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Time to Chat Day by Day

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    Good Sunday morning, everyone. It's grey and drizzly here - looking very autumnal this morning - so I'm glad I got the lawn done yesterday. OH also cleared out the tomato canes and weeded the troughs. He staked his sunflowers as well - they are getting a bit battered in the strong winds but we'll try and keep them for the seeds for the birds. The crab apple tree we planted 18 months ago is laden with fruit this year, and we've decided we'll leave them for the birds to feast on.

    Gem, I hope you're feeling a bit better with every passing day.

    WeeGranny, did you make your curry last night? Have a lovely lunch with your family today. Have the pigeons taken the hint and find a new place to roost?

    Plant, how was the party? Did you hog the trampoline?

    Lizzie, that bike served you well. I wonder how many miles you actually covered on it. I hope the new one is as reliable for you.

    Oma, it must have been great to have a catch up and cuddle with GS1 and Lucie. Are they both enjoying uni?

    Nanto, many thanks for the lovely cheerful graphic. Nice to have a change of meal - I'd choose fish and chips over a roast any day! So is it ok if I pop round?
    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

    (Marianne Williamson)


      We've got a busy week ahead. It's OH's brother's funeral on Tuesday lunch-time, in North Wales. So we're travelling up there very early tomorrow morning - about 5 am, to try and avoid some of the traffic jams down here. We're staying with his younger brother and wife on Monday night, but will have to travel back after the funeral, getting home late Tuesday night. On Wednesday we've got a day trip to Brownsea Island booked. It was arranged months ago and we thought about pulling out, but decided it would be something nice to look forward to in a horrible week. We're also giving a lift to some friends and don't want to let them down.

      OH was due to have an eye injection on Monday, but he's rearranged that for Thursday morning. On Friday somebody is coming to do something on the kit car (no idea what or who!). Then next Sunday OH's brother and his wife are coming down to stay for a week. They were due this week but we've re-arranged because of the funeral.

      Part of being busy this week has been getting as many jobs done as we can as the next two weeks are so busy. I've got to finish some ironing and make up the guest bed for BIL and SIL ready for next week. I'll try and get a couple of meals in the freezer as well.

      Eva is going to stay with Cooper this afternoon, and we'll pick her up after the Brownsea trip on Wednesday.

      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

      (Marianne Williamson)


        Good morning Nan2, Daisy and everyone else.

        Oma, there will be lots of lovely visits from GS like that one.

        Daisy, that is indeed a busy week ahead for you. I think it's very good idea to have something nice to look forward to after a sad event like a family funeral. Poor OH, that and his eye injection in the same week.

        I haven't seen DD3 yet so I don't know how last night went or how the baby is. I presume she will get up soon

        This is the last full day of having OH around before 3 golf days, so I will make the most of her!
        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


          DD and Sil left this morning for a flight to Spain for nearly a week. GD still here, I am taking her to the station lunch time for her to go back to London. I wish she was able to stay longer to keep me company but she has work. The party was very crowded and lots of fun for the children, H was having a ball with all the children and tried to do what they were. I have no doubt WG could hear them. Fortunately the weather was good and we managed to use the garden. I didn’;t go on the bouncy castle or their tree house. They have had a lovely large patio added to their house with seating and a wall around three sides, filled with earth and plants planted. My GS is very interested in plants.

          Daisy a mixed week for you, Eva will enjoy her time with your DS’s family. I don’t envy you your 5am start.

          Oma, How lovely for you and B to have some time with GS.

          Lizzie, enjoy your new bike

          Gemini, it sounds as if you have got yourself organised, just as well the baby isn’t coming to you as he has a cold.
          What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


            Morning Ladies

            Itsgoing to be a whirlwind couple of weeks , hopefully you will be having some meals out with your guests so it takes the strain off you ,
            Poor J having to have his eye jabs just after the funeral ,
            I agree having something to look forward too after as Gem said a sad event is a good idea.
            Eva will think she’s on a long holiday 😁

            Lovely graphic made me smile 😁
            I think you need something like fish when you have eaten a lot of meat otherwise you get sick of the sight of it and feel heavy too.

            How is your leg today is the swelling going down?
            Make the most of S while you have the chance 😁
            Hope your not in too much pain are you able to bend it much , have you still got the dressing on
            Sorry I’m asking too many questions I’m being nosy 🙄🥰

            We going to Dalton park this morning B wants to go to the Lindt shop AGAIN and to the Levi shop for jeans ,
            I will have a look in Romans and Pavers.
            I have something to drop in at my sisters first I won’t stay it will be a dash in dash out kind of thing , B will stay in the car otherwise we will end up staying a couple of hours once we get talkin 😁

            Our post crossed , sound like a good day I’m so pleased the weather stayed fine , did you find out what your GGS thought of the puzzle you bought him 😁
            Last edited by Oma; 24-09-2023, 08:47 AM.
            Im not fat just 6ft too small


              Oma, questions are fine and I will answer them and update on that thread

              It would have been nice if your GD could have kept you company Plant.

