That was not 80 per cent it was 80 degrees...... We went there for ten days back when Ben was due. Everything set up for a peaceful caesarean delivery for our little heart baby and he came early turning everything into turmoil (as he always has done) C section was in the wrong hospital, no heart team ready etc.etc. EMergency dash to the Royal Brompton. We were just getting ready to come home when we got the call so it was a tense few hours coming home. Ben is now nine and a half, a credit to the NHS and his parents.
I just want some peace and quiet and nobody asking me questions and sending me emails and to get away from prospective divorces and nasty neighbours. I need an aspirin.
I just want some peace and quiet and nobody asking me questions and sending me emails and to get away from prospective divorces and nasty neighbours. I need an aspirin.