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    Well, my lovely doctor was surprised I said I was breathless when walking as I had my heart checked not long ago. Also I am not breathless lying down in bed. She is going to have a word with the Cardiologist. Just to crown it all, I have a tummy ache today. Not a happy bunny. My DD and Sil plus Sil’s 2 sisters and one husband are now in France for a week. So nothing to report.
    What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


      Plant, I hope the Dr was able to give you some advice/reassurance.

      I had a nice time with my friends over lunch and long chat, but my throat was sore from talking when I got back!

      OH and I have just been to collect some greenhouse glass. She managed to somehow bring the door off it's runners last week and the glass panes broke
      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


        Our posts crossed Plant. I hope your tummy feels better soon xx
        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


          Plant, hope you feel better soon.

          Gem, glad you had a nice time with your friends.
          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


            Plant, poor you. You really don't need a tummy ache as well as breathlessness. Do take it easy while the doctor does her research. Is your GD1 around to make sure you're ok? Sending hugs, and hoping the tummy ache has gone by tomorrow. xx

            Gem, isn't it lovely to spend time with old friends. I can imagine there was plenty of chatting, but I hope your throat's ok. What a nuisance about the greenhouse door, but at least you can get replacement panes.

            I seem to have been busy without doing much today! I did some washing, changed the bed, did some paperwork, cooked lunch. Eva had a good long walk this afternoon. OH is out this evening, but shouldn't be too late home.
            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

            (Marianne Williamson)


              Good morning, feeling chilly again but there's no frost.

              Hubby out for a couple of hours with his pal.

              Changing the bedding and cleaning the bedrooms.
              I might get the bedding out on the line if the weather stays dry.

              Plant and Gem, hope you both feel better today.

              Easy dinner today, chips, egg and peas.
              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                Morning Nanto/ladies

                It's raining here but supposedly it's clearing by 9 ,

                I have hair cut and colour at 9.30

                B has been sick all night again so we have had to cancel tea out with Josh& Lucie .
                He also has another cold that's 4 since November.

                Someone is supposed to be coming for the shed this morning I hope they turn up , the last one said Friday then yesterday,when B text him he said he couldn't make it so B offered it to the next one on the list.
                Then last night my nephew rang said he would take it but we had already offered it to this other person.

                How are you feeling today are you any better xx
                Im not fat just 6ft too small


                  Good morning everyone.

                  That's a cute tiger cub Nan2!

                  Plant how are you?

                  Oma, poor B

                  Library for me, golf for OH. I will probably just do an hour today. There is another Tuesday morning volunteer who can only ever do an hour. He isn't there every Tuesday, but if he's in today two of us can get a fair amount done in an hour.

                  Nice and sunny this morning, but chilly I imagine.
                  “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                    Good Tuesday morning, everyone.

                    Nanto, I hope it stays dry for your washing. I dried our bedding outside yesterday for the first time in ages, and it was lovely! Your cute little friend won't like it if it's chilly.

                    Oma, you'll feel like a new woman after having your hair done. Poor B. I'm so sorry to hear he's being sick again. He must be getting fed up with all the colds as well.

                    Gem, hopefully doing a bit less at the library won't tire you out so much. It will be a nice day for S on the golf course, even if it is a bit chilly.

                    Plant, how are you this morning? I hope the family arrived in Normandy ok.

                    No specific plans for me today, but plenty to do if I feel like it. We were going to get up early this morning as OH wants to get some woodturning finished, but overslept! And I went to bed early last night. I'd better get a move on now!
                    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                    (Marianne Williamson)


                      I was full of good intentions this morning, but a couple of long phone calls meant I didn't get anything else done. I've just come in from the garden - mainly weeding - with aching back and legs. So a quick sit down with a cup of tea and then off to take Eva for a walk. She's been dropping hints all afternoon. I think I'll have to start walking her before I do any gardening next time.

                      I hope everyone else's day has gone to plan.
                      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                      (Marianne Williamson)


                        Hallo everyone,, the weather has returned back to normal!! Cold!

                        Daisy, a good idea to do the walking before the gardening.

                        I have been to the fysio, and, I have 3 cysts behind my knee, the girl said very unusual to see them there then the 3 of them! That is where the pain is coming from, she has just phoned me back and I can have them removed either tomorrow at 4pm or over a fortnight, I chose tomorrow!

                        I have been doing the coffee, I was reading there is an information afternoon from the local police about web? fraud on Thursday, it is at the location in the next village, I have put my name down to go, I only hope it isn't the police officer that helped me the other week!


                          Daisy, rest that back and those knees now!

                          Lizzie, you should feel some relief once those cysts are drained.

                          How is B Oma?

                          I did about 40 minutes at the library. The other volunteer was there so we got a lot done between us.
                          I decided to go to the doctor's surgery then and wait to see a receptionist. I did, it took some time but they arranged for me to be contacted. A form about my cough was sent to me. I completed it, sent it back then a doctor phoned me. He diagnosed chest infection and prescribed antibiotics. OH had to go to the pharmacy after golf anyway to pick up a 24 hour BP monitor so collected my antibiotics at the same time.
                          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                            Sorry I am so late to post. I went out to shop and lunch with GD her other half and H. We collected her from Nursery and went to shop and lunch at farm shop. H was not interested in food and since going to bed she is coughing a lot. GD has just been in to ask my opinion but she hasn’t got a high temp. So she repositioned her to help with the coughing and she will sleep with her tonight. I think my GD was missing her mum to get advice.

                            Gemini, so sorry to read you are still suffering with your cough. I hope now you have some antibiotics that will knock it on the head.

                            Oma, Poor B,he doesn’t seem to be able to see the end of that virus. Shame you had to miss lunch with GS and Lucie. You have been messed about with the shed.

                            Lizzie, Are the cysts painful? What sort of op will it be to remove them.

                            Daisy, Yes the family arrived safely in France. I think my GD wished her mum and dad were here, children are so precious and GD was missing them.
                            What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                              Oh dear Oma, hope B feels better soon.
                              Awful to be messed about with the shed.

                              Plant, glad the family arrived at their destination safely.

                              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                                Good morning, Plant, the cysts are blokking my lymph system, which I have problems with, that is where the pain comes from and my muscles have reacted my stiffening. They will drain the cysts and hope that is the solution.

