I think standing up for ourselves is something we don't do enough. As mothers, grandmothers, daughters and daughters in law I feel the majority of us are putting others first most of the time.
This is part of loving, caring and being responsible, and I don't want to stop being the way I am.
However, for me personally I feel the time has come for more balance. Being one of the Sandwich Carers, looking after the older and younger generation, my diary is full of their things which involve me.
I do have quite a bit of leisure time, because although I still work it is only part time. I do see friends and socialise.
This is fitted around everyone else. In some ways it has to be, as my daughters work. DD2 in particular is always telling me to put myself first, never put off something to look after the GC.
In the spirit of this new outlook I have, as I mentioned in the Chat Box I told my DDs that we will be going out on Mothers Day this year, with my mum and any of them who are free to come. I don't expect them to see me on Mothers Day, but I usually see at least 2, if not all 3. I have hosted the Mothers Day gathering for the past few years, cooking a Sunday roast for the whole family. This year I am awarding myself a Mothers Day off cooking! We shall go out for lunch and all are welcome to come back here for tea and cake etc afterwards. I have hosted in recent years as my mum is more comfortable here, and its good for the kids, with toys, cot, highchair etc. I'm afraid I come first this year however
. I will be back from Florida only 3 days before, so still jetlagged, and the clocks go forward the night before, so no, I shan't be cooking this year!
I am going to make time to go to aquafit classes regularly, something I enjoyed. It is my nature to help, care and put others first, but in future I am going to consider me in all of this and sometimes just say no!
Do you always put others first, or do you manage to strike the balance of helping and supporting family and having quality time for yourself?
All I know tells me most of you do not put yourselves first!
This is part of loving, caring and being responsible, and I don't want to stop being the way I am.
However, for me personally I feel the time has come for more balance. Being one of the Sandwich Carers, looking after the older and younger generation, my diary is full of their things which involve me.
I do have quite a bit of leisure time, because although I still work it is only part time. I do see friends and socialise.
This is fitted around everyone else. In some ways it has to be, as my daughters work. DD2 in particular is always telling me to put myself first, never put off something to look after the GC.
In the spirit of this new outlook I have, as I mentioned in the Chat Box I told my DDs that we will be going out on Mothers Day this year, with my mum and any of them who are free to come. I don't expect them to see me on Mothers Day, but I usually see at least 2, if not all 3. I have hosted the Mothers Day gathering for the past few years, cooking a Sunday roast for the whole family. This year I am awarding myself a Mothers Day off cooking! We shall go out for lunch and all are welcome to come back here for tea and cake etc afterwards. I have hosted in recent years as my mum is more comfortable here, and its good for the kids, with toys, cot, highchair etc. I'm afraid I come first this year however

I am going to make time to go to aquafit classes regularly, something I enjoyed. It is my nature to help, care and put others first, but in future I am going to consider me in all of this and sometimes just say no!
Do you always put others first, or do you manage to strike the balance of helping and supporting family and having quality time for yourself?
All I know tells me most of you do not put yourselves first!