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Doesn't take much

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    Doesn't take much

    I'm a very simple girl it doesn't take much to make me happy ,
    I had a bad night last night so wasn't feeling my best this morning but I'm smiling now ,
    We went to Morrisons this morning and it has a covered car park , there are always birds about but this morning I got out of the car and there hopping around was a Robin , the first I have seen this year , it just made me smile and I felt so much better . It was a tiny thing but very beautiful , then I came home and there was £15 in vouchers from Aldi in the post for being given the wrong info getting toaster refunded (just need that refund to arrive now ) . Little things but it brightened my mood a lot 😀
    Im not fat just 6ft too small

    Its not surprising you felt like that Oma, you have been through a huge amount these past few years and being constantly cheerful takes its toll.
    It is indeed the simple things in life that give the most pleasure and seeing that Robin helped to cheer you up.
    It won't be long now till spring and longer day light and warmer temperatures which always help to lift the mood.
    Spring flowers are on their way
    Bring me sunshine in your smile.


      Oma, life is made up of the little things, and some of those can make us the happiest

      I think the older we get the more we appreciate these things.
      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


        Oma I know just what you mean. This morning was horrible, the car so iced up I couldn't even get into it. Then black ice on the roads, roadworks all round DS1's estate, so I was under pressure to get there on time..GD1 gets detention if she's late for school so I try to make sure I'm in good time. Exhausted by 8.30. Then GD 2 sat on the sofa with me for a cuddle,saying she liked cuddling with me because I've got a nice soft fluffy jumper on. Suddenly the morning was fine! 😍. I hope your day stays good. X
        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

        (Marianne Williamson)


          Oh how sweet Daisy 😊 I was just so tired this morning ,I feel fine now it will be around tea time when I will flag again 😊
          Im not fat just 6ft too small


            Oma I have a robin living in a tree in my neighbour's garden. I see her every day and put food out for her little family. Yesterday we came back from seeing Joe and Sadie and the front door was open as I had to go back out to the car and I looked down and there was Fatso on the door step to remind me I hadn't put anything out! Sometimes I go out there and she is sitting on the fence telling me off! I buy cheap biscuits and suet packs for them and also put other bits out for the . I do have a really lovely bird feeder in the shape of a poppy but the birds do not seem to be that keen, they prefer the brioche I sometimes put out.
            If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


              I agree that it is the simplest things that make you happy as you get older. I lovely those lovely lumpy clouds, rainbows, sunsets, children laughing,new babies, cuddles from GC and so on.

              Try not to get too tired Oma, take care of yourself.
              What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                I live in a area that is surrounded with hundreds of trees but we rarely see small birds , its always Magpies, pigeons , sometimes crows , and every year till this year a Jenny Wren nests in next doors wall hung bird box but she hasn't appeared so far this year , I wonder where all the small birds have gone ?
                Zizi you are so lucky to have your Robin even if she is cheeky ,
                Our squirrel hasn't been for a while either I'm wondering if the dog has put him off as last year Storm would go mad racing up and down the fence after it .
                Plant your right as you get older it is simple things , it so made my day seeing this little bird
                Im not fat just 6ft too small


                  I am able to feed the birds now we only have one cat who only has three legs I love the robins. The parakeets are spreading into our ares now although we haven't seen any.
                  What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                    Oma, it's sometimes the little things that are the best things.
                    We have a pair of Robins that come in the garden,along with several other birds.
                    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                      The robin at the bottom of our garden gets very indignant if we are doing anything within his territory. The daylight is beginning to last a bit longer and last night the sky was quite stunning. When you are busy raising a family so many things pass you by as you rush from one job to another. At least now there is time to watch and take note. Glad your day brightened up.


                        I wish we had a robin! With 6 cats between us and the neighbours at either side, it's unlikely I suppose.
                        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                          I put feeders out for the small birds - 3 of the white sunflower seeds and one of nyger seeds. These attract loads of small birds like various tits and several different sorts of chaffinches, including Goldfinches. We have pigeons and collared doves in the garden too, but my favourites are the blackbirds, which I feed on a separate table. They get quite tame - one used to come into the kitchen if the door was open and I hadn't fed him. At the moment there's one hen with a tiny white patch above her right eye - at first I thought it was a problem with her eye - and she's quite tame. They always make me feel happy. I'm less fond of the bossy magpies and thugish jackdaws who try to muscle in and chase the little birds away.
                          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                          (Marianne Williamson)


                            Daisy that brought back a memory from several years ago , I think I may have told you all about when we went to MIL,s one day and a big black bird had got his head trapped inbetween the fence slats he was just dangling there flapping his wings with no way of escape , I managed to hold him and lift him out then I sat on the steps and put him on my knee before I let go , when I did I expected it to fly away but it didn't he just sat looking at me for what seemed ages when it was probably seconds then flew off . he just didn't seem afraid ,either that or he needed a few seconds to get his bearings again , either way it was lovely
                            Im not fat just 6ft too small


                              Oma, I think there's something special about a wild creature seeming to connect with us and trust us, even if it's briefly. Well done for rescuing him. I know a lot of people can't touch birds.
                              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                              (Marianne Williamson)

