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Time to Chat Day by Day

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    Morning everyone

    Just trying to get the right one we both like, at the moment the leader is navy with a god geometric pattern , not over the top though , Im not into fussy patterns.
    How is DS any news on him getting home?

    I think you have had your fair share of spills for now 😁
    Did you enjoy lunch out ?

    Its nice to meet and catch up isn’t it we must get around to coming York,

    It’s a bit overcast here but not to cold , I have all bedroom windows open,
    We need to go to Aldi but B is cutting the hole out for the new sink at the minute , dust and noise first thing isn’t for me but if I want a new sink I have to put up with it Dont I.🙄

    What a night I had cramps in my feet all night , as soon as I thought they had gone lay back down and they cramped again,
    At some point I must have fallen asleep but I woke up dreaming I had cramp and I did so up I got again to pace around the room 😳
    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      Had a visit from the three foxes again yesterday evening, they are very bold. Lovely sunny morning after a lovely but windy day yesterday. I bought quite a few plants from the garden centre must get a start planting them. Board games this afternoon but I might manage to get a start this morning. A very close, long time friend’s OH died yesterday, must get her a card and some flowers today and pop around to see her perhaps tomorrow. We had a sunny but windy day yesterday, very sunny today atm.

      Oma, so sorry about the cramps, they say you are short of salt if you get cramps. Hope you find the wallpaper you like.

      Daisy, is your DS still in hospital?

      Nanto, no more dropsis I hope, knocking the glass over was the final one but who is superstitious?

      Gemini, I hope your GS is feeling better and able to go back to school.
      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


        Plant enjoy your board games afternoon ,
        Sad about your friends OH was it expected?

        I was going to buy plants yesterday but it was so windy I didn’t want to walk around the outdoors garden centre.
        Im not fat just 6ft too small


          Dropped a sympathy card into my friend, didn’t knock the door. Her husband had slight confusion but not bad. He had got very agitated because they were having work done on the house, heating etc. He went into the kitchen to stack the dishes and collapsed. Paramedics got his heart going again but he died 3 days later. His wife said they had 7 medics in their house all within 5 minutes.

          I did enjoy the games, they are a lovely crowd but I didn’t win a game today. A lady of 60 years plus announced she was getting married again, we had cake because it was her birthday too. The eldest player is a lady of 93, she is very smart at the game.
          What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


            Your games afternoon sounds lovely Plant.

            Cramps are so painful Oma.

            Good aqua class, our Wednesday instructor will be on holiday next week so I don't know who we will get. I will be going 3 times this week, to make up for no Monday class next week due to the bank holiday.
            I had a good lunch and catch up with my friends. We met in the first year at grammar school. Walking back to my car after lunch I was thinking how can we now be ladies in our (very) late 60s???
            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


              Plant, glad you had a good games afternoon.

              Gem, can't beat a good lunch out with friends.

              Its been another good drying day. Washed two coats.
              Hubby's was a very thick one,but it dried lovely.
              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                I didn't get much done this morning - just very tired after a long day yesterday. But I had an early lunch and went out and did over two hours gardening - then it started to rain. Eva must have been tired also as she literlally slept from when OH went out first thing (Lat of the Summer Wine car group!) until 5 o'clock! By then the rain was quite heavy so I took er out after dinner when it had eased off a bit. She's gone back to sleep now!

                I finally got some plants out of the summerhouse and into the garden but didn't top dress or feed them. I cut back a pot of ferns that lives in a damp shady part of the garden. I started to do some weeding, but with the wet weather the worms were right up at the surface and I didn't want to massacre them, so I did some tidying up instead. We're forecast thunder storms for tonight!
                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                (Marianne Williamson)


                  Yesterday as it was a warmer and a less windy day we decided to take some flowers up to the cemetery and “do the rounds” . Sadly visiting an increasing amount of graves we like to leave flowers on .It was a particularly sad day as it would have been my dear dad’s 107 birthday.
                  Eldest DS came with us so that was a nice surprise.

                  To change the subject….. I have been complaining about my Galaxy tablet, it’s been running sooooo slowly and the keyboard seemed to have it’s own opinions on what I should type.
                  I have been putting up with it for about 6 months or more. OH has said on numerous occasions “Just get a new tablet “ but I choose to carry on tutting and moaning.
                  Anyway what arrived for me on Saturday? Only a brand new , all singing, all dancing iPad . OH said he had had enough so he brought me an iPad .
                  But to be fair to me I did actually spoil him also …. I cooked him liver 😝 for lunch on Saturday ( he loves liver , truth be told I hate the stuff so he doesn’t have it very often ) and I had also brought him some Wagon Wheels , again its something he likes, he says it takes him back to his childhood. So all in all a fair exchange I think.

                  Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                    Good morning,

                    Mimi, you will be pleased with your iPad, I was moaning long enough on my old Mac, now I have the new one I am really pleased I decided to get it.

                    By the way, I love liver! I didn't know they still made Wagon Wheels! Where they made by Weston??

