I felt very sorry for the Queen having to meet him, she was very gracious, he looked very bewildered.
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He is a despicable man and I agree that amongst the genuine protesters there will always be those of the “rent a mob” mentality. However, I do feel we have to make our feelings known for whatever reasons, change won’t happen if we all sit back and accept it. Just think how our world changed after the suffragettes and suffragists did all that they did. These Trump protests probably won’t change a thing but people have to be able to show how they feel. I haven’t seen anything on the news about any trouble caused which is a good thing.
Oma, I so agree with you, lovely we can all have different opinions without being jumped on 🙂"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss
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I agree its so nice that we can have different views on many subjects and no one gets angry or upset. We just politely agree to disagree . Would be wonderful if some world leaders took this approach, who knows it could lead to less violence, terrorism and wars . ....We can but dreamBring me sunshine in your smile.
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I really need someone to tell me why he came here in the first place we have enough problems of our own with out having to pay for the extra Police and Security for policing his visit which will cost the average tax-payer,resourses which could have been used to combat the massive street crime which is sweeping the Country at the minute .Keep Calm,You're Fabulous
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Glam, beacause Theresa May is a weak PM. Appeasing bullies never works but she didn’t learn that lesson. For a woman who is known for dithering and postponing hard decisions, this one was the epitome of foolisishness.
I have no time for her policies, but it distresses me greatly to see her humiliated by that oaf. He has disrespected the Queen, dissed the NHS depleted the coffers and then sat in Churchill’s chair. I just feel so sorry for all the good decent Americans who are as appalled as we are by his boorish behaviour.You do not have permission to view this gallery.
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I have to say with being away, I've missed most of the news about Trump's visit.
I do feel very strongly that in a democratic country we should treasure and use our right of free speech, which in my opinion includes the right to protest peacefully. It worries me that hard-won freedoms can become eroded through apathy or ignorance - eg, how many people didn't bother to vote in the last election, or don't vote in local elections! So exercising the freedom to protest is important to our democratic health.
I also think it belittles us as a country, and as individuals, when we fail to be courteous and dignified on a world stage. I think these are probably very old-fashioned values these days. Protest, yes, and express views - the young lady Sum1lLs mentioned had clearly put a lot of thought into why she was doing what she was doing. I think the balloon figure of Trump was a cheap stunt that descended to his level, and the point could have been made in a more serious and articulate way. But social media rules, and that was an attention grabber. Surely the arguments against Trump and his policies could have been made in a more dignified way while still getting the message across.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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