears & seems happy with it all. I asked him what his favourite thing was & he said "The playground". School has a website & his mummy got a picture half way through the morning entitled 'making new friends'. It was a picture of him & another boy playing. How lovely."Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."
(Doe Zantamata.)
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Nana, well done to your GS2. How lovely mummy getting a photo.
Qwerty, aww, they’re so innocent and it’s easy for grown ups to think the know more about the workings of school life than they do. I hope J enjoys his PE and the rest of his day."Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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Well that went well , my first pick up, but must remember my rucksack next time bearing in mind everything doubles, they came out with 2 school bags, 2 letters, 2 raincoats, 2 cardigans one water bottle M had kindly put hers in her school bag, car keys I had no pockets and 2 youngsters , I could not hold the hands either side of me so J held M hand I held M other hand and carried the rest of the gear, it’s a really busy main road too , we have to go through a little park so you guessed yep swings , got into the playground and M fell grazing her hands the drama set in and she sat on the bench asking for a frozen plaster at my house . Tea organised spag Bol M had 3 lots guessing she hasn’t eaten much at school J finished his bowl a slice of bread each to mop up , grapes 2 chocolate mini rolls and a biscuit , when it was time to go home they both started crying not enough time at grandmas house they took some consoling , but I took them home and talked in the car about Scooby Doo amd all was well phew 🙂
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