              Have a nice trip out Oma.

              DD3 is now up and baby is OK daddy says.
              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                Plant, the party was very quiet! I heard the children when they were on the bouncy castle but that was all. Your GS's patio sounds lovely. There are too many trees between us for me to see the back of his house! In fact I can't see an awful lot of the rest of his garden either!

                Plant, I never had any trouble with pigeons at the previous house, so I didn't even think about getting them pigeon proofed when they went up! But, for whatever reason, the b****** decided my roof was an ideal place to roost! Not any more.

                Gem, hope you're becoming more mobile by the day.

                Daisy, hope everything goes to plan next week. Hopefully, the following week will be an easy one. Yes, the curry is ready! House smells like an Indian restaurant....hope the curry tastes as good as it smells. I haven't made my own curry for ages, so I had to keep checking my recipe!

                Sun is shining here, but there's a definite nip in the air! Brrr!

                Believe you can and you're halfway there.
                Theodore Roosevelt.


                  love the smell of a home made curry,
                  B made one on Friday it was delicious. I love a good curry , I don't like it too spicy I prefer the aromatic ones rather than too hot .
                  I don't like beef or lamb curry but i like a fish curry .(not Shell Fish I'm allergic)
                  B put spinach in right at the end it was lovely .
                  Will your GS share it with you ,

                  shame you couldn't see into Plants DSs garden you could have waved from your bedroom window 😉
                  Im not fat just 6ft too small


                    Daisy, a bit of a busy time coming up for you.

                    Oma, hope you have a good trip out.

                    The newlyweds have both got covid. They think they caught it on the plane coming back from Rhodes.

                    Got a few jobs done. i tidied round and did the ironing.
                    Hubby has been up and cleaned the guttering out on the conservatory.

                    Bit of a breeze blowing now,but the sun is shining.
                    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                      WG, Our neighbours had to keep the pigeons out, they get there because of the warmth. The family over the back will have another child running around soon, well not quite soon.

                      My son makes gorgeous curries, I tasted one he had made last week but it was a bit hot for me.

                      My GS from London has been home for his mothers birthday, so after dropping GD off at the station I drove to JL to meet him and his mother. I owed him a birthday present so he chose some shot glasses. I went mad and bought a watch for myself, I haven’t worn a watch for some time.
                      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                        Plant, i wear a watch every day. Always feel lost without it.
                        I'm not a curry fan.Hubby likes it,but not too hot.
                        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                          Hallo everyone, just catching up on the posts! I have been to DS1 for dinner, a lovely roast so I was spoilt! DIL is a fantastic cook, she always has been, really enjoys cooking as well. GD1 was working at the Lidl to 7-30 so I rode that way on my way home and she was just leaving, we cycled together to their house, she has really settled in and enjoys the work. I haven't been yet but may go tomorrow afternoon as GD2 asked me to get roses for her so I may take them and go to the Lidl.
                          Each time I see GD2 I am amazed at how she is growing , she is changing so much each time I see her! They visited DS2 a few weeks ago and he didn't recognise the young lady getting out of the car!

                          I hope you got all your shopping done Oma.
                          Daisy, a busy week ahead for you, a long drive as well. Thinking of you

                          Nanto, I hope the happy couple are soon better.

                          WG, what a carry on with the pigeons. My neighbour feeds them and they love to sit on my balcony railing waiting for their food.

                          Gem, you will soon be able to move easier, that is what I see with the people here that have had their knees replaced.


                            Doesn't look a bad morning, seems bright.

                            No set plans for us, will take the day as it comes.

                            Lizzie, lovely for you to get spoilt for a change.

                            Dinner is mash, bacon and beans.
                            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                              Good morning.
                              Nice dinner Nan2.

                              I'm sure your curry will be fine WG.

                              I love a roast, Lizzie. Our GDs are growing into beautiful young ladies

                              Good for you treating yourself to a watch Plant.

                              OH is playing an away golf competition today. She will be here until 10.30. DD3 and baby are coming over for the day, which will be nice.
                              I need to contact the Nuffield to rearrange my physio appointment. It is this Wednesday when there is no one to take me. I'm sure one of our family and friends would, but as they had told me it would be roughly 10 days after and that would only be 6 I want to move it to a more convenient date.

                              Happy Monday ladies.
                              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                                Gemini, I hope you can get your appt re=arranged to a more convenient time.

                                Expecting a man later to give me an estimate for cleaning my SR carpet. I am out to a lunch in the village hall today. They have them once a month organised by the hall manager.
                                What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare

