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Time to Chat Day by Day

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    Good Saturday morning, everyone. We've got sunshine - I hope it's the same for you all.

    Nanto, enjoy your trip to Wakefield. Does that include lunch out?

    I'm going to get washing done - hopefully to dry outside. I still haven't got the tomato plants pulled out - if it's dry enough that would be a nice outdoor job for today.

    I hope you all have a good day.

    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

    (Marianne Williamson)


      Good morning.

      ​​​​​Have a good Wakefield trip Nan2.

      It's the time of year for those sort of garden jobs isn't it Daisy? Your forest walks sound lovely.

      This evening we are having overnight guest! We were asked to babysit baby E long before I got my operation date. It's an important thing DD and SIL3 are going to tonight. I will write about it elsewhere later. I can't do any practical childcare of course. OH will do it. It will be putting the baby to bed basically. His parents will sleep here so once they are back they will be in charge.

      It looks a fine day so far.
      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


        Gemini, I am sure you will be fit to do some cuddling baby E.

        Nanto, are you going to Wakefield to shop? I am sure it will include lunch.

        GD2 is here she surprised me last evening, she is coming to the birthday party with us.
        What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


          Morning Ladies

          What a nice surprise, hope you all have a good day and the weather is good , is it a indoor or outdoor party?

          The Forest walk sounds lovely at least Eva got a good sniff around ,
          All those interesting smells must be to dogs like humans in a sweetie shop 😁
          Hope you get the washing dry ,It’s wall to wall rain here.

          Just as well S is there to take the strain ,
          How is your leg today how did you sleep ?

          Enjoy your lunch out and Wakefield, makes a nice change of scenery doesn’t it.

          As I said to Daisy it’s wall to wall rain again for us but we don’t care because GS IS HOME 😁
          He and Lucie are coming for lunch, can’t wait to see them ,
          He rings most days but not the same as getting a cuddle 😁

          Housework done and I ironed yesterday so nothing else to do but wait for them to arrive 😁
          Im not fat just 6ft too small


            Oma, so pleased for you that GS is home

            Plant yes I can do cuddling and playing with the baby, just no nappies and lifting. I'm still on 2 sticks so can't carry anything but me
            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


              image.png Good morning, I hoped my washing would dry outside Daisy, just got it hung out and down came the rain, it doesn't actually get wet under the roof, but, wouldn't dry in the damp air so I have brought it in to dry!

              All the artists etc of the village have a theme? route this weekend, I am going to the library to see the paintings the people from the art group make then this afternoon to the next village, a lady from the gym gives lessons in drawing, very good she is as well, I am going to see what her pupils have made.

              I just hope it stays dry.

              Oma, you will be pleased with your trousers, do you have to pay postage?

              Sorry, forgot to post this, I have been to see the first paintings etc, just got in and down came the rain again!

              I am so pleased with the new shopping bike, like a child with a new toy!!!

              Oma, enjoy the GS and his cuddles! I am going to DS1 for a meal tomorrow evening and will see both GD's then.

              ​ ​


                Oma, How lovely to be able to feed your GS and Lucie again and get lovely cuddles

                Lizzie, how does your new bike differ from your old bike?

                Daisy, I hope you manage to get into the garden today, the weather is gorgeous here but very Autumnal. Our grass is soaking wet. GS and his OH have just had their terrace relaid and made larger so the children and poss. The adults will be able to wander outside at the party.

                WG, we will try not to disturb you but can’t guarantee it.
                What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                  Plant, the difference is 17 years!!!! I realise now that the old one is getting on a bit! Like me! I do want the neighbour to put a new lock on for me so I can keep it as a spare. This one is the same model though, I have always thought if I got another I would want the same model etc.

                  Showers here all morning, I now hope it is dry for a while.


                    Happy Week-end ladies its dry here and quite pleasant no need for a coat when I pop to the farmers market later for fresh veg it is on until 4pm so plenty of time.

                    Be very careful on those sticks Gems no running about enjoy cuddling little one I am seeing my GGS later when his daddy brings him to see me he brings him in most weeks when he takes him & his brother to the local swings.

                    I have just had my Ocado order delivered so I have stocked up on M&S ready meals they have an offer on at 3 x £9 so very good value so just need the fresh veg to go with them.

                    This morning I have been Mrs Good Wife and polished all the shelves and picture frames I've stored away some nic-naks to go into the loft some bits ACs made at school which I can't bare to get rid of but they take up so much space all nice and tidy now.

                    Enjoy the week-end ladies will talk soon xx

                    Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


                      Glamma, I'm not at the running stage yet

                      I'm glad you are happy with your new bike Lizzie.

                      We are now not looking after baby E tonight. He has had a little cold but seemed much better. He woke up from his afternoon nap not himself and they would rather not risk it. So DD3 is still staying here (she has to come here first to collect the cakes DD2 left here yesterday) and it will save her the late night drive home. Baby will stay home with daddy.
                      It is a big celebration for DD and SIL2s company's 20th birthday - hence the cake, and DD3 is involved, as an employee.
                      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                        Had my flu jab this morning. I walked down to the surgery and it seems quite a few people from the village had the same idea. The problem with the surgery is that it's at the bottom of a long hill, fine going down, but not so easy coming back up! Then I went to the library, popped into the butcher's across the road and picked up some art work which I've had framed. Just need to hang them now!

                        Yesterday I had my solar panels pigeon proofed. I couldn't believe the mess they had made with their nests underneath them. It was strange not waking up to the sound of pigeons and when I looked up, there were three very disconsolate looking pigeons looking very accusingly at me! I'm sure they'll find somewhere else to roost!

                        This afternoon I managed to get the grass cut. It was still a bit damp, but at least its tidy. family coming for a meal tomorrow so I'm going to get the curry made tonight. It always tastes better the next day!

                        I do hope Plant isn't on the bouncy castle or the trampoline at her GGD's party!!! Her GS's garden runs along the back of mine and I can see the castle and trampoline from my bedroom!

                        Have a lovely evening ladies xx
                        Believe you can and you're halfway there.
                        Theodore Roosevelt.


                          Those pigeons can make such a mess , we have never had a trouble with them on our solar panels thankfully ,

                          Poor baby hope it’s something that passes quickly.

                          Your last bike has lived a long life hasn’t it , I bet it’s done hundreds of miles and served you well 😁
                          No I managed to get free postage on my trousers , they arrived this afternoon and fit perfectly.

                          Hope your having a lovely afternoon and the sun is shining 😁

                          Thats a good bargain in M&S , MIL likes some of their meals , Bs sister often gets them for her ,
                          B is phoning his Mam tonight he will tell her .

                          Had a lovely few hours with GS and Lucie lots of cuddles
                          We have so missed him ,
                          DD walked over with Storm and stayed a hour before they came so we had a full morning and afternoon.
                          Im not fat just 6ft too small


                            Oma, the bike certainly has lasted, I have covered miles on it over the years, do all my shopping, had both GC on it, together! I couldn’t do that now with them😆😆😆.


                              Everyone seems to be very busy and active today, me included - I did get the lawn cut late this afternoon. I intended to get an early night but it's already quite late, so I'll just say 'good night, sweet dreams, everyone'.
                              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                              (Marianne Williamson)


                                Good morning. Sky looks a bit watery, don't know what the forecast is for today.

                                Had a good day in Wakefield yesterday.

                                Oma, how lovely to see GS and Lucie.

                                Daisy hope you have an easier day.

                                No plans for us today.

                                Not doing a Sunday dinner. We have had a lot of meals with meat this week so we are having fish today for a change. Will have homemade chips with it and mushy peas.
                                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.

