I have just heard that DS2 has to go into work tomorrow for his annual appraisal (he was supposed to be looking after the kids) so could we have the grandchildren for the day please? He will drop them off at 8:00 a.m. and pick them up at 6:00 p.m. Okay, checked the weather forecast for here and not good. GS1 hates going out even in good weather. GD1 is very bright but has a very short attention span and low boredom threshold. He would go on the Mac and be happy all day (not what I want) and who know what she will do. - possibly cartwheels around the lounge as she can be a little hyperactive! What can I do to stop him for spending ten hours on the computer and her from driving us mad with constant demands? Any suggestions would be gratefully received. At times like this I wish we lived in London and could visit a museum for the day.
P.S. She is eight and a half (going on 21) and he is ten and a half.
P.S. She is eight and a half (going on 21) and he is ten and a half.