                    I have had a busy few days, I went to DS's 2 for lunch yesterday and to discuss what happened at Christmas, they still haven't forgiven me, in fact I was proud of myself for not saying too much, let it all be, it turned out fine, GGS was there, very cute with long dark curls. I heard they are expecting a baby in July I think it was, a girl.

                    DS2 and family have covered miles in Barcelona, I think they move on to Terragonna today,.

                    It is so warm here, 25 degrees yesterday, today as well by the forecast. I have to take my car for the MOT then hope to get to Delft for some material.

                    I will catch up on other posts later in the day.


                      Good morning. Looks a bit overcast this morning.

                      Mimi, Lizzie, I like liver as well.

                      Mimi, pleased you are happy with your new ipad.

                      Tidying upstairs this morning.

                      Hubby helping his brother with something in the garden, not sure when he'll be home, so just a pizza for dinner.
                      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                        Good morning Lizzie, Nan2 and everyone else.

                        They still make Wagon Wheels Lizzie, but a fraction of the size when we were young! Made by Burton's. Our pantomime dame's signature was throwing Wagon wheels out into the audience to catch

                        Mimi my OH likes liver. I wonder if I cook it I would get a lovely present ?

                        Did the thunderstorms arrive Daisy?

                        It's a sunny morning here, towels in the washer to go on the washing line.
                        Baby GS3 all day. OH has her usual golf and a meeting at 5 so we won't see a lot of her.
                        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                          Morning all, GD coming today to do some cleaning for me `apart from that no real plans, very gloomy outside.

                          I used to love lambs liver but no had it since my OH died, not keen now.

                          Gemini, I don’t think I have ever had a Wagon Wheel. Enjoy your day with GS3, I am sure you will. Our garden adjoined a golf course when we first got married. OH had been a keen golfer but gave it up because it took over his life. He played squash instead. I still have very old golf clubs in the garage. My Sil thought he would take up golf when a new course opened near to us. My DD asked him when he thought he would play as they had two small children at the time! He plays squash now.

                          What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                            Good Thursday morning, everyone.

                            I'm only just getting going after a sleepless night, trying to convince Eva that the world wasn't ending. It was a spectacular thunderstorm, and I would have watched it if I could. Poor Eva was terrified, shaking, panting, running round in panic mode. We eventually got her into her thunder shirt but we lost 2 or 3 hours sleep!

                            Lizzie, I'm so glad you had a good 'sort out' at your DS2's. Too many families let things come between then, and end up with regrets. I hope your car gets the all clear.

                            Mimi, much as I love lambs' liver, I think you have done rather well out of the exchange of treasures - a new iPad in exchange for liver and a wagon wheel! There must be whole countries who would love your negotiating skills. I mentioned the other day that we could do with a thread for us Mac users to note down little tips and useful features on our Macs. I haven't had time to do it yet, but will do.

                            Nanto, I hope your OH and his brother aren't rained off their gardening task this morning. Pizza's a nice easy meal, isn't it.

                            Gem, I'd make it clear that cooking a meal of liver for OH requires a suitable reward. Mimi has set a high bar!! Have a lovely day with GS3. I think all our local golf courses will be too wet to play on today, we had so much rain last night.

                            We were hoping to do gardening today, but the ground is too wet - again! I might tidy the summerhouse house out though, and get it ready for Summer (optimistic fool that I am!)

                            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                            (Marianne Williamson)


                              Morning everyone

                              Thats some exchange isn’t it 🤣🤣
                              He must have really got sick of your moans and Tuts 🤣🤣

                              Least said soonest mended , but it’s good you talked about it, hopefully peace will descend again.

                              Poor Eva , it’s awful when they are so scared isn’t it, you must be shattered today.

                              Enjoy your day with Baby , sounds like you had a nice lunch with your old friend,
                              Will S be eating out tonight?

                              Have you heard how yourDD and family are enjoying their holiday?
                              Golf does take over their lives , GS is obsessed with it like he was with Football.

                              I like Liver but it never tastes as nice as it smells.
                              Wagon wheels are tiny compared to when we were children , they more like kiddies trainer wheels than Wagon wheels 😁

                              Been to MILs , she wasn’t too bad.
                              A few moans the council had come and checked her electrics yesterday, they put a lovely modern LED light in her bathroom.
                              Its apparently too light 🙄

                              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                                Oma, not too bad a day by your MIL's standards if it was only the LED light in the bathroom. I was never very keen on Wagon Wheels, so in a way smaller is better! Sorry to all WW lovers.

                                It's been really cold and a bit damp and misty today - not Spring-like at all. But I got some jobs done outside this afternoon. OH helped me to get the last of the pots out of the summerhouse, and roll up all the fleece and bags ready for next winter. We dug out a grass that had turned into a thug and was devouring everything around it, dug out some buttercups which were thriving in among the forget-me-nots. I planted some gladioli bulbs in a pot, and tidied out odds and ends in the summerhouse. It just needs a good sweeping and the windows cleaning now.

                                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                                (Marianne Williamson)

