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    Yes Elisi I have heard that a lot however a few years ago I got some and it gave me the most terrible itchy red rash. To be honest I preferred the mossie bites. Shame because I did like the smell and I used to use it when I was much younger.
    If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


      Oh dear Zixi! Very unpleasant indeed. I suppose all of us can suddenly get allergic to various products. The body just says NO MORE !
      Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go. T.S Eliot


        I know, one Christmas years ago I had what was described as a sort of anaphylactic shock but nobody could figure out what caused it. It happened twice more in the following couple of days until my husband realised that every time I had one was when the only connecting feature was that we were burning M&S Christmas candles fragranced with what was alleged to be frankincense and were a Christmas present. They went in the bin quick sharp!
        If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


          We have had a little blip this week which meant a a disagreement but we are sorted now more or less and have discussed what we should do given that both of us will be working until late-ish the day before we go on holiday. We have decided we are going to stay over at the airport which we usually do but because we may be later than usual getting there we had to check carefully. So we are staying at the Holiday Inn, car parking on site (very important for me), restaurant closes at 8pm but bar serves meals until 11. Transfer to airport every 30 minutes for £3 each way and takes ten minutes. We have booked a lounge as we do usually. Last year we booked a new lounge but it was not as good as the usual one. For £16 each it is worth doing. You get breakfast, newspapers, free wifi, loos and showers there (Gatwick loos are a nightmare).

          I am getting quite excited now. Counting the days until I finish the secondment and go on holiday and then start my proper job again!
          If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


            Originally posted by ZIZI View Post
            Daisy I roll my clothes and, depending on the material, put thin foam or tissue paper in between the folds. I split all the clothes between two suitcases and also put one light change of clothes and undies in hand luggage. We had our luggage delayed some years ago and it was not nice not having clean Knicks to put on! I also decant shampoo and stuff into small bottles.
            Ziz - I guessed you would be a super-packer, you're so organised. I also split clothes between 2 suitcases, but I don't bother to pack anything in hand luggage. If both cases got lost we'd just have to buy enough to tide us over. I also take photos of cases and hand luggage before checking the cases in, then if they do go astray it helps to say 'this is what I'm looking for'. I do the same if I use a hotel laundry service - but only after getting back a man's XXXL rugby shirt instead of my frilly pink t-shirt!

            I'm glad you're goint to a hotel the night before - your holiday starts there and you can relax and start enjoying it.

            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

            (Marianne Williamson)


              You are one amazingly organised lady Zizi
              What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                One thing we do is to put an A4 sheet of paper with our names, flight numbers, email addresses and mobile numbers on. Husband said that a chap in cargo advised him to do this as if the bag gets lost and there is no information it will take longer to return it but NEVER put your address in case it falls into wrong hands and then they would know you were away from your home.

                Plant I cannot stand not knowing what is happening. In 2013 when we went on hols before husband had his knees done he was supposed to be organising it and he kept saying that he would do it and we would wait until closer to the time and get a cheap deal (which doesn't happen these days as we found out) and I had to dig my heels in and refuse to move from the sofa until he had booked something with four days to go. In the event we went to Egypt which was one of those places I just didn't fancy so I was a bit cross. The holiday itself was not bad especially as he couldn't do a lot of walking, at least it was lovely and hot but it was spoilt by an influx of Russians whose plane went technical. They were awful. I cannot blame husband for that of course.....
                If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


                  I agree Zizi, have to know everything is booked in good time.
                  What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                    OH & I think there's so much to see on this little Island we live on, so we're not ones to travel abroad. I quite literally throw casual clothes into what I call my carpet bag & a 'smart' outfit hung up in the car. I'm not a sun worshipper so the UK suits me. We have great pleasure relaxing together without the pressures of family life etc. and discovering our beautiful countryside.
                    "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

                    (Doe Zantamata.)


                      We do go to places in this country too but husband gets business class tickets free which we only have to pay the tax on (for Tobago £244) so it has to be done. We could never afford that ourselves. In the last year we have been to several different places including staying in London, Haslemere, Newcastle, Winchester. We sometimes don't get away for ages due to his shift pattern which is a pain. I do like a bit of warm weather and he is definitely a sun worshipper although I find it boring to lay in the sun for ages and leave him baking while I go off to the shops or something.
                      If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


                        Every so often OH and I have conversations about all the places in this country that we'd love to visit. I'd love to travel all round the coastline, stopping where the mood took me. I'm not keen on cities and crowds. But I do like the sun too, especially in the winter months and am happy to put up with a 10 hour flight to find it! One day when Granny duties are less needed .......
                        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                        (Marianne Williamson)


                          When we last stayed "all inclusive" in May this year we had the option of sending any creased clothes to a couple of employees I christened "the ironing fairies" and for a very small amount they returned the clothes all hung ready to go straight into the wardrobe so you would not need to unpack your iron Zizi you certainly should not be doing anything at all exhausting imo.
                          Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


                            Wow my signature is back.
                            Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


                              All change!!! Husband has checked the flights and says we probably will not get on as commercial passengers are put before us (of course) and there are also five staff in front of us, which means that they have longer service than husband so will get on before us. So now we will fly to Trinidad on the 5th and stay there overnight and then fly over to Tobago on the 6th. It is only a 20 minute flight and £17 each. I was taking the 5th off anyway, it just means that I have to rush to the Gatwick hotel as I am on a call from 1pm to 5pm - deep joy.

                              I will have to change the Gatwick hotel and find one in Trinidad near the airport. I have a headache now ................... just off to meet the new connector
                              If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


                                Never a dull moment Zizi..... !!
                                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

