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    What do you think about all the protests about Trump ?

    Now I can understand why people want to have their say and I can understand Protests to a extent ,
    What I cant understand is why they are demonstrating in the likes of Newcastle ,Glasgow, etc

    Trump is never going to see or hear them and lets be honest the man wouldn't give a damn even if he did

    Even the London Protests he wont get to hear or see
    Sometimes it turns into Rent a mob those that turn up to the opening of a envelope if they think they can cause trouble , leaving the genuine protesters looking silly and you can bet they at the front of the lines waiting to fight with the police .

    Trump lives in his own little bubble this will make no difference to him or his image

    This is just my opinion and view of it , we all have our take on it , I just cant see the point , protests around the country miles away from where he is
    Im not fat just 6ft too small

    Trump isn't going to take any notice of any one from this 'little ole island ' .
    He made it clear yesterday when he said he was looking forward to visiting the UK and Ireland, Scotland and Wales that he hasn't really got any idea about the UK Last time I looked Scotland and Wales were part of the UK and he left out poor Northern Ireland .

    I think protests that concern this country do work eventually , take the poll tax revolt and votes for women as an example
    Bring me sunshine in your smile.


      Mimi that's true as you say the ones that concern this country,
      He's not going to change his policy or mind because the people of this little island protest , and our government are not going to stop him
      coming are they no matter what
      Im not fat just 6ft too small


        I can't see the point of them myself.
        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


          The friends we had coffee with yesterday are going to one, and my DD3 would be if she were not in Canada I'm sure.
          I doubt it will actually change things. Trump is not ours (thank the lord!) and any protest here are unikely to filter through his own self importance.
          If it makes people feel better be actually doing something, and standing up to be counted then that is a good thing.
          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


            Each to their own Gem just cant see the point when everyone knows he wont have been told about any of them or care , its not going to change a thing with him ,
            Im not fat just 6ft too small


              I think if you feel strongly enough about anything you want to do something.and protesting is one peaceful ( I hope ) way of stating your case.


                That's a good fair point Clover
                Isn't it nice when we all have a different opinion but no one takes offence ,
                That's the lovely thing about this forum .
                I personally can't see the point but I respect those that do 😊
                Im not fat just 6ft too small


                  I’m not sure that it isn’t feeding his already over-inflated ego. Any attention is better than none like a seriously disturbed child. It would be interesting to see what happened if they were silent and turned their back on him. His stance seems popular with middle America.

                  Definitely a case of two nations divided by the same language.

                  My youngest was hoping to go to the Leeds protest but a meeting has been called by her manager. Probably as well as these things get mobbed by rentamob however good the initial intentions are and can quickly become violent.



                    His plane went over our house on its way to Blenheim and again on the way back, I presume having picked him up. It was very different to any other plane we have going to and out from Heathrow He has gone to Scotland now, apparently he doesn't realise it it part of the United Kingdom!! Wish he would take that candy floss off his head.
                    What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                      I said the same Shem ( Rent a mob)
                      Im not fat just 6ft too small


                        I can't even begin to say how I feel about this ar** h**e! Not wanting to swear on this forum. I know one of the grans from here has gone to one of the protests, having seen it on Fbk.

                        Protests used to be effective but as you say the mentality of some are zilch & just go to cause trouble...same with some 'football supporters'. Urrrrg, don't get me started.😠😡
                        "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

                        (Doe Zantamata.)


                          I went and so did nine of my friends, some travelling from up to sixty miles away. It’s a long time since I went on a protest march but I am disgusted that this man who is on record of saying ‘grab ‘em by the pussy’, separated tiny children from their mothers, insulted this nation and disrespected the Prime Minister and the Queen has been invited to what amounts to a state visit in all but name.
                          Interestingly, among the quarter of a million people who were there, there were many Americans who were equally appalled.
                          Certainly, Trump was kept away from London, but he will know all about it. And he won’t like it.
                          I think it’s easy to say that protests achieve nothing but doing nothing is what allows evil to creep insidiously into the common discourse and become normalised.
                          It was hot and sticky but the atmosphere was wonderful - peaceful, cheerful and joyful knowing that so many had booked a day off work (my husband for one) to make their feelings known. The police were excellent, encouraging and helpful. We met so many amazing people too. One was a young woman of Bangladeshi heritage whom I thought was at university, but no, she was about to start sixth form and was there because she was so distressed by Trump’s racism and comments about immigrants. She will be studying four A levels and hopes to go to Cambridge. What an asset she will be to our country. She asked us so many thoughtful questions and showed such a deep understanding of our political processes and culture that I was humbled.


                            As you say Sum1, he should never have been invited over here. He is a despicable toad of a man.
                            I'm sure there was a good feeling to being amongst so many others showing their disgust and opposition to Trump and all he stands for.
                            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                              Pleased it was a peaceful Demo Sum 1 , I agree the man is a idiot a dangerous one and I can understand the London Demo but not the ones around the country , each to their own and I respect that . If it makes people feel better it can't be all bad can it just time wasted in my opinion .
                              I do hate when it turns nasty though but in all situations you get Rent a mob who are out for trouble , nice that that wasn't the case yesterday .
                              Im not fat just 6ft too small

