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Time to Chat Day by Day

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    Oma, what is the NH thinking of sending an 89 year old lady home without informing the next of kin. I presume it wasn’t her idea to go home.
    Poor Josh, at least he has Conner to keep him company.
    What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


      Its shocking , she said the Taxi driver was very good he held her arm as there are three sets of steps up to her front door and very little light .
      He opened the door for her and made sure her sitting room light was on before he left.
      Other SIL rang the Taxi firm today to pass on our thanks.

      B said if she has to go in again he will go with her and stay till he knows she’s on a ward.
      But the Hospital should have rang one of us they have contact numbers on her files , so no excuse .

      SIL has put a complaint in and so have nurses

      They sent her home with anti sickness tablets Antibiotic and steroids , personally I think she takes so many Antibiotics that they are not working as they should now.

      Her Dr hands them out to often for my liking.

      Im not fat just 6ft too small


        Some antibiotic tablets have nasty side effects. I don’t understand why she didn’t phone one of you to fetch her. How kind of the taxi driver to get her settled.
        What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


          Josh & Connor at Josh's 3rd Birthday 😁
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          Im not fat just 6ft too small


            Plant we said the same thing , when B asked her she said it was quicker to get a Taxi , B could have stayed the night to make sure she was ok if he had picked her up .
            Im not fat just 6ft too small


              Oma, they were such sweet little boys - and now they are young men branching out into the big wide world. I'm quite sure J will be fine, and both he and C will be far too busy with lots of new friends to feel homesick. Dry your tears and remember how thankful you are that he's got this amazing opportunity in his young life. Sending hugs. xx

              It's outrageous that your MIL was sent home in the middle of the night. Thank goodness she had a kind taxi driver. How is she now?

              Plant, good news you have a cleaner. I can understand that they insisted on weekly bookings, otherwise if some customers have weekly, others two-weekly, others 3 weekly and others monthly it must be a nightmare for staffing. Also I found when I had a cleaner coming weekly she would concentrate on different things different weeks - it worked very well.

              Gem, you're doing a good job of cramming lots of fun in before execution day. I would do the same! I hope you can fit in a trip to your Auntie as well.

              I have had a blitz on the washing today. All done apart from towels, all dried and some of it is even ironed! OH was very tired and aching after his busy week-end at DS1's, so he's had a quiet day catching up with phone calls, reading the paper, watching a bit of tv - all between regular snoozes. He's out at a meeting tonight though.

              Eva has slept most of the day - her social life is very tiring!
              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

              (Marianne Williamson)


                B rang her about hour ago she was going to have boiled eggs and toast , with the sicknessshe hasnt eaten all weekend but felt ready too now , she was then going to watch a bit TV and have a early night .

                Poor J he must be tired and the sadness of his brother dying.

                My neighbour came about a hour ago with a huge bag of beautiful blackberries,
                He picks them every year and shares them with us and our elderly neighbours ,

                I washed them and the first batch are on a big flat tray in the freezer , will wait till they frozen and freeze the next batch
                Once they are all frozen I will vacuum bag them.

                He looks after a fishing lake making sure everything is safe and clean for anglers and he said there are huge Blackberry bushes,
                Im not fat just 6ft too small


                  Well I’ve had a night of phone calls , first GS1 rang to say he was ok , he had been to play a round of golf and his friend who is already at Uni in Leeds was going for a meal , Josh was making Fajitas

                  Then DD rang in tears , she had cried all the way home , so we had a good cry together and chatted for about half hour till she felt a bit better ,

                  She hadn’t been off the phone 5 minutes when GS 2 rang for a chat to tell me all about his kick boxing match on Sunday

                  Its all or nothing with my lot 😁
                  Im not fat just 6ft too small


                    Raining, I think its rained most of the night and its forecast for all day.

                    Oma that was certainly bad about the way they sent MIL home. Well done to the taxi driver who helped her.
                    I can understand DD being upset, it's such a big change for all the family.

                    Plant, I hope you and the cleaner get along OK.

                    We didn't care for the runner beans yesterday, I think they should have been picked earlier.

                    Gem, glad you are doing a bit of socialising before your op.

                    The newlyweds are going to Rhodes later today.
                    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                      Morning Nanto
                      I think that’s why I didn’t like runner beans as a child they were always rubbery and tough if I remember rightly.
                      Hope the newlyweds have a lovely time and there are no flight delays.

                      Finished the Blackberries they all vacuum packed now , even with gloves on I still managed to get juice stains on my hands ,
                      How I have no idea.

                      Going to pop toB&M and Lidl this morning not much else planned
                      Will pop back see how everyone is doing x
                      Im not fat just 6ft too small


                        Good morning Nan2, Oma and everyone else.

