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    Well we have some ladies already off on holiday and I have to say I am getting very excited about mine in November. I have just been doing my research on Tobago, seems there is not a lot there except beaches, swimming pools and eating and drinking. Sounds just the ticket........

    Apparently it is very frowned upon to nude or topless sunbathe, well that is OK then I would not want to make the locals throw up! It is also unlikely that you need anything formal to wear but dressing appropriately in the evening is require, as I would expect. Also cover up from beach to hotel, fine. Temperature will be around 31 degrees which I think is about 87 or 90 in English. Absolutely fine with me.

    I am not too keen on all inclusive but will go with the flow. It is only ten nights so I am sure I can live with whatever they serve as long as there is an element of wine and gin kicking around.

    Husband has just found out that he might be sent to New York for work on the 2nd returning on the 5th which might cause a bit of a problem but we will sort it out as and when. Usually I have everything ready to pack and do it just before we leave but as things are looking now we are going to have to pack the weekend before which means everything will be crinkly. I do have a travel iron (yes even I have a travel iron) but really, do I want to be doing the I stuff on holiday?
    If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together

    I'm sure you will have a lovely time Zizi, I'm very envious of your November holiday!
    I have been all inclusive once. Like you it wouldn't be my first choice. As you say, just go with the flow, a holiday is a holiday
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


      Sounds like you will both have a good time.
      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


        Zizi - when you pack do you fold or roll your clothes? Years ago somebody explained to me about rolling clothes from the bottom upwards and it really works, and makes packing much easier. Also the humidity should help any creases to drop out. Step away from the iron and leave it hidden under your bed or somewhere!

        I like all inclusive - you know what you're spending and it's nice not having to carry serious money around at the hotel/resort, just tip money.
        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

        (Marianne Williamson)


          Sounds really exciting Zizi, no nude bathing then, what a shame
          What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


            I know I sound like a spoilsport but I'm not even keen on going on holiday nowadays, guess it's to do with my anxiety-depression which I was telling you about. I've gone from a positive, enjoy life type of person to a negative, too much trouble doing anything one. Those of you who enjoy going away, go for it ad have a great time!
            A day without wine is like a day without sunshine....


              Sounds great - I hope you have a wonderful time! We're off on the 28th to Portugal again, but this time we are flying in to Lisbon and spending 3 nights there before taking the train down to Lagos (about 4hrs) where our apartment is and spending 10 days there. I just have to pack for the 3 nights as we keep our clothes in Lagos.
              Grandmothers are just antique little girls - author unknown


                Daisy I roll my clothes and, depending on the material, put thin foam or tissue paper in between the folds. I split all the clothes between two suitcases and also put one light change of clothes and undies in hand luggage. We had our luggage delayed some years ago and it was not nice not having clean Knicks to put on! I also decant shampoo and stuff into small bottles.
                If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


                  I do that Zizi when I fly 'long haul' always have some clean undies and a lightweight outfit in hand baggage - just in case of lost luggage. Also both hubbies and my clothes in both cases, so each case has some undies and some of each type of clothing, then if one case goes missing we can still both manage.
                  Grandmothers are just antique little girls - author unknown


                    Sounds just perfect ZIZI,especially those temperatures.What more could you want. There is usually a wide variety of food to please even the fussiest diner,we always found something we liked and if nothing appealed we ate elsewhere. I like the idea of smart casual instead of having to "glam" up sometimes after an exhausting day lounging around the pool, the last thing you feel like is doing the whole works.My eldest DD swears by rolling the clothes because A) get more in and B) she assures me it doesn't get all creased up. And no we endeavour to never scare the natives.
                    "What doesn't kill us,makes us stronger."


                      Luckily neither of us are particularly fussy eaters although I am not keen on chips or burgers. In hot climates I am happy to eat salads and, as you say Libra, there will be other places to eat if nothing suits which is unlikely. When we go to Barbados we always get an apartment but apparently there are a lot of places like Tobago that only do all inclusive. I will live, the worst that can happen is that I lose weight and look even more fabulouser than I do now (yes I am joking).

                      Even with rolling things if they are in the case for five days in preparation they may be a bit creased but Daisy is right just wait for the humidity to straighten them anyway there will be other people there with creased clothes, we can pretend it is fashionable!

                      I need to do a quick Superdrug/Boots shop to stock up on tummy stuff and things like that, just to be prepared. I have anti mossie stuff, bite stuff if the anti doesn't work., a little electric zapper for the same reason, suntan and after sun. I just like to be sure that I have plasters and things like that, just in case. Husband says I am a walking Boots when we go on holiday!
                      If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


                        Your a good girl guide just like the scouts well prepared. I was glad we took mossy cream away with us as they did seem to like my ankles and feet the little blighters. and yes salad is always available and perfect when its too hot. Just wish they had bottles of mayonnaise instead of those irritating little sachets which I can never open.
                        "What doesn't kill us,makes us stronger."


                          Mosquitos over here get on their mobiles when I am at the airport and call their mates wherever I am going to let them know breakfast, lunch, dinner and a midnight snack is on the way!! I am going to take peppermint oil, washing up liquid and a small spray bottle with me. The mixture with water seems to work on keeping nasty big arachnids at bay in my flat (well so far) so I am going to try it for the Mossies over there especially at nights.
                          If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


                            "What doesn't kill us,makes us stronger."


                              Zizi, I foound Avon SKIN SO SOFT really remarkable in keeping mossies at bay. Might be too lat to get them over the internet though?
                              Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go. T.S Eliot

