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    Feeling quite cool outside this morning.
    Yesterday we had dark clouds from late morning until well into the evening, I expected it to rain, but it didn't.
    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


      Morning ladies a nice day hear , got to be at Freeman hospital for 8.45 so will have to leave at 8 , come back take some unopened boxes of tiles back to Homebase then cracked on with painting woodwork in Utility . I'm determined to get the blooming thing sorted by the weekend , have a good day ladies xx
      Im not fat just 6ft too small


        Good morning.

        Don't overdo it Oma!

        Today I am doing some banking for my mum, shopping for cat food, and a few treats for the cat sitter. Apart from that it's packing and cleaning day!

        Out for a meal with 2 of my best friends tonight. OH at a golf meal, so no cooking for either of us -always a good thing
        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


          Oma as the others have said, stop driving yourself so hard.

          Have a lovely holiday Gemini
          What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


            Good morning . Much cooler here today. We've just had to,have the windscreen replaced after it was hit with a small stone when we were on the motorway a couple of weeks ago. All done now, so DH is busy fitting up a new water butt ready for when we go on the water meter soon. I have ironed, tidied up and will have a relaxing afternoon when DH is at bowling. Feel better now it's not so hot and looking forward to our trip to Lancashire next week
            "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


              Cleaned all downstairs, ironing done and shopping put away, and been in the shower.
              I thought I was going to have a nice relaxing afternoon, but no.
              Mam and Dad want some things rearranging in the kitchen, so that's me and hubby booked up for this afternoon. Him to move things and me to clean things.
              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                Aren't we a lot of busy bees!

                I've had both GDs today, but stayed at their house today because it's the first day of the New Forest Show and the roads are always a nightmare. By 8 am the 2-mile stretch from Lyndhurst to the show ground was taking half an hour! I dread to think what it was like later, but surprisingly coming back from GDs I didn't see as much traffic as I expected.

                I feel as though I haven't stopped for at least 3 weeks so I'm hoping for an easy morning tomorrow, then dog training in the afternoon. It's the last one until September. On Thursday OH is demonstrating at the show, so we'll be there all day. I love it but it's hard on the feet! At least the weather is a bit cooler and hopefully it won't rain.

                Gem and Enfys - good luck with all the packing and last-minute jobs.

                Oma - when are you going to put your feet up? I Hope OH is feeling ok. xx

                Nanto - that certainly was a busy day. Well done for getting it all done.
                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                (Marianne Williamson)


                  I could hear the rain on the windows when I woke up.

                  My friend goes into hospital today for her mastectomy operation. Spoke to her last night,and she said she was feeling a bit nervous,but will be glad when it's done.
                  If all goes well, she will only stay in for one night.
                  Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                    Woke up early this morning, opened the blinds and this is what I saw
                    so I have made a cup of tea and I have gone back to bed.
                    Oma , how is Brian?
                    Nan2 I hope your friend's op goes well . It's understandable that she would be nervous but if she is staying in one night that just shows how ops like this have improved. My friend had the same type of op 10 years ago and she was in for a few days. I know each patient is different but I believe the sooner they can come home the better.
                    Hope everyone is feeling well this morning and the rain soon disapears and we all get to see some sunshine.
                    Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                      Morning ladies rained heavy during night but blue sky now ,
                      Brian doing ok thank you Mimi getting a bit sickness and tiredness kicking in but apart from that going fine 😊
                      Have Josh & dog today Josh wants to have a lazy day and make Cinder toffee , Oliver and Sophia went on holiday to Greece yesterday so won't see them for couple of weeks . Have a nice day ladies
                      Nanto sending best wishes to your friend xxx
                      Im not fat just 6ft too small


                        Good morning all.
                        Good to hear B is coping Oma, you can't keep a good man down!
                        Nan2, I hope your friends surgery goes well today.
                        Daisy, I think you OH and Eva need to go away to a nice cottage or something for a rest and a complete break!

                        My packing is done. I am seeing mum today and taking her shopping. Hopefully OH will blitz the house while I am out
                        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                          Good morning, ladies. It's dull here today and there's been a bit of rain.

                          Oma - it sounds as though B is doing really well, although I'm sure you'll both be relieved when the radiotherapy is over. xx

                          Nanto - best wishes to your friend. It's amazing that she can come home so quickly, but as Mimi says most people feel better in their own homes.

                          I'm having a lazy morning pottering around - I seem to be able to potter for England!! Then dog training this afternoon.

                          I hope the sun doesn't stay away too long.
                          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                          (Marianne Williamson)


                            Just after I posted first thing this morning, the rain stopped, and we have got wall to wall sunshine.
                            My friend is home after her operation,all went well. She was 2nd on the list out of 6.
                            Her hubby was here early this morning,as she had to be in quite early. I cooked a full English breakfast, something we only usually have on holiday, but I wanted to make sure he had something inside him.
                            When he went to hospital to pick her up, I gave him some ham/salad sandwiches for later, and a couple of freshly made cottage pies for the freezer, so they should be ok for today and tomorrow.
                            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                              That was kind of you Nan, hope your friend will feel better soon
                              What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                                Thanks Plant.
                                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.

