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The Granny's Rest
We've just had a jolly Halloween with all the local children (with their adults) trick or treating. The costumes were amazing, lots of home made ones and wonderful painted faces. Amin, the father of the three over the road directly opposite us, excelled himself with his wizard costume. We've been staying with friends in Kent since Friday so I didn't have time to make my usual scary cakes so substituted with packets of minstrels and smarties instead. Suspect that there won't be much sleeping tonight in a lot of households.
We have a Community Hub which allows all the neighbours to communicate and share events and requests and organises activities. We keep an eye on the older (not there yet!) members to make sure all's well.
' so heres a pic you can print off if you want to say you are happy to have spooky visitors but decorating/carving feels like too much work. The scary face on a tangerine is also a great idea. And we’ll leave any un-decorated houses alone.
see you then x
Good morning.
We have Trick or Treat-ed the last couple of years along kinveachy & Heathwood; families who participate usually have a lit pumkin/lantern or decorate their front door/windows.
We usually go between 16.00-18.00 & theres a great community feeling along the way.
For our neighbours whom choose not to participate (no lights, pumkins, decorations), we do not knock, giving them the respect of their choice.
Hope to bump into to you all our path!
Hi all
A few of us are planning to take the children trick or treating on Halloween night, probably around 6pm ish. We don't want to bother people who would prefer not to have a hoard of little monsters turn up on their doorstep so we were wondering if we should introduce some kind of sign which marks out houses who are receptive to trick or treaters? Traditionally I think it's a pumpkin outside the door but that might seem like a lot of effort. Any ideas anyone...?
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
Gem - many thanks to Nana - we'll set up a tab for her! That witch's brew has made me thirsty, so I'll have a large Bloody Mary with lots of Worcester Sauce, please, bar person.
I nearly missed the party altogether - our intent connection has been such rubbish today!"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)