We have a holiday to Majorca booked for September, which I am very much looking forward to. We know the hotel well, we love the food, the pools and the fact that we swim in the sea there every day. One reason the going in September is that the sea is so warm then.
It's a long time to wait though!
OH has a 5 night day break with golf friends to Portugal in May, but apart from a long weekend in Northumberland next month there is nothing else booked for us both.
I could see the calendar filling up with so many golf dates that we wouldn't be able to have a holiday if we wanted one! We earmarked two separate weeks for OH to keep clear. We will only use one of them. We don't know where to go however,
I can't decide whether to stay in the UK or go abroad, and if in the UK where to go! As I made point of us keeping the time free I feel I should make some decisions! I'm not as mobile as I would like, yet so that is a big thing for me . Not wanting to book anywhere which requires more than I can do. I hate to limit OH who is a lot fitter than me, but it's pointless pushing myself as it wont work.
Ideas and suggestions welcome
