There was an item on the tv news yesterday about it being 50 years since Radio 1 was launched as the BBC's pop station's answer to the pirate radio stations. The DJ was Tony Blackburn and the first track was "Flowers in the Rain" by the Move:
The piece went on to show a transistor radio to young people in the street and ask them if they knew what it was and how to work it! A couple of people had no idea, one girl even held it upside down.
Then they gave it to a young teenage boy who hadn't seen one before but switched it on and tuned it in straight away.
So we might not be bang up to date with all the latest technology, but I bet we can all work a good old tranny!
The piece went on to show a transistor radio to young people in the street and ask them if they knew what it was and how to work it! A couple of people had no idea, one girl even held it upside down.

Then they gave it to a young teenage boy who hadn't seen one before but switched it on and tuned it in straight away.
So we might not be bang up to date with all the latest technology, but I bet we can all work a good old tranny!