                        Very wet here.
                        Library duty for me this morning and GS1 from school this afternoon. I'm not sure if I am dropping him off at his after school club or not, I must ask DD.
                        Good catch up with my friends last night.

                        Have a good day everyone.

                        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                          Good Tuesday morning, everyone. It's threatening rain here, but dry so far.

                          Gem, a good catch up is great, isn't it, and I'm sure your enjoyed every minute. We all seem to be easing back into school and other normal routines, don't we.

                          Nanto, what a pretty graphic. I do hope the newly-weds have a wonderful time in Rhodes. I've never been there but it looks lovely. What is the weather like there now?

                          Oma, I always tried to pick runner beans young when we had the allotment, but there are always a pesky few who hide in the leaves and go tough and stringy. What will you use the blackberries for? Good to hear J had plans for his first evening. I hope both you and his Mum feel better this morning. It's a bit wrench, isn't it.

                          Plant, I hope all goes well with your cleaning lady. It will make such a difference to you to have help with the heavier jobs.

                          For the first time in weeks, I have no plans for today. OH has someone coming to check over the engine of the kit car and tune it or whatever, but that's all. I shall keep out of the way. I'm going to have a nice leisurely shower and give myself a pedicure. My 'summer nails' are looking very tatty!

                          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                          (Marianne Williamson)


                            We are all back into our routines after our trip to Birmingham. The young lady who is employed to do my housework has arrived and is stuck in cleaning the bathrooms. She is a teacher studying for a higher degree. I think we are going to get along fine. This afternoon I am going to see the film Fishermen’s Friend in the Village Hall.

                            I love runner beans but they have to be picked before they go old and not stringy. I never buy them, miss them from the garden.

                            Very dull here Gemini, feels like it might rain.

                            Wild blackberries are much tastier than the ones we used to grow Oma. I hope Josh has settled in and feels happier, I expect the thought of not seeing his girl friend can’t have helped.

                            Daisy, will you have to travel far for the funeral.
                            What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                              We tend to use them in crumbles and with Apples , I also like them in yoghurt,

                              nice to know you are getting on with the cleaner it makes it easier ,
                              The Fisherman’s friend is a good film enjoy xx

                              Back to normal with everyone ,
                              Is GS still enjoying the club?

                              Luxury to enjoy a nice long leisurely shower😁
                              Im ok we going to spend some time after tea with DD and SIL ,
                              He is feeling it too , he said yesterday when he came to pick the dog up it feels like a 19 year marriage breakup Bless them .

                              Been to B & M went for a new washing basket I wanted a collapsible one ,came out with that and a fur Christmas tree stand cover, 🙄😁
                              That shop is lethal for spontaneous random buying 😁

                              We have a mixture of rain and watery sun, it’s getting a bit windy as well.

                              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                                Good Monday Morning ladies,
                                Oma how awful was the treatment of your MIL I certainly hope heads roll over this I know NHS are understaffed but basic care & safety is a given for goodness sake.
                                I feel for you Oma with Josh going away just pat yourself'son the back for raising such a confident boy ready to go out into the world.

                                Sad news Daisy we just never know what is around the corner do we sending my heart felt thoughts for the time ahead.

                                The weather has gone cooler these past few days it has rained slightly so my car is covered in that awful sahara sand again I just give up I'll wait until next week just before it goes in for a service & MOT.The garage give it a clean inside and out before they deliver it back to me all part of my service package.

                                This morning I am off to the hairdresser to have a couple more inches cut off the locks this weather seems to have dried the ends dreadfully and its not too long ago since I had a good trim its all payout this week as it cost me just under £300 at the dentist yesterday for a consultation and x-rays about me replacing the teeth I had broken I go back to see him when he has decided which way we are going so not too long I think.

                                Plant I do hope you find your cleaner to your liking my DD has suggested I find someone to help me every 2 x weeks for the jobs I can't manage such as behind furniture and skirting boards etc,my DS1 does help with most things and so does DD when she comes over but I hate putting on them as they are so busy in their own lives with family & work.luckily I only have a small bungalow and would only need 2 hours at the most,not sure if to look for an independent lady or a Company where I may not get the same person every time.

                                Oma enjoy the blackberries I just love them years ago when we where little and money was tight my mum used to send us to a farm where all the hedge rows where full of blackberries we would pick trays of them and she would cook them with apples etc for jams and for desserts during the week making mouth watering crumbles for pennies she was a marvel at making ends meet.

                                Off now for a quick shower before hairdressers at 12-45 will talk soon take care everyone x

                                Keep Calm,You're Fabulous

