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Tomorrow ....... Help!

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    Tomorrow ....... Help!

    I have just heard that DS2 has to go into work tomorrow for his annual appraisal (he was supposed to be looking after the kids) so could we have the grandchildren for the day please? He will drop them off at 8:00 a.m. and pick them up at 6:00 p.m. Okay, checked the weather forecast for here and not good. GS1 hates going out even in good weather. GD1 is very bright but has a very short attention span and low boredom threshold. He would go on the Mac and be happy all day (not what I want) and who know what she will do. - possibly cartwheels around the lounge as she can be a little hyperactive! What can I do to stop him for spending ten hours on the computer and her from driving us mad with constant demands? Any suggestions would be gratefully received. At times like this I wish we lived in London and could visit a museum for the day.
    P.S. She is eight and a half (going on 21) and he is ten and a half.
    Be careful when blindly following the Masses.
    Sometimes the 'M' is silent.

    BL, I also have both GC tomorrow,with rain forecast!!

    With children the age of yours, maybe the cinema, if there is a film on they haven't seen. Our libraries have lots of of activities over the summer holidays, its worth checking that out.
    Good luck!
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


      Will check library Gem (good thought) - probably not the cinema as it is long trip up the Motorway which is currently still blocked with hundreds of lorries and we are advised not to travel that way unless we have to - marooned!!
      Be careful when blindly following the Masses.
      Sometimes the 'M' is silent.


        BL its a awkward age to entertain , do they have to come to you or could you go to them ? J is happy to come for the day but sometimes we go to there house then if he gets bored he can go call on friends and they have there own stuff around them , Good idea from Gemini the Cinema is always a good choice or bowling and swimming , and i know we dont like them on the computers all the time but once in a while wont hurt and it gives you a break from entertaining , as we speak J is in his PJ`s stretched out on the sofa with grandad watching something on youtube . I will soon have a fight on my hands to get him in the shower and teeth cleaned , he has already told me he isnt getting dressed today good luck tomorrow let us know how you get on xx
        Im not fat just 6ft too small


          Have you got one of those indoor soft play centres near you, they are very popular with all ages, and all the running about and climbing will wear them out. They often have a place serving snacks and drinks so you could spend half a day there. A craft project? Cooking - if you dare! Get their wellies on and go for a nice walk - the rain won't hurt them .
          Grandmothers are just antique little girls - author unknown


            Oma I just wish we could go to them as they have so much more to entertain there with trampoline in the garden and lots of stuff in their rooms. DiL will not allow this though so we are stuck with them coming here. When they were younger it was a lot easier as they both liked to do craft stuff and play simple board games but we are now passed that stage and it is "BORING" She loves swimming but our local pool is closed for this six weeks for renovation and he hates it anyway so there would be a fight about going. Being different sexes with totally different likes and dislikes really does not help. Believe it or not when I have suggested certain things I have had two crying children - she is crying because she wants to do it (and he is refusing) and he is crying because he does not (and she is insisting)!!
            Be careful when blindly following the Masses.
            Sometimes the 'M' is silent.


              Yep awkward ages and worse different sexes
              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                My two have a three and a half year gap in ages but it was easier with two boys definitely. The younger one just wanted to do whatever the older one was doing
                Be careful when blindly following the Masses.
                Sometimes the 'M' is silent.


                  Oh sibling rivalry. We've all been there, and it's not fun.

                  I would suggest handing it over to them.

                  That way, any decision is theirs, jointly, and you don't have to be policewoman. Tell them that within reason (distance, budget, and accessibility, which you set first) they can choose what they want. But it must be a joint decision and there must be no tears or nasty squabbles. Then leave them together to come to a decision. DON'T intervene!

                  It's a lesson in negotiation and compromise, and as the hours roll on, the available time gets shorter. Point this out to them.


                    I have just found a good site which has printable crossword puzzles and other word puzzles for nine year olds so have printed a few of those off as GD loves that sort of thing as long as I sit with her and join in. DS said he will bring a couple of films that they like so even if the weather is bad we can occupying them for at least part of the day inside.
                    Be careful when blindly following the Masses.
                    Sometimes the 'M' is silent.


                      BL - not easy, but some excellent suggestions already. Isn't it typical that a local facility (your swimming pool) is closed for the summer.

                      I've got both GDs today, so not much time to think or type, but what about a sort of 'theme' day where they act out a story. Give them a choice of characters - fairy princess, wicked witch, superman, monster, Tom and/or Jerry ,Paddington Bear - anything you can think of. They make (or GD and you) a suitable mask for each character and they have to build a story - they can do normal activities but in the role they've chosen, and you write the story down as it develops throughout out the day. GD might want to embellish it with drawings, etc. GD might want to print it out on the computer.
                      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                      (Marianne Williamson)


                        I am sure GD would love doing something like that Daisy. GS would run a mile and hide in front of the computer though. Getting him away from it is a nightmare. He is at the age where he would love to be with his friends rather than with us adults and if I lived nearer to his home I would suggest visiting a friend for a couple of hours to break the monotony. If the word puzzles go down well then there are other games like hangman etc. we could play but all this requires 100% of my attention which leave him to his own devises again.
                        Be careful when blindly following the Masses.
                        Sometimes the 'M' is silent.


                          Don't understand why your DIL doesn't want you to look after her children at her house as it is easier for all concerned. In view of that I would let GS play on the Mac and your GD do cartwheels in the garden. Good luck, pour yourself your favourite tipple when they go home.
                          What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                            Let them do their own thing for the day. That way everyone is happy and its only for the day. If DiL doesnt like it then maybe next time this happens she will realise its easier for all concerned to look after them in their own home. Good luck, let us know how you get on.


                              Compared to a lot of you, I will have it easy, with just having the 1, during the holidays.
                              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.

