Well, what do you think?
I have absolutely no issues with the LGBT community
at all some of my best friends are gay I don't even like to use the word gay as if they are something different than the rest of the human population they are just people like us all , but I do get a bit cross when NT bosses force their volunteers to wear the gay pride badges/lanyards and telling them if they didn't, they would be banished to back room duties.
Most charities rely very heavily on the volunteers and really couldn't function without them. I think this time the NT was insensitive to the feelings of others and it would have served them right if the volunteers voted with their feet and all went to back room duties. They wouldn't have been able to open their doors.
It appears now in the last day or two the NT have backed down and the wearing of such badges and lanyards is now up to the individual.
Nice to see common sense prevails!